English Test 1 RISE Academy

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 English Test No. 1 RISE Academy 
v  Recognition of parts of speech
v  Direction: Recognise the underlined words.
1)                  There was a huge crowd.
a)         Pronoun                                   b)         Article            
c)         Collective noun                       d)         None of these
2)                  Without happiness there is no life.
a)         Common noun                        b)         Proper Noun
c)         Collective noun                       d)         Abstract Noun
3)                  Charity is the biggest virtue
a)         Adjective                                b)         Determiner
c)         Noun                                       d)         None of these
4)                  Multan is famous for mangoes.
a)         Collective noun                       b)         Countable noun
c)         Proper nouns                           d)         None of these
5)                  I like drinking milk.
a)         Adverb                                    b)         Material noun
c)         Uncountable noun                   d)         Abstract noun
6)                  That happened a couple of days ago.
a)         Adverb                                                b)         Demon. Pronoun
c)         Adjective                                d)         None of these
7)                  This is the bat which I used yesterday.
a)         Article                                     b)         Relative pronoun
c)         Demon. Pronoun                     d)         None of these
8)                  I, myself, have accepted this challenge
a)         Possessive pronoun                 b)         Objective
c)         Reflexived pronoun                d)         None of these
9)                  You can invite any body in the party.
a)         Common noun                        b)         Interrogative pronoun
c)         Indefinite pronoun                  d)         None
10)              Happy is the adjective of
a)         Quantity                                  b)         Quality
c)         Scale                                        d)         Limit
11)              Do you feel hungry?
a)         Transitive verb                        b)         Intransitive verb
c)         Linking verb                            d)        
12)              It seems awkward.
a)         Auxiliary verb                         b)         Helping verb
c)         Linking verb                            d)        
13)              The boy is asleep.
a)         Noun                                       b)         Adjective
c)         Adverb                                    d)         None of these
14)              The teacher is concerned about the weak students.
a)         Adverbs                                  b)         Adjectives
c)         Interjections                            d)
15)              This is a lovely red chair.
a)         Pronouns                                 b)         Adverbs
c)         Adjectives                               d)         None of these
16)              He wore a beautiful cotton shirt.
a)         Pronouns                                 b)         Adjectives
c)         Nouns                                      d)         None of these
17)              Steal is a                       verb.
a)         Regular                                    b)         Irregular
c)         Linking                                    d)         None of these
18)              I have come to see you.
a)         Jerund                                     b)         Infinitives
c)         Participate 
19)              He is too weak to walk.
a)         Adverb                                                b)         Compliment
c)         Adjective                                d)         None of these
20)              He enjoys walking.
a)         Participate                               b)         Jerund
c)         Infinitives                                d)        
21)              He sings a song elegantly.
a)         Adjective                                b)         Infinitive
c)         Adverb of manner                   d)        
22)              They accepted this offer in the meeting.
a)         Adverbial                                b)         Compliment
c)         Infinitives
23)              We should stay at this hotel.
a)         Present participal                     b)         Jerunds
c)         Infinitives                                d)         None of these 
24)              Swimming is a good habbit.
a)         Linking verb                            b)         Jerund
c)         Participate                               d)        
25)              Do not use stolen goods.
a)         Transitive verb                        b)         Present participate
c)         Past participates                      d)        






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