
Wednesday, 10 August 2016

CHAPTER # 12 Aldehydes and ketones MCQs

               1.         The carbon atom of a carbonyl group is 

                                    a) Sp hybridized            b) Sp2 hybridized
c) Sp3 hybridized           d) None of these
               2.         Aldehydes can be oxidized by

a) Tollen's reagent          b) Fehling solution
c) Benedict solution        d) All.
               3.         Tollen's reagent is
a)  Ammonical cuprous chloride
b) Ammonical cuprous oxide
c)  Ammonical silver bromide
d) Ammonical silver nitrate.
               4.         Silver mirror is a test for

a) Aidehydes                 b) Thioaleohols
c) Acids                         d) Ethers
               5.         Aldehydes are produced in atmosphere by

a)  Oxidation of secondary alcohols
b) Reducuon of alkenes
c)  Reaction of oxygen atoms with 
d) Reaction of oxygen atoms with ozone
               6.         At room temperature formaldehyde is

                                    a) Gas                          b) Liquid
                                    c) Solid                         d) None
                           7.      Formalin is____________% solution of H-C-H  in H2O

                                    a) 10%                          b) 20%
                                    c) 40%                          d) 60%
               8.         Which does not react with fehiling solution ?

                                    a) Acetaldehyde            b) Propanone
                                    c) Glucose                    d) Formic acid.
                    9.        Aldehydes can be distinguished from ketones by using

                                    a) Schiff's reagent         b) Conc. H2SO4
                                    c) Anhy. ZNci2                               d) Resorcinol.

               10.       An aidehyde on oxidation gives

a) An alcohol                b) An acid
c) A ketone                   d) An ether


               11.       Bakelite is obtained by condensation of

a)  Acetaldehyde and acetone
b)  Formaldehyde and phenol
c)  Acetaldehyde and phenol
d)  None of these
               12.       Carbonyl group undergoes

a)  eliminatory reaction
b) electrophilic addition
c)  niteophlic adelretion
d) None of them
               13.       A nucleophilic reagent will readily attack

a) Ethylene                  b) Ethanal
c) Ethanol                    d) Ethylamine
                    14.       Which of the following compounds gives a ketone with Grignard's reagent ?

                                    a) Formaldehyde           b) Ethanenitrile
c) Ethyl alcohol              d) Methyl iodide.
                    15.       Which of the following has carbon with lowest valency?

a) Carbides                    b) Alkenes
c) Alkynes                      d) Alkanes
               16.       Reduction of aldehydes with HI and P give 

                                    a) Primary alcohols       b) Secondary alcohols
                                    c) Alkanes                    d) Tertiary alcohols.
               17.        Which reaction yields Bakelite?

a)  Urea with HCHO
b) Tetramethyl  glycol with Hexamethylene diisocyanate
c)  Phenol and HCHO
d) Ethylene glycol and Dimethylterephthalate.
               18.       Paraaldehyde is a polymer of

                                    a) Formaldehyde           b) Acetaldehyde
                                    c) Benzaldehyde           d) Propionaldehyde.
               19.       Acetone is oxidized with

a)  Tollen's reagent 
b) Fehling solution
c)  Acidic dichromate solution
d) Benedicts solution
                           20.     Formaldehyde when reacted with methyl  magnesium bromide gives

                                     a) C2H5OH                     b) CH3COOH
                                    c) HCHO                        d) CH3CHO

                    21.        If formaldehyde and KOH are heated them we 

                                    a) Acctylenc                  b) Methanc
                                    c) Methyl alcohol           d) Ethyl formate.

                    22.       Acetone on reduction gives

                                     a) CH3COOH                  b) CH3CHO
                                     c) (CH3)2CHOH               d) C2H5OH

                    23.       On oxidation, ketones yield

                                    a) Alcohol                     b) Amine
                                    c) Carboxylic acid          d) Ether

                    24.       Acetone is used in the preparation of 

a)     Unbreakable glass
b)    Smokeless gun powder
c)     Chloroform
d)    All of these

                    25.       Calcium acetate on dry distillation gives

                                    a) Formaldehyde           b) Acetone
                                    c) Acetic acid                d) Ethanol

                    26.       A silver mirror test is for 

                                    a) Aldehydes                 b) Ketones
                                    c) Alcohols                   d) Ethers

                    27.       Aldehydes can be distinguished from ketones by the use of 

                                    a) Bayer’s test               b) Grignard reagent
                                    c) Iodoform test            d) Fehling solution 

                    28.        When ammonia reacts with formaldehyde and 8% CH3OH is called 

a)     Bakelite                
b)    Para Formaldehyde
c)     Meta Formaldehyde
d)    Urotropine

29.  When Hexamethylene tetramine (Methanamine) reacts with fuming HNO3 to yield a powerful explosive known as 

                                    a) Chloropicrin              b) Picric acid
                                    c) Cyclonite                   d) None of these

                    30.      Which one of the following reactions is not given by formaldehyde?

a)     Reduction of Fehling’s solution 
b)    Reduction of Tollen’s solution 
c)     Formation of phenol complexes
d)    Iodoform reaction 

31.          Which tests are used for the identification of –CHO in an aldehyde?

a)     Bayer’s test          b) Fehling’s test
                                    c) Tollen’s test              d) Both b & c

32.          Benzaldehyde on reaction with alkaline KMnO4 yields

a)     Benzophenone     b) Picric acid
                                    c) Benzoic acid             d) None of these

33.          Which of the following undergoes halform reaction?

a)     HCHO                  b) CH3COCH3
                                    c) C2H5                                 d) C2H5O2CH5

34.          The compound which gives both positive haloform test and Fehling test is 

a)     Acetone               b) Ethanol
                                    c) Formaldehyde           d) Acetaldehyde

35.          Silver mirror is carried out for the detection of functional group 

a)     Ketone                 b) Ester
                                    c) Ether                        d) Aldehyde

36.          The reagent which is used to distinguish aldehydes and ketones is 

a)     Schiff’s reagent    b) Fehling reagent
                                    c) Tollen’s reagent         d) All of these

37.          Which one does not pass through aldol condensation?

a)     Formaldehyde      b) Acetaldehyde
                                    c) Propanol                   d) Acetone

38.          Acetaldehyde reacts with moist chlorine to form

a)     Acetyl chloride     b) Acetone
                                    c) Chloral                      d) Chloroform

39.          The nucleophilic addition reaction of carbonyl group are catalysed by 

a)     Salt                     b) Transition element
                                    c) Acids or bases          d) All of these

40.          Aldols are those organic compounds which contain functional group 

a)     – NH2 and COOH b) – CHO and OH
                                     c) – CHO and – CO –    d) None of these

41.          Cannizzaro reaction do not occur in 

a)     H – CHO             b) C6H5CHO
                                     c) CH3CHO                   d) All of these

42.          Reduction of ketone into alkane in the presence of Zn – Hg is called 

a)     Aldol condensation 
b)    Cannizzaro reaction 
c)     Clemmensen’s reaction 
d)    None of these

43.          Aldehydes and ketones both easily react with 

a)     Fehling solution    b) Schiff’s reagent
                                    c) Grignard reagent        d) Tollen’s reagent

44.          Benzaldehyde reacts with aniline to form

a)     Schiff’s base       b) Tollen’s reagent
                                    c) Borsche’s base          d) Grignard reagent

45.          Almost all the aldehydes and small methyl ketones produce a crystalline white precipitate with saturated solution of 

a)     RMgX                  b) Cu(OH)2 + NaOH
                                     c) NaHSO3                                         d) ROH

46.          Which compound gives brick red precipitate of cuprous oxide with Benedict’s solution 

a)     Aromatic aldehyde           b) Aliphatic aldehydes
                                    c) Aromatic ketones      d) Aliphatic ketones

47.          Ketones produced a wine red or orange red color on adding

a)     Fehling solution     
b)    Tollen’s solution 
c)     Alkaline sodium nitroprusside solution 
d)    All of these

48.          The IUPAC name of CH3CH = CH – CHO is 

a)     But – 2 – enal       b) But-2-en-3-al
                                c) Methacrolein              d) Propenaldehyde

49.          The IUPAC name of OHC – CHO is 

a)     Glyoxal                b) Ethane-1, 2-dial

                                c) Both a & b                d) None is correct

50.          The IUPAC name of 
OHC – CH2 – CH =CH – CHO is 

a)     Pent-2-ene-1, 5-dial 
b)    Propene dialdehyde
c)     Prop-1-en-1, 3-dial
d)    None of the above

51.          The IUPAC name of (CH3)2C = CHCOCH3 is 

a)     4-methlypent-3-en-2-one
b)    2-Methlypent-3-en-4-one
c)     Acetyl 2-Methyl-butene-3
d)    None of the above

52.          Dry distillation of calcium format yields _____

a)     Ether                   b) Formaldehyde
                                c) Acetic acid                d) None of these

53.          When aldehydes are warmed with ______ red               precipitates of cuprous oxide are precipitated. 

a)     Grignard’s Reagent b) Fehlings solution 
                                c) KMnO4                      d) None of these

54.          Acetaldehyde reacts with ammonia to form 

a)     Elimination             b) Substitution products
                               c) Addition product       d) Resin like product

55.          Aldol condensation can occur between ______

a)     An aldehyde and ketone
b)    An aldehyde and ester
c)     An aldehyde and benzene
d)    None of these

56.          An aqueous solution containing about 40% of 
         formaldehyde and a little alcohol is sold under   the name of _______

a)     Formalin             b) Malt-sugar
                                c) Pyridine                    d) Starch 

57.          A nucleophilic addition of carbonion,               generated by the loss of proton from α-position            of an aldehyde or a ketone by a base, to the      carbonyl group is called _______

a)     Nitration              b) Aldol Condensation 
                                c) Esterification             d) None

58.          The product obtained in the following reaction  is ________
                                 CH3CH = CH CHO LiAlH4 ?

a)     CH3CH = CHCH2OH
b)    CH3CH2CH2CHO
c)     CH3CH2CH2CH2OH
d)    A mixture of a, b and c. 

59.          For a carbonyl compound which of the            following statements is correct?

a)     The carbonyl carbon, oxygen and the other               two atoms (attached to carbon) are       coplanar. 
b)    The two groups attached to carbonyl carbon             are directed at an angle of 120o from each          other. 
c)     The π electron density around oxygen is       more than the carbonyl compound. 

60.          The C = O bond and C = C bond are similar in             which of the following ways?
a)     Both are made up of one sigma bond and                 one pi bond. 
b)    Both are planer in nature. 
c)     Both use sp2 hybrid orbitals of the C atom       for their formation.   d) All the above. 

61.          The reaction of acetaldehyde with conc.          H2SO4 at room temperature gives

a)     Paraldehyde         b) Metaldehyde
                                c) A mixture of a & b      d) None 

62.          The following reaction 
CH3CHO + HCN → CH3CH(OH)CN is an example of 

a)     Nucleophilic addition 
b)    Electrophilic addition 
c)     Uncleophilic substitution
d)    Electrophilic substitution

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