CH 9: HUNGER AND POPULATION EXPLOSION Short Questions with Answers

Q1: What does hunger
mean on a large scale as viewed by the author?
ANS: According to the
author, hunger means never having enough to eat. It also means a situation in
which one is not sure that where the next meal is coming from or even if there
will be a next meal.
Q2: Describe some
great famines of the past.
China had ninety major famines in one century. Ten million died in the great
famine of Bengal in 1969-70. There was a famine in India in 1964-65. The
Russian Famine in 1921-22 killed several million people.
Q3: When and why did
India have famine? OR What did the other countries do for India during its famine?
In 1964-65, India had a famine owing to the failure of monsoon. Many countries
helped India during the period on a large scale.
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