
Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Chapter No. 13 Carboxylic Acids & Their Derivatives MCQs

1)                     The function group in Citric acid is 

                                     a) – OH                        b) – OR
                                    c) – COOH                     d) – COOR

2)                     Esters have general formula

                                     a) ROH                          b) RCHO
                                     c) RCOOR                     d) RCOOH

3)                     The acid present in butter is called 

                                    a) Formic acid              b) Acetic acid
                                    c) Propionic acid           d) Butanoic acid

4)                     Which one of the following is the strongest acid?

                                     a) CH3COOH                  b) CH2ClCOOH
                                     c) CHCl2COOH              d) C2H5COOH

5)                     Anhydrous acetic is a crystalline, hygroscopic solid and is also known as 
a)     Dilute acetic acid
b)    Glacial (ice like) acetic acid
c)     Methanoic acid
d)    None of these

6)                     Acetyl chloride is formed by the reaction of acetic acid with 

                                    a) Thionyl chloride         b) Ammonia
                                    c) Alcohol                     d) Sodium hydroxide

7)                     Acetic acid is a weak acid because in aqueous solution it is 

a)     Highly ionized
b)    Weakly ionized
c)     Insoluble in water
d)    No replaceable hydrogen

8)                     Which of the following is a monobasic acid?

                                     a) H2SO4                                               b) H2CO3
                                     c) H3PO4                                               d) CH3COOH

9)                     Hydrolysis of esters in alkaline medium is called 

                                    a) Sponification             b) Hydration 
                                    c) Esterification             d) None of these

10)                   Which one of the following does not have a carboxylic group?

                                    a) Benzoic acid             b) Ethanoic acid
                                    c) Aspirin                      d) Picric acid

11)                   Two moles of carboxylic acids on heating in the presence of P2O5 yields

                                    a) Alcohol                     b) Ether
                                    c) Acetic acid                d) Ester

12)                   Which of them is a strong reducing agent?

                                    a) Formic acid              b) Acetic acid
                                    c) Oxalic acid                d) Chloro acetic acid

13)                   Methanoic acid acts as 

a)     Powerful oxidizing agent
b)    Mild oxidizing agent
c)     Powerful reducing agent
d)    Mild reducing agent

14)                   Between acetic acid and formic acid, the former one is 

                                    a) Less acidic                b) More acidic
                                    c) Same strength           d) More basic

15)                   Beta hydroxyl propionic acid is 

                                    a) Citric acid                  b) Aspartic acid
                                    c) Oxalic acid                d) Lactic acid
16)                   Formic acid can reduce

                                    a) Mercuric chloride       b) Tollen’s reagent
                                    c) KMnO4                                            d) All of these

17)                   The number of H – bonds formed per molecule of carboxylic acid are

                                    a) 4                              b) 3
                                    c) 2                              d) 1

18)                   The attachment of electron withdrawing groups result into the 

                                    a) Increase of acidity     b) Decrease of acidity
c) Increase of strength d) All of these

19)                   The firs four members of carboxylic acid are completely soluble in water. This is due to 

                                    a) Acidic nature             b) H – bonding 
                                    c) Polymerization           d) Reduction 

20)                   Sodium bi carbonate when reacts with a compound “X” as result CO2 liberates with effervescence the compound “X” contain 

                                     a) – OH                         b) – CHO
                                    c) X                               d) – COOH

21)                   The carboxylic acid which is used for coagulating rubber latex is 

                                    a) Ethanoic acid            b) Methanoic acid
                                    c) Propanoic acid          d) All of these

22)                   Acetic acid when reacts with chlorine in the presence of red phosphorus, the product formed is 

                                    a) Acetyl chloride          b) Methyl chloride 
                                    c) Methyl ester              d) Chloro acetic acid

23)                   Which of them has two functional groups?

                                    a) Amino acid               b) Salicylic acid
                                    c) Acetone                    d) Both a & b 

24)                   Amino acids having two NH2 group are 

                                    a) Acidic in nature          b) Neutral in nature
                                     c) Saltish in nature         d) Basic in nature

25)                   The compound which occur as zwitter ion or dipolar are
                                    a) Ketones                    b) Aldehydes
                                    c) Alcohol                     d) Amino acid
26)                   The dipolar structure of an amino acid is also called 

                                    a) Basic salt                  b) Acidic salt
                                    c) Neutral salt                d) Interval salt

27)                   The test used to identify amino acid is 

                                    a) Tollen’s test               b) Fehling test
                                    c) Meyer’s test              d) Ninhydrin test

28)                   A peptide having molar mass up to 10000 is called poly peptide while a poly peptide having molar mass more than 10000 is called 

a)  Protein
b) Essential amino acids
c)  Non essential amino acids
d) Acidic amino acid

29)                   On heating ammonium acetate yields

                                    a) Acetic acid                b) Acetamide
                                    c) Ether                        d) Amino acid

30)                   A carboxylic acid contains

a)  Hydroxyl group       
b) Carboxyl group 
c)  A hydroxyl group and carboxyl group
d) A carboxyl group and aldehydic group 

31)                   Long chain mono carboxylic acid are called 

                                a) Aliphatic acid            b) Aromatic acid
                                c) Cyclo carboxylic acid d) None of these

32)                   Common name of 1, 3 Propanedioic acid is 

                                a) Succinic acid             b) Oxalic acid
                                c) Melonic acid              d) Phthalic acid

33)                   Vinegar is 

a)  5% solution of acetic acid in H2O
b) 50% solution of acetic acid in H2O
c)  25% solution of acetic acid in H2O
d) 10% solution of acetic acid in H2O

34)                   Succinic acid contain total carbon atoms
                                    a) 4                              b) 5
                                    c) 3                              d) 2
35)                   Carboxylic acid can be prepared from 

                                a) Alcohol                     b) Ester
                                c) Grignard’s reagent     d) All

36)                   In industrial preparation of Acetic Acid from          acetaldehyde manganous acetate is used as 

a)  Catalyst                  
b) Oxidizing agent
c)  To prevent oxidation of Acetic acid into           peracetic acid           d) All above

37)                   Which one is not the derivative of carboxylic         acid?

                                a) Acid Halid                 b) Amino acid
                                c) Enthanamide             d) Acid amide

38)                   In carboxylic acid carbonyl carbon is 

                                 a) SP3                          b) SP2
                                c) SP                            d) None

39)                   Which one of the following will increase the           acidity of carboxylic acid?

                                a) OH                            b) NO2
                                c) – CN                         d) Both b & c

40)                   Which one will decrease the acidity of       carboxylic acid?

                                a) OH                           b) NH2
                                c) Alkyl group                d) All

41)                   Which one is less acidic?

a)  CH2 – COOH 
                │        Cl
b) Cl2 – CH – COOH 
c)  CH3 – COOH
d) Cl3.C.COOH

42)                   Which one is more acidic?
                                     a) HCOOH                     b) CH3COOH
                                     c) C2H4 – COOH             d) C2H7 – COOH 
43)                   Which have higher B.P?

                                 a) CH3COOH                  b) CH3-CH2-CH2-OH
                                 c) CH3O – C2H5             d) Both a & c

44)                   Carboxylic ion is represented by how many           resonating structure?

                                a) 3                              b) 2
                                c) 1                              d) 4

45)                   Higher B.P of carboxylic acid as compared to 
                                alcohol of the same m.wt is due to 

a)  Strong dispersion ferces
b) Strong dipole dipole interaction 
c)  Two H – bonding per molecule
d) All of these

46)                   The greater acidity of carboxylic acid as 
                                compared to alcohol is 

a)  Electron donating effect of – OH group 
b) Electron with drawing effect of COOH gp
c)  Resonance stability of carboxylic ion
d) All

47)                   Which of the following compounds on reaction   with NaHCO3 liberates CO2?

                                 a) C2H5 – OH                 b) CH3 – O – CH3 
                                 c) CH3COOH                  d) CH3CONH2

48)                   Acetic acid on reduction with LiAlH4 gives

                                a) Ethane                      b) Ethanal
                                c) Ethanol                     d) Ethyone

49)                   Acetic acid undergo dehydration reaction with       P2O5 and forms. 

                                 a) Methyl acetate          b) Butanoic acid
                                c) Acetic anhydride        d) Acetaldehyde

50)                   A compound undergo reduction with (LiAlH4) it  also dissolve in aq.NaOH from which it can be  recovered by addition of HCl the compound in 
                                    a) Carboxylic acid          b) An ester
                                    c) An alcohol                 d) Acid anhydride
51)                   The solution of which acid is used for   seasoning of food?

                                a) Formic acid               b) Benzoic acid
                                c) Acetic acid                d) Butanoic acid

52)                   Acetamide is prepared by 

a)  Heating of ammonium acetate
b) Heating of Ethyl acetate
c)  Amonium propionate
d) None

53)                   R – CH – COO- is called 

                                a) Zwitter ion                 b) Dipolar ionic form
                                c) Internal salt                d) All

54)                   Amino acids are the building unit of protein the 
                                linkage b/w Amino acid molecules is called 

                                a) Glycosidic linkage     b) Peptide linkage
                                c) Ether linkage             d) All above

55)                   Which of the following is not a fatty acid?

                                a) Acetic acid                b) Propionic acid
                                c) Phthalic acid             d) Butanoic acid

56)                   Total number of amino acids are 

                                 a) 10                            b) 20
                                c) 30                             d) 40

57)                   Total number of essential amino acids

                                 a) 10                            b) 20
                                c) – 30                          d) – 40 

58)                   NH2 
                                 R – CH – COO- is called 

                                a) α Amino acid             b) β amino acid
                                c) γ amino acid              d) None

59)                   The acid produced in the sting of bees and 
                                ants is 
                                    a) Acetic acid                b) Formic acid
                                    c) Carbonic acid            d) Oxalic acid

60)                   The conversion of acetic acid to methane is an 
                                example of 

                                a) Hydration                  b) Dehydration 
                                c) Decarboxyletion        d) Oxidation 

61)                   Which class of compound is commonly used        for the artificial flavouring in jams?

                                a) Aldehyde                  b) Ester
                                c) Carboxylic acid          d) Ketones

62)                   CH3 – CH – COO- is called 

                                 a) Valine                       b) Glycine
                                c) Alanine                     d) Proline

63)                   Which of the following is not an Amino acid?

                                a) Alanine                     b) Aniline
                                c) Glyine                       d) Aspartic acid

64)                   Ethyl acetate can be prepared by the action of      _______ on carboxylic acid, in the presence of            acidic media. 

                                a) Phenols                    b) Formalin
                                c) Pyradine                   d) Alcohol

65)                   Which of the following carboxylic acid is the         strongest?

a)  CHF2 – CH2 – CH2 – COOH 
c)  CH2F – CHF – CH2 – COOH

66)                   Which of the following will serve as the basis 
                                for simple chemical test to distinguish between 
                                  CH3CH2COOH and CH3COOHCH3?

                                 a) Conc. H2SO4              b) Conc. HNO3
                                 c) CrO3 │H2SO4              d) NaHCO3 │H2O

67)                   The IUPAC nomenclature of C6H5CH = 
                                 CHCOOH is 
a)  3 – Phenyl prop – 2 – enoic acid
b) Cinnamic acid
c)  Phenyl acrylic acid
d) 1 – Phynyl – 2 – ethylene carboxylic acid
68)                   Which of the following carboxylic acids has the     largest acidity constant, Ka? 

                                 a) CH3COOH                  b) ClCH2COOH
                                 c) Cl2CHCOOH              d) Cl3CCOOH

69)                   Which of the following is not a primary amine?

                                 a) Cyclohexylamine       b) 3 – hexylamine
                                c) 1 – Butylamine           d) Diethylamine

70)                   Which statement about the reaction of  1 – bromobutane and NH3 is incorrect?

a)  The reaction specifically gives a primary      amine
b) The reaction is a nucleophilic substitution 
c)  The reaction initially gives a primary amine
d) The reaction may lead to the formation of a      quaternary ammonium salt. 

71)                   2 – Bromopentanoic acid can be obtained by 

a)  Pentanoic acid + Br2  Light
b) Pentanoic acid + Br2 P
c)  Pentanoic acid + HBr 
d) Pentanoic acid + HBr Peroxides

72)                   The product obtained in the following reaction       is CH3CH2COOH Br2P?

d) A mixture of all the above products

73)                   Acetamide can be prepared by the reaction of       ammonia on 
                                a) Ethyl acetate             b) Acetyl chloride
                                c) Acetic anhydride        d) All the above

74)                   The products obtained in the following reaction     are CH3COOCH3 + CH3CH2OH H

a)  CH3COOC2H5 + CH3OH
c)  A mixture of both the above products
d) None of the above

75)                   Which of the following reaction will give ethyl        propionate?

a)  CH3CH2CO2H + C2H5OH H
b) CH3CH2CO2H + C2H5OH OH
c)  CH2CO2C2H5 + CH3I NaOC2H5
d) All the above reactions

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