
Sunday, 4 August 2013

Instructions to Solve English Paragraph for Entry Test

Paragraph / Reading Comprehension

This year (2013), University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore has changed the pattern for entry test. UET, Lahore introduces  a paragraph for entry test. There would be a paragraph and you're supposed to answer 10 questions given below the paragraph. Paragraph could be easy or it could be very difficult.

(In case, if you don't know, Read UET entry test Pattern)                                                                        

So question is how to prepare effectively to solve Paragraph?

To answer this question, we first need to know certain things.

Abilities to be checked:
Paragraph are designed to measure these abilities:

  • Ability to remember what you read
  • Ability to understand what you read


Reading Problems:

1. Decoding: You can not understand the phrases. For that you need to know grammar. Re read and try to get the idea presented by writer.

2. Vocabulary: You cannot understand the paragraph because words are unfamiliar. For that you need huge vocabulary. In case you don't know the word in entry test, try to pronounce it. You may know that word but that is in your passive memory. By pronounce it, there are chances that you may recall them.

3. World knowledge. Sometimes paragraph may be about psychology, this the field you don't know. Don't worry about terminologies. Just try to find the answers in the paragraph. 
4.Active reader. you are slow reader, so cannot finish in time. Be the active and don't loose the focus.Concentrate on main points.

5.Concentration: You can not concentrate because you feel that ideas are scattered and terminologies used in the passage are unfamiliar to you.

3. Finding Answers: You feel difficulties in narrowing your answer choices down to one clear best answer. Eliminate the the odd options i.e irrelevant option. Then narrow your choice.

Types of Questions:

Honestly speaking, it depends upon the paper setter.
possibilities are:
  • Detail and Contextual questions: the questions bases on a part of paragraph.
  • Main Idea questions: The inferential questions based on main idea .
  • Synonyms: 
  • other questions:

Styles of Reading:

There are different learn styles, choose the one which suits you.

The Straight style:

This style based on a straight reading of entire paragraph.
  • Read the passage carefully from beginning to end. Underline with lead pencil what clicks you as being an important point.
  • Respond to questions in the order given in the passage. Go back to the passage as required if you have trouble answering a question or remembering the relevant portion.
  • Don't waste too much time on a question for which you have any trouble in answering. Instead mark it and answer it at the end of entry test if you find the time.
  • re read the paragraph quickly if needed

The interactive style:

In this style you can go back and forth to the paragraph and questions to answer them.
  • Read the paragraph in portions. Divide it into 3 or 4 parts for your ease.
  • After reading the first part scan the questions related to first part.
  • Return to paragraph, read the second part and answer the relevant questions. and so on
Here are some example paragraphs:

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