
Wednesday, 10 August 2016

CHAPTER # 11 Alcohols Phenols and Ethers MCQs

1.             Which one of the following is termed as benzyl  alcohol?

a) C6H5OH          
b) C6H5CH(OH)2
c) C6H5CH2OH 
d) None

2.             Which one of the following is also known as  lactic acid?

a)  3-hydroxy propanioc acid
b)  2-hydroxy propanioc acid
c)  2-hydroxy butanoic acid
d)  3--hydroxy butanoic acid

3.             Which one of the following is also known as  tartaric acid?

a)  2,3-dihydroxy butanedioic acid
b)  2,2-dihydroxy butanedioic acid
c)  2,3-dihydroxy butanioc acid
d)  2,2-dihydroxy butanioc acid

4.             Water gas heated at 450˚C and 200 atm  pressure in the presence of ZnO+Cr2O3 will 

a) Methanal        
b) Methanol
c) Carbonic acid
d) Methane

5.             The residue obtained after the crystallization of  sugar from concentrated sugar cane juice is 

a) Mother liquor 
b) Filtrate
c) Extract           
d) Molasses

6.             The formula of starch is___________

                                  a) C12H22O11                       b) C6H9O5
                                  c) C6H10O5                           d) C6H12O6

7.             The process of fermentation of starch involve  many enzymes, the sequence of enzyme used  are____________

a)  Diastase-maltase-zymase
b)  Zymase-maltase-zymase
c)  Maltase-diastase-zymase
d)  Diastase-zymase-maltase

8.             The rectified spirit contain_________

                                  a) 12% alcohol              b) 90% alcohol
                                  c) 91% alcohol              d) 100% alcohol
                            9.           K2Cr2O7/H2SO4 generate___________

                                  a) Oxygen                  b) Hydrogen
                                  c) Nascent oxygen [O] d)Nascent hydrogen [H]

10.          The oxidation of isopropyl alcohol will  yield____________

                                    a) Propane                    b) Propanol
                                    c) Propanone                d) Propanoic acid

11.          Which one is primary alcohol ?

a)  Buten-2ol
b) Propan-2-ol
c)  Butan-1-ol
d) 2,3-Dimethythexane-4-ol.
12.          Action of nitrous acid on ethylamine gives

                                     a) C2H6                                  b) C2H5OH
                                     c) C2H5OH and C2H4              d) C2H5OH and NH3.
13.          Ethyl alcohol is industrially prepared from ethylene by

a)  Permanganate oxidation
b) Catalytic reduction
c)  Absorbing in H2SO4 followed by hydrolysis
d) Fermentation.

14.          Final product formed on reduction of glycerol by hyddriodic acid is 

a) Propane                     b) Propanoic acid
c) Propene                     d) None of these
15.          Phenol on treatment with cone. HNO3 gives 

a) Picric acid                   b) Styphinic acid
c) Both                            d) None
16.          Alcohols are

                                    a) Basic                        b) Strong acid
                                     c) Amphatere                d) Neutral
17.          The formula of wood spirit is ?

a) CH3COOH                b) CH3OH
c) C2H5OH                   d) None of these
18.          Ethanol containing some methanot is called 

                                    a) Absolute spirit           b) Rectified spirit
                                    c) Power alcohol           d) Methylated spirit
19.          Glyccrol is a

                                    a) Primary alcohol         b) Monohydric alcohol
                                    c) Secondary alcohol     d) Tribydric alcohol.
20.          Glyccrol can be obtained from

                                    a) Fats                          b) Propyiene
                                    c) Both                         d) None

21.          The enzyme which can catalyse the conversion of glucose to ethanol is

                                    a) Zymase                     b) Invertase
c) Maltase                      d) Diastase.
22.          Hydrolytic conversion of sucrose into glucose  and fructose is known as

a) Induction                    b) Inverslon
                                    c) Insertion                    d) Inhibition.
23.          Rectified spirit is a mixture of 

a)  95% ethyl alcohol +5% water
b) 94% ethyl alcohol +4.53% water
c)  94.4% ethyl alcohol + 5.43% water 
d) 95.87% ethyl alcohol +4.13% water
24.          Which of the following is not a characteristic of alcohol ?

a)  They are lighter than water
b) Their boiling point rise fairly uniformly with rising molccular weight
c)  Lower members are insoluble in water and organic solvents but the solubility regulary increase with molecular mass
d) Lower members have a pleasant smell and burning taste, higher members are colouriess and tasteless.
25.          Alcohola of low molecular weight are

a)  Soluble in water
b) Soluble in water on heating
c)  Insoluble in water
d) Insoluble in all solvents
26.          Which of the following can work as a dehydrating agent for alcohol ?

a) H2SO4                        b) AI2O3
                                    c) P2O5                         d) AII.
27.          Alcohols reacts with Grignard reagent to form 

a) Alkanes                     b) Alkenes
c) Alkynes                     d) AII.
28.          Alcohol fermentation is brought about by the action of 

a) CO2                           b) O2
c) Invertase                   d) Yeast.
29.          Amongst the following phenols which is most acidic?

                                    a) Pieric acide               b) 2-Nitrophenol
c) 2,4Dinitrophenol        d) m-Nitrophenol.

30.          Which of the following groups will increase the  acidity of phenol ?

                                     a) –NO2                         b) –CN
                                    c) –X(halogens)             d) AII.
31.          Which is used as an antifreeze ?

a) Glyeol                         b) Ethyl alcohol
c) Water                          d) Methanol
32.          Baeyer's reagent is

                                     a) Alkaline KMnO4                   b) Ammonical AgNO3  
                                     c) Ammonial CuSO4              d) CaSO2/Ca(OH)2
33.          The reaction between alcohol and carboxylic acids is called 

a) Esterification              b) Hydrolyais
c) Saponification            d) Hydrogenation
34.          Alcoholic beverages are made of 

a) Ethanol                      b) Acetic acid
c) Formic acid                d) None of these
35.          Electrophilic substitution in phenol generally occurs at

a)  O- and P-position    
b)  Metapositions
c)  Only at ortho positions
d)  Only at para position
36.          Phenol is more readily soluble in

a)  dil. HCl
b) Both NaOH and HCl
c)  NaOH sol
d) Sodium bicarbonate solution.
37.          The order of reactivity of halogen acids for reaction with C2H5OH is

                                     a) HCl > HBr > HI           b) HI > HBr > HCl
                                    c) HBr > HI > HCl           d) HBr > HCl > HI.
38.          The reaction of Ethanol with H2SO4 does not give

a)  Ethylene                 
b) Diethyl either
c)  Acetylene
d) Ethyl hydrogen sulphate

39.          Which one of them is a monohydric alcohol?

                                     a) CH3CH(OH)2                             b) CH3C(OH)3
                                     c) C2H5OH                     d) None of these

40.          Glycol is alcohol

                                    a) Monohydric               b) Dihydric
                                    c) Trihydric                    d) Both a & b

41.          Wood Naphtha is the commercial name of 

                                    a) Ethyl alcohol             b) Aldehyde
                                    c) Methyl alcohol           d) Acetic acid

42.          Ethyl Alcohol is denatured by adding

a)     CH3OH & CH3COOH
b)    CH3COOH & CH3COCH3
c)     CH3OH & Pyridine
d)    None of these

43.          Methylated spirit is 

a)     Pure methyl alcohol
b)    Methyl alcohol containing water
c)     Methanol containing methanal
d)    Ethanol containing methanol

44.          Alcohol reacts with carboxylic acids, acid an hydrides and acid halides to form

a)     Ether                   b) Ketone
b)    Esters                  d) Aldehyde

45.          Strongly acidic solution of Na2Cr2O7 is required for the oxidation of 

                                    a) Primary alcohol         b) Secondary alcohol
                                    c) Tertiary alcohol         d) All of these

46.          Low temperature and excess of Alcohol favors the formation of 

                                    a) Paraffins                   b) Olefins
                                    c) Ether                        d) Esters

47.          An alcohol produced in the manufacture of soap is 

a)     Ethanol                b) Propanol
                                    c) Glycerol                    d) Glycol

48.          The formation of Acetaldehyde from ethanol is called 

a)     Oxidation                         b) Reduction 
                                    c) Addition                    d) Substitution

49.          Denatured Alcohol is known as

a)     Absolute alcohol b) Wood spirit
                                    c) Methylated spirit        d) Vinegar

50.          Which one of the following will not take place if 1 – Propanol is under test?

a)     The formation of H2 when sodium is added to it 
b)    The formation of 1 – bromopropane when reacts with NaBr and concentrated H2SO4
c)     The formation of sweet smelling compound when reacts with a mixture of CH3COOH and concentrated H2SO4
d)    The formation of yellow colored product when phenyl hydrazine is added to it

51.          Bakelite plastic is formed by the polymerization of 

a)     Phenol                 b) Acetylene
                                    c) Ethane                      d) o/p methylol phenol

52.          Acidified potassium dichromate is also called 

a)     Chromic acid        b) Acetic acid
                                    c) Iodic acid                  d) Hydrochloric acid

53.          Passing vapors of phenol over heated Zinc gives

a)     Benzene               b) Acetic acid
                                    c) Benzoic acid             d) Benzaldehyde

54.          Phenol reacts with dilute HNO3 in the presence of concentrated H2SO4 yields

a)     o/p nitro phenol    b) o – nitro phenol
                                    c) p – nitro phenol         d) None of these

55.          Which of the following is not an explosive?

a)     Picric acid                        b) TrinitroBenzene
                                    c) Trinitrotoluene            d) Nitrobenzene

56.          Sodium salt of benzene sulphonic acid on fusion with caustic soda gives

a)     C6H5OH                b) C6H6
                                     c) C6H5COOH                d) C6H5CHO

57.          Ether is soluble in 

a)     Water                   b) Dil HCl
                                    c) Conc. KOH                d) Conc. H2SO4

58.          By accepting a proton, oxygen atom of the Ether forms

a)     Carbonium ion      b) Carbon ion
                                    c) Oxonium ion              d) Oxide ion 

59.          Williamson’s synthesis is used to prepare

a)     Alcohols             b) Ethers
                                    c) Esters                       d) Aldehydes

60.          Wax contains

a)     – OH Group         b) – CHO Group 
                                    c) Ketonic Group           d) Ester Group 

61.          Phenol reacts with Bromine water to form

a)     Picric acid                        b) TNT
                                    c) Tribromo phenol        d) Toluene

62.          Which one is methoxy methane?

a)     Olefins                 b) Paraffins
                                    c) Dimethyl ether           d) Dimethyl ketone

63.          Alcohol reacts with an organic acid to yield

a)     An ester               b) Ketone
                                    c) Alkyl halides              d) Ether

64.          The conversion of ethyl alcohol into acetaldehyde is called 

a)     Reduction                        b) Addition 
                                    c) Oxidation                  d) Substitution 

65.          Diethyl ether is soluble in 

a)     Water                   b) Dil HNO3
                                    c) Conc. H2SO4                           d) None of these

66.          Paraffins dissolve in 

a)     Water                   b) Acid
                                    c) Methyl alcohol           d) Benzene
67.          Phenol and benzyl alcohol can be distinguish by using 

a)     dil HCl                 b) Baeyer’s test
                                    c) Aqueous bromine      d) Tollen’s test

68.          Which one can be used to differentiate between phenol and methyl alcohol?

a)     Aqueous Br2
b)    Na2Cr2O7 in dil H2SO4
c)     Aqueous NaCl
d)    Both a & b 

69.          Which one attack easily on phenol ring

a)     Electrophile          b) Nucleophile
                                    c) Acid                          d) None of these

70.          Ethers have no hydrogen bonding but they show weak H – bonding when dissolve in 

a)     Alkane                 b) Formaldehyde
                                     c) Water                       d) Kerosene oil

71.          Alkoxide ion is a powerful

a)     Base                    b) Acid
                                    c) Salt                           d) None of these

72.          Alkoxide ion is 

a)     A powerful acid    b) Electrophile
                                    c) Nucleophile               d) All of these

73.          The test which is used to distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols

a)     Lucas Test                       b) Iodoform test
                                    c) Benedicts test           d) Baeyer’s test

74.          Phenol is weaker acid than

a)     Water                   b) Organic acid
                                    c) HX                            d) Both a & b 

75.          Methyl alcohol can cause _______

a)     Cancer                 b) Blindness
                                c) Aneimia                    d) None 

76.          Ethyl alcohol is produced on commercial scale 
                                by the biological break down of ________

a)     Starch                  b) Minerals
                                    c) Cellulose                   d) None of these

77.          CH3OH and C2H5OH are highly miscible with     water because they exhibits ________

a)     Ionic bonding       b) Covalent bonding
                                c) Hydrogen bonding     d) None of these

78.          Alcohols may be converted to the       corresponding ______ by actions of halogen      acids in the presence of ZnCl2

a)     Aldehydes                       b) Alkyl halides
                                c) Acyl halides              d) None of these

79.          During the dehydration of alcohols, relatively               high temperature and moderate alcohol 
                                concentration yield the corresponding 

a)     Ether                   b) Olefin                       c) Paraffin                     d) None

80.          Isopropyl alcohol on oxidation gives ______
a)     Ether                   b) Acetone
                                c) Ethylene                   d) Acetaldehyde

81.          Rectified spirit contains ______ % alcohol. 

a)     95.6                     b) 75.0
                                c) 100.0                        d) 85.4

82.          Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols may 
                                be distinguished by using _______

a)     Fehling’s solution             b) Victor Meyer test
                                c) Hofmann set             d) Beilstein test

83.          In cold countries glycerol is added to water in              car radiators as it helps to ________

a)     Bring down the specific heat of water
b)    Lower the freezing point
c)     Reduce the viscosity 
d)    Make water a better lubricant

84.          Phenol can be converted into p 
                                hydroxybenzaldehyde by 

a)     Friedel crafts reaction 
b)    Gattermann synthesis
c)     Hauban-Hoesch reaction 
d)    None of the above

85.          Phenol on treatment with excess of bromine 
water give

a)  O – bromophenol    
b) P – bromophenol
c)  M – bromophenol    
d) 2, 4, 5 – tribromophenol 


1 comment:

  1. Can you please update a key for these MCQs? Today right now please I have a test tomorrow! Please please


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