Bio Introduction Part 1 MCQs

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Mark the most appropriate answer.
1.         Malarial parasite completes its life cycle in
            a. One host                              b. Two hosts                c. Three hosts              d. Four hosts.
2.         Relationship) between man, mosquito and malaria was discovered by,
            a. Grass                                    b. Rossenhof               c. Pasteur         d. Harvey
3.         Development of gametocytes of malarial parasite takes place
            a. In the gut of male anopheles mosquito                    b. In the blood of man
            c. In the gut off female anopheles mosquito                d. In the salivary gland 0'"anopheles mosquito
4.         Spraying of oil on stagnant water controls malaria because
            a. Water becomes impure for mosquito                                               b. Mosquito larvae cannot breathe
            c. Oil kill malarial parasite inside the body of mosquito                      d. Specific gravity of water increases
5.         Shivering characteristic of malaria occurs when
            a. Sporozoites are liberated from R.B.C.                      b. Gametocytes are liberated
            c. Oocysts are liberated                                                d. Merozoitcs are liberated from R.B.C. with toxin
6.         The study of the development of an organism from a fertilized egg or zygote is called
            a. Morphology                         b. Physiology               c. Histology     d. Embryology
7.         A chemical substance called Quinine 'was extracted from the bark
            a. Quina-quina                         b. Cinchona                 c. Accacia        d. None of these
8.         Plasmodium was discovered in 1880 in the blood of malarial patient by French military doctor
            a. Ronald Ross                         b. A.F.A. King             C. Resochine               d. Henry
9.         One of the following is not an antimalarial drug
            a. Quinine                    b. Aniline         c. Resochine                d. Poludrin
10.       In 1898 the life cycle of plasmodium in Anopheles mosquito was studied by
            a. Ronald Ross                         b. A.FA King               c. Larven         d. Grassi
11.       The scientific study of plants and animals is known as
            a. Biology                    b. Botany         c. Zoology       d. Molecular Biology
12.       Man can now be saved from the attack of fatal diseases like small pox tetanus and diphtheria by using
            a. Antibiotics               b. Antibodies               c. Vaccines      d. Antigenes
13.       Histology is the microscopic study of
            a. Tissues                     b. Cell              c. Fossils          d. Microorganisms
14.       The naming and classification of organisms falls under the scope of
            a. Ecology                    b. Taxonomy               c. Histology     d. Anatomy
15.       Paleontology is the study of
            a. Fossils                      b. Environment                        c. Development                       d. Dead organisms
16.       The study of structure and function of cells is called
            a. Molecular Biology   b. Microbiology                       c. Cell Biology             d. Histology
17.       The atmosphere of the primitive earth did not have
            a. Hydrogen                 b. Ammonia     c. Nitrogen       d. Methane
18.       The real cause of malaria is
            a. Mosquito                  b. Plasmodium             c. Marshes                   d. Bad air
19.       The method of controlling malaria by draining marshes was first of all adopted by the nearly
            a. Greeks                     b. Chinese                    c. Romans                    d. Italians
20.       Malarial parasite is transmitted by
            a. Male mosquito         b. Female mosquito     c. Both male and female mosquito      d. Housefly
21.       The species of mosquito that spreads malaria in the birds is the
            a. Culex                       b. Anopheles               c. Plasmodium                         d. Moth
22.       Deductions are tested by
            a. Observations                        b. Information             c. Experiments                         d. Consultation
23.       The continent which is called as the New World is
            a. Australia                  b. Africa                      c. America                   d. Europe
24.       The malarial parasites are transmitted into the blood of man in the form of
            a. Sporozoites             b. Merozoites               c. Gametocytes                        d. Schizonts
25.       The cinchona bark contains the drug
            a. Resochin                  b. Poludrin                   c. Quinine        d. Daraprin
26.       A man bitten by a mosquito suffered from malaria. Which of the following is responsible for infection?
            a. A female anopheles             b. A male anopheles    c. A culex mosquito     d. None of above
27.       A mosquito injects plasmodium into the blood in the form of
            a. Zygotes                    b. Sporozoites              c. Gametocytes                        d. Mcrozooites
28.       Which of the following is not an antimalarial drug?
            a. Poludrine     b. Quinine        c. Resochine                d. Erythrosine
29.       The relationship between man, mosquito and plasmodium was discovered by
            a. Ross                                     b. Laveran       c. Grassi                       d. King
30.       When sporozoites pass from the blood to liver cells, they multiply for
            a. 10 days                    b. 12 days                    c. 16 days        d. 14 days
31.       The mechanism of stomatal movements (opening) is related to the process called
            a. Morphology                         b. Palebotany   c. Taxanomy    d. Physiology
32.       Study of hereditary characters transmitted from parents to off springs is called
            a. Genetics                   b. Embroyology                       c. Taxonomy               d. Evolution
33.       Arrangement of living organisms into groups on the basis of similarities is called
            a. Ecology                    b. Taxonomy               c. Morphology             d. Microbiology
34.       Marshes were drained out by early Romans to control
            a. Plague                      b. Tuberculosis                        c. Malaria                     d. Cholera
35.       Biological research in the field of genetics and pest control has helped us in the improvement of
            a. Health                      b. Food-shortage          c. Urbanization                        d. Environment
36.       The sporozoites of plasmodium multiply to the human liver cells to produce a large number of
            a. Oocysts                    b. Male gametocytes    c. Merozoites               d. Female gametocytes
37.       Paleontology is the study of
            a. Microorganisms       b. Fossils          c. Tissues         d Internal organs
38.       Victim of malaria mostly feels
            a. Cough                      b. Shiver with chill       c. Constipation                         d. Diarrhoea
39.       Plasmodium is found at different stages in man and mosquito, at which stage it can be seen in both hosts?
            a. Male gamete                         b. Oocyst         c. Sporozoite                d. Ookinete
40.       The study of form and structureof living things is called
            a. Cytology      b. Histology                 c. Morphology             d. Physiologys
41.       Culex mosquito spreads malaria in
            a. Humans                   b. Sparrow       c. Sheep           d. Cat
42.       Severe-Chill, fever, high rate of heartbeat and breathing, profuse sweating and exhausted feelings are the             symptoms of
            a. Diarrhoea                 b. Castigation   c. Malaria         d. Cholera
43.       A cress section of root showing different tissues refers to the branch of science called
            a. Morphology             b. Anatomy      c. Histology                 d. Taxonomy
44.       The study of function of different parts of organisms is called
            a. Morphology             b. Microbiology           c. Taxonomy   d. Physiology
45.       Phtsmodium causes
            a. Typhoid                   b. Malaria        c. Cholera        d. Small pox
46.       Adnan studied the characteristics of plants growing in the deserts, water and high mountains. Which branch of         biology he was dealing with?
            a. Taxonomy               b. Anatomy      c. Ecology        d. Paleontology
47.       Bark of cinchona plant was used for treating patients of
            a. Influenza                 b. Malaria        c. Pneumonia               d. Measles
48.       Many unknown plants were sent back from "New World" to Europe to be used as medicines. The "New World"             refers to
            a. England                    b. Egypt           c. America       d. Greece
49.       Study of structure and function of cells is called
            a. Cell biology             b. Microbiology                       c. Histology     d. Molecular biology

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