Paragraph 5

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Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
Here is Paragraph 5 for the preparation of ECAT for 2013 according to new instruction from UET. The ground is full of seeds that cannot rise into seedlings; the seedlings rob one another of air, light and water, the strongest robber winning the day, and extinguishing his competitiors. Year after year, the wild animals with which man never interferes are , on the average, neither more nor less numerous than they were; and yet we know that the annual produce of every pair is from one to perhaps million young; so that it is mathematically certain that, on the average, as many are killed by natural causes as are born every year, and those only escape which happen to be a littel better fitted to resist destruction than those which die. The individual s of a species are like the crew of a foundered ship. and none but good swimmers have a chance of reaching the land.

1. The "robber" in the first sentence is most like which of the following mentioned in the paragraph
    A) wild animals
    B) produce of every pair
    C) individuals of a species
    D) good swimmers

2. The main point the author conveys is that

    A) natural populations of animals in the wild increase in numbers exponentially
    B) all members of a species are in violent competition with one another
    C) in the struggle to survive, the fittest survie
    D) members of one generation of population are all more or less alike

3. A founded ship means

    A) A ship reaching to destination
    B) A person with strong courage
    C) A ship filled with water and sinking
    D) A ship with strong and useful structure

4. The passage is intended to

    A) A man should not inferred
    B) Living organization should lead riskiny life
    C) seeds have to cover manny stages to becone a tree
    D) only fit can resist and survive in life

5. The best title may be

    A) Risky life of living organisms
    B) Survival of fittest
    C) A journey from seed to seedlings
    D) Man interferance in wild animals life.

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