MCAT 2011 Solved

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MCAT physics 2011:

1) An object having spherical shape of radius r experiences a retarding force F from a fluid of co-efficient of viscosity  ‘ ῃ‘ when moving through the fluid with speed v . what is the ratio of retarding force to speed
a) 6 pi ῃ r^2
b) 6 pi ῃ/r^2
c) 6 pi ῃ r
d) 6 pi ῃ/r

2) For interference of light waves to take place, the required condition is
a) the path difference of the light waves from the two sources must be large
b) the interfering waves must be non-coherent
c) the light waves may come from different sources
d) the light waves may come from two coherent sources

3) the property of bending of light around an obstacle and spreading of light waves into geometric shadow of an obstacle is called
a) diffraction
b) polarization
c) quantization of light
d) interference of light

4) the normal human eye can focus a sharp image of an object on the eye if the object is located at certain distance called
a) least point
b) near point
c) far point
d) distinct point

5) a source of sound wave emits waves of frequency ‘f’ . if ‘v’ is the speed  of sound waves, then what will be the wavelength of the waves
a) v/f
b) vf
c) (v-u)/f
d) (v-u)f

6) the spectrum of a star’s light is measured and the wavelength of one of the lines as the sodium’s line is found to be 589nm. The same line has the wavelength of 497nm when observed in the laboratory. This means the star is
a) moving away from the earth
b) moving towards the earth
c) stationary
d) revolving around the planet  

7) what is the period of mass spring system during SHM if the ratio of mass to spring constant is 1/4?
a) pi
b) 2pi
c) 1/pi
d) 1/2pi

8) a wire is stretched by a force which causes an extension . the energy is stored in it only when:
a) extension of wire is proportional to force applied
b) the cross section area of the wire remains constant
c) the wire is not stretched beyond its elastic limit
d) the weight of wire is negligible

9) which statement is correct
a) Elasticity is that property of the body which enables the body to regain its original dimension
b) elasticity is that property of a body that does not allow it to return to its original shape
c) Elasticity is that property of a body that allows it to retain its original shape and dimension after the stress is removed
d) Elasticity is that property of a body that obeys hook’s law

10) which of the following is the expression of root mean square speed of a gas having n number of molecules contained in the container?
a) sq. root (V1^2 + V2^2 +V3^2 + …… + Vn^2)/n
b) (V1^2 + V2^2 +V3^2 + …… + Vn^2)/n
c) sq. root (V1 + V2 +V3 + …… + Vn)/n
d) (V1 + V2 +V3 + …… + Vn)/n

11) for a gas of volume V in its equilibrium state, if the pressure does change with time then total kinetic energy of gas is constant because
a) collisions between gas molecules occur
b) collisions between gas molecules occur linearly
c) collisions must be elastic
d) collisions must be in elastic

12) when the dimensions of both sides of an equation are equal then the equation is said to be
a) simultaneous
b) homogeneous
c) instantaneous
d) quadratic

13) two long parallel wires Wire 1 and Wire 2 repel each other what could be the reason ?
a) Both carry current in same direction
b) both carry current in opposite directions
c) wire 1 has current but wire 2 has no current
d) wire 2 has current wire 1 has no current

14) if the number of turns of a solenoid circular coil is doubled but the current in the coil and radius of the coil remains same, then what will be the magnetic flux density produced by the coil?
a) magnetic flux density will be halved
b) magnetic flux density increases by different amount at different points
c) magnetic flux density remains unchanged
d) magnetic flux density will be doubled

15) which of the following isotope is used to  estimate the circulation of blood in a patient
a) Carbon-14
b) Carbon-12
c) Phosphorus-32
d) Sodium-23

16) for the radiotherapy of a patient it is required to double the absorbed dose in gray. What step should be taken?
a) energy must be quartered
b) energy must be halved
c) energy must be increased four times
d) energy must be doubled

17) which of the following is the proper way to study the sinusoidal waveform of the voltage?
a) voltage is connected to X input and the time base is switched of
b) voltage is connected to Y input and the time base is switched on
c) voltage is connected to Y input and the time based is switched of
d) voltage is connected to X input and the time based is switched on

18) cathode ray oscilloscope consists of following parts
a) filament, cathode, grid , anode
b)  cathode, anode, capacitor, screen
c) emitter, base, collector, resistor
d) resistor, capacitor, inductor, ___

19) if 2A current passes through a resistor when connected to a certain battery. If the resistance is replaced by the double resistance then the current will become
a) 2A
b) 4A
c) 6A
d) 1A

20) What is the order of wavelength of x-rays
a) 10^-6
b) 10^-10
c) 10^-3
d) 10^0

21) A laser beam is
a) non coherent
b) mono chromatic
c) both
d) none

22) what is the torque acting on the pendulum of length L inclined at an angle theta
a) mgL
b) mgL sin theta
c) 0
d) mgL cos theta

23) cathode rays are
a) dependent on nature of gas
b) depend on target material
c) independent on nature of gas
d) none

24) 1 degree is equal to
 a) Л/180
 b) 180/Л
 c) 2Л/180
 d) Л/57.3

25) if the resistance in the circuit is doubled then what’s the current now
a) half
b) zero
c) double
d) constant

26) THE HALF LIFE OF A RADIOACTIVE ELEMENT is 1500 years the fraction of sample that left after 6000 years
a. 1/2
b. 1/16
c. 1/8
d ¼

A. 1500YEAR
B. 23.5 MIN
C. 3.8 DAYS
D. 4*10 ^789

28) in which of the following detectors impulse is independent of energy of particle
a. GM counter
b. solid state
c. Wilson cloud
d all
A. I in tube
b. Voltage applied
c. nature of tube
d. atomic number of target

30) 4200 VOLT IS USED in x-ray tube to accelerate electron the speed of x ray
a. 2 *1O^8
B. 3*10 ^8
C2* 10^7
D. 3* 10^9

MCAT 2011 English

1) She managed to _______ a ticket for the cricket match
A. Procure
B. Obscure
C. Improvise
D. Preclude

2) Things have got out of hand; we must take steps to _______ the situation

A. Rectify
B. Actify
C. Purify
D. Testify

3) 3) George Orwell's animal farm is a stinging _____ on the Russian revolution

A. Myth
B. Satire
C. Fallacy
D. Legend

4) All the ____ and ceremony of the royal wedding was telecast on the national television circuit.

A. Festival
B. Romp
C. Pomp
D. Happiness

5) identify the wrong segment of the sentence from the parts enclosed in brackets:

The (patients) blood (analysis) shows that there is a big number (of) amorphous cells which are (quiet) unidentifiable.

6) identify the wrong segment of the sentence from the parts enclosed in brackets:

The police, in their investigation, used coercive (measure) (to) get favorable statement (from) (the) accused

7) identify the wrong segment of the sentence from the parts enclosed in brackets:

Your argument is simply abstruse as there (is) no clarity (of) thought and coherence (in) ideas and it also (lack) vision.

8) identify the wrong segment of the sentence from the parts enclosed in brackets:

The workers were (raising) (much) hue and cry when their (demands) were turned (away).

9) identify the wrong segment of the sentence from the parts enclosed in brackets:

This disease is (uncurable) (without) the (judicious) (use) of antibiotics.

10) identify the wrong segment of the sentence from the parts enclosed in brackets:

The younger sister hopes (to) emulate her elder (sister's) sporting (achievement) as she is putting (up) hectic effort.

11) MUSE

A. Wander
B. Fonder
C. Robust
D. Ponder


A. Useless
B. Careless
C. Dauntless
D. Fearless


A. Pattern
B. Mortal
C. Ordinary
D. Musical


A. Immoral
B. Unethical
C. Enigmatic
D. Unaccountable


A. JUstify
B. Compare
C. Expose
D. Jettison


A. Landing
B. Tearing
C. Flagging
D. Lactating


A. Fictitious
B. Facility
C. Ability
D. Felicity


A. Evident
B. Permanent
C. Event
D. Transitory


A. Sneak 
B. Sift
C. Slege
D. Sieve


A. inconsistency
B. expansion
C. percetable
D. wrap

20) Choose the correct statement :

a) The government should accrue taxes for strengthen the economy of the country
b) The government should accrue taxes in strengthen the economy of the country
c) The government should accrue taxes to strengthen the economy of the country
d) The government should accrue taxes by strengthen the economy of the country

21) Choose the correct statement :

a) Foreign trade have assumed greater importance in recent years
b) Foreign trade is assumed greater importance in recent years
c) Foreign trade has assumed greater importance in recent years
d) Foreign trade shall assumed greater importance in recent years

23) Choose the correct statement :

a) The space programme has been battered in bureaucratic wrangling
b) The space programme has been battered into bureaucratic wrangling
c) The space programme has been battered by bureaucratic wrangling
d) The space programme has been battered to bureaucratic wrangling

24) Choose the correct statement :

a) He will has to deal with the problem by showing adroitness
b) He will have to deal with the problem by showing adroitness
c) He will had to deal with the problem by showing adroitness
d) He will having to deal with the problem by showing adroitness

25) Choose the correct statement :

a) He does possesses altruistic behavior
b) He does possess altruistic behavior
c) He does possessing altruistic behavior
d) He do possessed altruistic behavior

26) Choose the correct statement :

a) He has great affinity in nature
b) He has great affinity with nature
c) He has great affinity by nature
d) He has great affinity at nature

27) Choose the correct statement :

a) An amorphous mass of cells are difficult to understand
b) An amorphous mass of cells were difficult to understand
c) An amorphous mass of cells had difficult to understand
d) An amorphous mass of cells is difficult to understand

28) Choose the correct statement :

a) He stands on arms akimbo
b) He stands to arms akimbo
c) He stands with arms akimbo
d) He stands through arms akimbo

29) Choose the correct statement :

a) He is suffering to anaphylactic shock
b) He is suffering in anaphylactic shock
c) He is suffering from anaphylactic shock
d) He is suffering into anaphylactic shock

30) Choose the correct statement :

a) If you had asked him, he would had accepted the offer with alacrity
b) If you had asked him, he would have being accepted the offer with alacrity
c) If you had asked him, he would have accepted the offer with alacrity
d) If you had asked him, he would been accepted the offer with alacrity.

MCAT chemistry 2011

1) it is experimentally found that catalyst is used to
a) lower the activation energy
b) increase the activation energy
c) lower the pH
d) decrease the temperature of other reactants

2) carbon exists as allotropes,  which are different crystalline molecular forms of the same substance. Graphite and diamond are allotropes of carbon. Diamond is non-conductor while graphite is conductor because
a) graphite has a layered structure
b) in graphite all valence electrons are tetrahedrally bounded
c) in graphite one of the valence electron is free to move
d) graphite is soft and greasy

3) when the elements of group 2A are exposed to air , they quickly become coated with layer of oxide. What is the purpose of this oxide layer
a) the oxide layer exposes the metal to atmospheric attack
b) the oxide layer increases the reactivity of metal
c) the oxide layer protects the metal from further attack
d) the oxide layer gives the metal a shiny look

4) hydrogenation of unsaturated oils is done by using
a) finally divided nickel
b) finally divided iron
c) vanadium pentaoxide
d) copper

5) tick the correct statement
a) chelates are more stable than ordinary complexes
b) ordinary complexes are more stable than chelates
c) monodentate ligand form chelate
d) chelates have no ring structure

6) in contact process the catalyst used for conversion of SO2 to SO3 is
a) magnesium oxide
b) Aluminium oxide
c) silicon dioxide
d) vanadium pentaoxide

7) the unpolluted rain water is slightly acidic due to reaction of rain water with
a) Sulphur dioxide
b) oxides of nitrogen
c) carbon dioxide
d) hydrocarbons present in air

8) the compound with an atom which has an unshared pair of electron is called
a) nucleophile
b) electrophile
c) protophile
d) none of these

9) 1-chloropropane and 2-chloropropane are isomers of each other. The type of isomerism between them is
a) Cis-trans isomerism
b) chain isomerism
c) positional isomerism
d) functional group isomerism

10) benzene in presence of ACl3 gives acetophenone when reacts with
a) acetyl chloride
b) acetic acid
c) ethyl benzene
d) ethanoic acid

11) the substitution of –H group by –NO2 group in benzene is called
a) nitration
b) ammonolusis
c) sulphonation
d) reduction of benzene

12) when purely alcoholic solution of sodium/potassium hydroxide and halogenalkane are refluxed an alkene is formed :
CH3-CH2-Br (in presence of alcoholic KOH )--- >  CH2=CH2
what is the mechanism of the reaction
a) elimination
b) dehydration
c) debromination
d) nucleophilic substitution

13) organic compound carbon tetra chloride is used as
a) lubricant
c) oxidant
d) plastic

14) an alcohol is converted into an aldehyde with same number of carbon atoms in the presence of K2CrO4/H2SO4 . the alcohol is
a) CH2C(CH)2OH
15)in the mass spectrometer ; detector  or collector measures the :
a)masses of isotopes
b)percentages of isotopes
c)relative abundances of isotopes
d)mass numbers of isotopes

16)how many chlorine atoms are in 2 moles of Cl :
a)2 x 6.022x10^23 atoms
b)35.5 x 6.022x10^23 atoms
c)2x10^23 atoms
d)2x6.02x10^22 atoms

17)boiling point of water is higher than petrol , because intermolecular  forces in water are :
a)weaker than petrol
b)stronger than petrol
c)same as in petrol

18)DNA molecule is double stranded , in which two chains of DNA are twisted around each other by:
a)hydrogen bonds
b)Van der Waal’s forces
c)covalent bonds
d)dative bonds

19)the elements for which the value of ionization energy is low can:
a)gain electrons readily
b) gain electrons with difficulty
C)lose electron less readily
d) lose electron readily

20)the nature of cathode rays in discharge tube :
a)depends upon the nature of the gas used in discharge tube
b) depends upon the nature of the cathode used in discharge tube
c)is independent of the nature of the gas used in discharge tube
d) depends upon the nature of anode in the discharge tube

21)the ability of the atom in the covalent bond to attract the bonding electrons  is called:
a)ionization energy
b)ionic bond energy
d)electron affinity

22)the paramagnetic character of substances is due to the presence of :
A)bond pairs of electrons
b)lone pairs of electrons
c)unpaired electrons in the atom or molecule
d)paired electrons in the valence shell of atoms

23)lattice energy of an ionic crystal is the enthalpy of:

24)mole fraction of any component is the ratio of moles of  all components in a:

25)molarity is defined as the number of moles of solute of any substance dissolved:
a)per dm^3 of water
b)in one g of water
c)per m^3 of water
d)in 100 ml of water

26)in electrolytic cell a salt bridge is used in order to :
a)pass the electric current
b)prevent the flow of ions
c)mix solutions of two half cells
d)allow movement of ions b/w two cells

27)if in AgCl solution , some salt of NaCl is added , AgCl will be precipitated due to :
c)un saturation effect
d)common ion effect

28)if Ka for an acid is higher , the stronger is the acid , relate the strength of acid with pKa:
a)higher pKa , weaker the acid
b)lower pKa , stronger the acid
c)pKa has no relation with the strength of an acid
d)both a and b

29)according to the collision theory of bimolecular reactions in gas phase , minimum amount of energy required for an effective collision is known as :
a)heat of reaction
b)rate of reaction
c)has no effect on the reaction
d)energy of activation 

30) consider the following reaction:
R-CHO + 2[Ag(NH3))2]OH ----- > RCOONH4 + 2Ag + 2NH3 + H2O
this reaction represents which of the following tests
a) Fehling test
b) benedict test
c) ninhydrin test
d) tollen’s test

31) a polymer in which the number of amino acid residue is greater than 100 or the molecular mass is greater than 10,000 is called
a) protein
b) polypeptide
c) dipeptide
d) tripeptide

32) when hexanedioic acid is heated with hexamethylenediamine the compound formed is
a) polypeptide
b) ester
c) addition polymer
d) nylon 6,6

33) glucose and fructose are common example of
a) pentoses
b) hexoses
c) heptoses
d) butoses

34) the reaction between fats and caustic soda is called
a) hydrogenolysis
b) fermentation
c) carboxylation
d) saponification

35) macromolecules are defined as large molecules built up from small repeating units called
a) monomers
b) isomers
c) metamers
d) tautomers

36) PVC is an example of
a) addition polymer
b) condensation polymer
c) biopolymer
d) thermosetting polymer

37) Terylene, a polyester is an example of
a) biopolymer
b) lipids
c) condensation polymer
d) addition polymer

38) the suspected liver carcinogenic which also has a negative reproduction and developmental effects in human is
a) iodoform
b) bromoform
c) chloroform
d) tropoform

39) peroxyacetylene is an irritant to human beings and it effects
a) ears
b) eyes
c) nose
d) stomach

40) which enzyme is involved in fermentation of glucose?
a) zymase
b) invertase
c) urease
d) diastase

41) relative acidic strength of alcohol , phenol , water and carboxylic acids is
a) carboxylic acid > alcohol > phenol >  water
b)  carboxylic acid > phenol >  water > alcohol
c) phenol > carboxylic acid > alcohol > water
d) water > phenol > alcohol > carboxylic acid

42) in standard enthalpy of atmomization heat of surrounding
a) remains same
b) increases
c) decreases
d) increases then decreases

43) in all oxidation reactions, atoms of an element in a chemical species lose electrons and increases their
a) oxidation state
b) reduction states
c) electrode
d) negative charges

44) in Haber process for manufacturing of ammonia , nitrogen is taken from
a) proteins occurring in living bodies
b) ammonium salts  obtained industrially
c) air
d) minerals containing nitrates

45) in comparison to oxygen gas a strong triple covalent bond is present between nitrogen atoms in a molecule and therefore nitrogen gas is:
a) highly reactive gas
b) completely inert like noble gases
c) very less reactive gas
d) moderately reactive gas

46) the –NH-CO group is called
a) amide group
b) amino group
c) protein linkage
d) peptide linkage

47) which of the following has an amino R group
a) lysine
b) proline
c) valine
d) alanine

1) when chromosomes uncoil, the nucleoli are reformed and two nuclei are the two poles of the cell; stage is known as
A. prophase
B. metaphase
C. telophase
D. anaphase

2) Mental retardation, short stature, broad face and squint eyes are the symptoms of

A. Bown's syndrome
B. Klinefelter's syndrome
C. Turner's syndrome
D. XYZ syndrome

3) Chiasmata formation takes place during the process which is known as

A. crossing over
B. attachment
C. pairing
D. leptotene

4) healing of a wound and repair is the phenomenon which takes place by the process of

A. mitosis
B. meiosis
C. cell growth
D. mitosis and meiosis

5) Which one of the following is the main cause of cancer?

A. mutation
B. controlled cell division
C. regulated mitosis
D. haploid division

6) The covalent bond formed between two monosaccharides is called

A. glycosidic bond
B. hydrogen bond
C. peptide bond
D. disulphide bond

7) The bond formed between glucose and fructose to form sucrose is

A. 1,4 glycosidic linkage
B. 1,2 glycosidic linkage
C. 1,6 glycosidic linkage
D. 1,3 glycosidic linkage

8) In an amino acid in which the R-group is hydrogen, the amino acid will be

A. Alanine
B. Glycine
C. Leucine
D. Valine

9) Fatty acid are the organic compounds containing hydrogen, oxygen and one of the following are

A. carboxylic 
B. Amino
C. acyl
D. sucrose

10) Liposomes are used in gene therapy against

A. hypercholesterolemia
B. coronary artery angioplasty
C. cystic fibrosis
D.severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome

11) Genetically engineered cells are introduced into bone marrow cells in the treatment of

A. hypercholesterolemia
B. severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome
C. cystic fibrosis
D. coronary artery angioplasty

12) Which one of the following is depleting and causing thinning if ozone

A. chlorine 
B. bromine
C. chlorofluorocarbon
D. carbon

13) The typical environment of a particular organism population community is called

A. niche
B. ecosystem
C. habitat
D. biosphere

14) Excessive enrichment of water with nutrients by human activity by which large amount of living organic matter grows is called

A. archeotrophication
B. eutrophication
C. enrichment
D. low trophication

15) In an ecosystem, mycorrihza is an example of

A. symbiosis
B. predation
C. commensalism
D. parasitism

16) Successive stages of eating and being eaten by which recycling of materials and flow of energy takes place is called

A. food chain
B. food web
C. trophic level
D. food link

17) The sex of individuals of next generation always depends on one of the parent, who is

A. Heterogametic
B. Homogametic
C. Isogametic
D. Isomorphic

18) Which of the following will be haemophilic?
a) X(H)X(h)
b) X(H)X(H)
c) X(h)Y
d) X(H)Y

19) Which of the following is an example of X-linked recessive trait in humans?

A. Hypophosphatemic rickets
B. Colour blindness
C. Baldness
D. Beard growth

20) Which trait in human is an example of multiple alleles?

A. Eye colour
B. skin colour
C. ABO- blood group
D. Rh-blood group

21) When a gene pair at one locus interacts with another gene at another locus, the interaction is called

A. Dominance
B. Multiple allelism
C. Pleiotropy
D. Epistasis

22) The combination of a pentose sugar with a base result in a compound known as

A. Nucleotide
B. Nucleoside
C. Nucleic acid
D. Polynucleotide

23) An enzyme and substrate reacts through a special feature or site present in enzyme known as

A. Building site
B. Active site
C. Catalyst site
D. Inhibition site

24) The non-protein part of enzyme which is covalently and permanently bonded is called

A. Prosthetic group
B. co-factor
C. co-enzyme
D. Activator

25) one of the pyrimidine bases is absent in DNA
a) uracil
b) thymine
c) cytosine
d) adenine

26) enzymes increase the rate of reaction by

A. increasing temperature
B. decreasing pH
C. decreasing activation energy
D. increasing activation energy

27) Which one of the following diseases caused by enveloped RNA virus and spread in epidemic form?

A. Influenza
B. Herpes simplex
C. polio
D. small pox

28) The structure which contains the gene for drug resistance bacteria are

A. Nucleoids
B. Mesosomes
C. Chromatin bodies
D. Plasmids

29) Antibiotics that kill microbes immediately are called

A. Microbistatic
B. Microbicidal
C. Biostatic
D. Chemotherapeatic

30) Which one of the following fungi cause vaginal thrush?

A. Candida
B. Aspergillus
C. tortula
D. Penicillium

31) Body cavity of round worms is called

A. Pseudocoelom
B. Coelom
C. Acoelom
D. Enteron

32) Fasciola is endoparasite of

A. Colon
B. Liver
C. Small intestine
D. Bile duct

33) Trypanosoma is transmitted in human beings by

A. Plasmodium
B. Anopheles
C. House fly
D. Tse-tse fly

34) The nervous system develops from which of the following layer during embroynic development of animals?

A. Mesoderm
B. Ectoderm
C. Endoderm
D. Mesoderm and endoderm

35) Endosperm is formed as a result of

A. pollination
B. self-pollination
C. double fertilization
D. cross pollination

36) Which of the following enzyme is released in an inactive form?

A. Amylase
B. Lipase
C. Enterokinase
D. Pepsin

Which of the following hormones stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juice from pancreas in liver?

A. Secretin
B. Pepsinogen
C. Gastrin
D. Both gastrin and secretin

38) in large intestine vitamin k is formed by the activity of

A. symbiotic bacteria
B. obligate parasite
C. papasitic bacteria
D. Facultative bacteria

39) During swallowing of food which structure close nasal opening?

A. Hard palate
B. Soft palate
C. Epiglottis
D. Larynx

40) The right atrium of the heart usually receives the

A. Deoxygenated blood
B. Oxygenated blood
C. Filtered blood
D. Non-filtered blood

41) The largest lymph duct called thoracic lymph duct drains into

A. Subclavian vein
B. Renal vein
C. Pulmonary vein
D. Hepatic portal vein

42) Which protein plays a major role in maintaining osmotic balance ?

A. Albumin
B. Globulin
C. Fibrinogen
D. Prothrombin

43) The type of agranulocytes which stays in blood for a few hours and then enters tissues and become macrophages is 

A. Lymphocytes
B. Monocytes
C. Eosinophil
D. Basophils

44) Reabsorption of water by counter current multiplier mechanism takes place at

A. Proximal tubule
B. Distal tubule
C. Collecting duct
D. Loop of henle

45) Antidiuretic hormone helps in reabsorption of water by changing permeability of 

A. Proximal tubule
B. Distal tubule
C. Collecting duct
D. Loop of henle

46) During peritoneal dialysis, the dialysis fluid is introduced into which part of human body ?

A. Liver
B. abdomen
C. Kidney
D. Pancreas

47) Aldosterone helps in conservation or active absorption of

A. Sodium 
B. Calcium
C. Potassium 
D. Bicarbonate ions

48) Maximum reabsorption takes place in which part of the nephron ?

A. Distal tubule 
B. Villi
C. Cortical tissue
D. Proximal tubule

49) Over-activity of sympathetic nervous system causes

A. Disturbance of vision
B. Constipation
C. Decrease in blood pressure
D. Increase in heart rate

50) Which structures respond when they are stimulated by impulse coming through motor neuron?

A. Receptors
B. Responses
C. Effectors
D. Transduction

51) Respiratory center is located in

A. Cerebrum
B. Cerebellum
C. Medulla
D. Hypothalamus

52) A neurological condition characterized by involuntary tremors , diminished motor activity and rigidity is called 
a) epilepsy
b) Parkinson’s disease
c) Alzheimer’s disease
d) Cerebellar tumours

53) A type of cells in human testes which produce testosterone is called

A. interstitial cells
B. germ cells
C. sertoli cells
D. spermatocytes

54) Breakdown of endometrium during mensuration is due to

A. increase in level of LH
B. decrease in level of progesterone
C. increase in level of progesterone
D. increase in level of oestrogen

55) Oogonia are produced in the germ cells
a) both uterus and cervix
b) cervix
c) uterus
d) ovary

56) Which of the following diseases can be prevented through vaccination ?

A. AIDS and cancer
B. Malaria and AIDS
C. Typhoid and cancer
D. Measles and mumps

57) Newly produced cells/ individuals which are identical to each other are known as

A. Genetically modified
B. Transgenic animals
C. Transgenic bacterias
D. Clones

58) Which of the following is a blood borne disease ?

A. Hepatitis
B. Cholora
C. Influenza
D. candidiasis

59) The control of pest has traditionally meant regulation by natural enemies, predators, parasites and pathogens; this type of control is known as

A. Cultural control
B. Biological control
C. Pesticides control
D. Insecticides control

60) Which of the following organelles is concerned with the cell scretion

A. Ribosomes
B. Golgi apparatus
C. Lysosomes
D. Mitochondria

61) Which of the following contains peptidoglycan cell wall ?

A. Penicillium
B. Bacterium
C. Adiantum
D. Polytrychum

62) The inner membrane of mitochondria is folded to form finger like structure called

A. Cristea
B. Vesicle
C. matrix
D. cisternae

63) the interior of the chloroplast is divided into heterogeneous structure, embedded in the matrix, known as
A. Grana
B. Stroma
C. Thylakoids
D. Cisternae

64) In which phase of the cell division the metabolic activity of the nucleus is high ?

A. Mitosis
B. Interphase
C. Meiosis
D. Cell cycle

65) Luteinizing hormone triggers

A. Cessation of oogenesis
B. Breakdown of oocyte
C. Ovulation
D. Development of zygote

66) Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease which is caused by

B. Pseudomonas pyogenes
C. Treponema pallidum
D. Neisseria

67) Muscles is made up of many cells which are reffered to as

A. Myofilaments
B. Myofibrils
C. Sarcolemma
D. Muscles fiber

68) The length of myofibril from one Z-band to the next is known as

A. Sarcomere
B. Sarcolemma
C. Sarcoplasm
D. Muscle fiber

69) The calcium ions released during a muscle fiber contraction attach with

A. Myosin
B. Actin
C. Tropomyosin
D. Troponin

70) A muscle condition resulting from the accumulation of lactic acid and ionic imbalance is called

A. Tetany
B. Muscle fatigue
C. Cramp
D. Tetanus

71) The pigment which stores oxygen in muscles is

A. Hemoglobin
B. Myoglobin
C. Myosin
D. Actinomyosin

72) Neurosecretory cells are present in which part of brain

A. Hypothalamus
B. Midbrain
D. Cerebellum

73) which of the following is the function of glucagon hormone
a) glycogen
à glucose
b) glucose
à glycogen
c) glucose
à lipids
d) glucose
à proteins

74) Addison's disease is caused due to destruction of

A. Adrenal cortex
B. Pituitary adrenal axis
C. Adrenal medulla
D. Hypothalamus

75) Which group of hormone is made up of amino acids and their derivatives ?

A. Vasopressin and antidiuretic hormone
B. Epinephrine and non-epinephrine
C. Oestrogen and testosterone
D. Insulin and glucagon

76) Thymus gland is involved in maturation of 

A. Platelets
B. B-lymphocytes
C. Eosinophils
D. T-lymphocytes

77) In passive immunity which of the following component are injected into blood

A. Antigens
B. Immunogens
C. Serum
D. Immunoglobulins

78) Mucous membranes are part of body defence system and they offer

A. Physical barries
B. MEchanical barriers
C. Chemical barriers
D. Biological barriers

79) Immediate protection is obtained from

A. Passive immunity
B. Active immunity
C. Vaccination
D. Natural active immunity

80) the immunity in which T-cells recognize the antigens or microorganisms is known as:
a)tissue grafting
c)cell mediated immunity/ response
d)hormonal immunity / response
81)oxidative phosphorylation , synthesis  of ATP in the presence of oxygen occurs in:
A)all types of cells
B)all anaerobic cells
C)all primitive cells
D)all aerobic cells

82)glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose into  two molecules of:
b)lactic acid
d)succinic acid
83)before entering into Kreb’s cycle , the pyruvate is first decarbox
ylated and oxidized into:
a)alpha ketoglutaric acid
b)citric acid
c)glyceric acid
d)acetic acid
84) Some electron from the second primary   accepter may pass back to chlorophyll molecules by electron   carrier   system  , yielding ATP this process is called
c)non-cyclic phosphorylation
d) cyclic phosphorylation

85)Z-scheme is used for:
a) non-cyclic photophosphorylation
b) cyclic photophosphorylation
c)both cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation
d)oxidative phosphorylation

86)the common vectors used in recombinant DNA technology are:
87)the enzyme used to isolate gene from DNA is:
b)reverse transcriptase
c)restriction enzyme
d)DNA polymerase
88)which one of the following enzymes is temperature insensitive?
a)DNA polymerase i
b)Taq polymerase
c) DNA polymerase ii
d)RNA polymerase

Answer key of bio Mcqs

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