MCAT Vacabolary Grouping
Mcat Vocabolary Grouping
Artistic Words
1.batik (a method of printing patterns on cloth)
2.bonsai ( art of growing small trees)
3.bowdlerize ( editting,cutting)
3.bravura (artistic skill)
4.braille (writing systm for blinds)
5.cameo (sculpture)
6.caricature (funny drawings)
7.cause celebre (drama)
8.cartographer (map maker)
9.chassis (framework)
10.filigree (delicate decoration)
11.lapidary (precious stones)
12.macrame (art of typing knots in strings)
13.origami (art of paper folding)
14.surrealism (style and movemnt in art and literature)
Skillful Words
1.adroitness (capabilty)
2.dexterous (on the right)
3.prowess (skill)
4.facile (make easy)
5.facilitate (make easier)
About Birds (Calm, peaceful)
1.allay (soothe)
2.clement (pleasent)
3.conciliatory (make calm)
4.halcyon (happy)
5.cosset (cuddle)
6.mitigate (alleviate)
7.placate (calm)
8.sedate (calm)
9.relief (soothe)
11..phlegmetic (calm)
12.hackless (birds neck feather)
13.downy (soft)
14.cygnet (a young swan)
15.gull ( sea bird)
Basic (basic)
2.congential (essential/adjacent)
3.dormant (basic)
4.inherent (basic)
5.intrinsic (basic)
6.latent (dormant)
7.primal (basic)
1.churn (blender)
2.skew (twist)
3.swivel (spin)
4.trundle (rotate)
5.undulate (oscillate)
6.undulating (wavy)
7.vortex (swirl)
8.wry (twisted)
1.craven (weak)
2.debilty( physical weakness)
3.paper tiger (straw men)
4.wan (weak)
Unimportant Things
1.bauble (cheap piece of jewellry)
2.duece (draw)
3.feckless (useless)
4.litter (rubbish)
5.otiose (useless)
6.picayune (trivial)
7.sediment (solid residue)
8.sisphean (useless)
9.tchotchkes (cheap jewelry)
10.trifle (unimportant)
Botanical things
1.arboreal (relating 2 trees)
2.bonsai (art of growing small trees)
3.bloom (flower)
4.burgeoning (bud growing quikly)
5.forid (rosy)
6.botanical (relating to plants)
7.sward (area of grass) (grassy)
9.xyloid (realting 2 wood)
10.bouquet (bunch of flowers)
11.pampess (grass land)
12.steppe (large plain)
13.grapevine (climbing plant)
14.viticulture (science of growing grapvines)
1.fate accompli (something which cant b changed)
2.kasmet (fate)
building words
1.cay ( small island)
2.catacomb (underground tunnel)
3.dam (safety wall)
4.fascia (flat surface)
5.funicular (a railway on steep slop)
6.joist (support, piller)
7.undergrid (support)
8.gable (peak of building side wall)
9.mansard (gable roof)
10.mausoleum (tomb)
11.mesa (plain)
12.pallazo (grand italian building)
13.pilaster (piller)
1.basilica (a large church)
2.seminary (school for preist training)
3.behest (instruction ,order)
4.prelate (priest)
5.diocese ( a district for which a bishop is responsible)
6.candelabrum (candle stand)
7.laity (all membrs of a church)
8.benediction (a christian prayer for blessing)
9.importune (demand,beg)
10.senomination (a branch of church)
11.encyclical (statemnt issued by pope to bisho, letter)
confusing words
1.addle (confuse)
2.confound (astonish)
3.discombulate (puzzle)
4.inscrutable (enigmetic)
5.morass (marsh ,muddle)
6.nary (not a single)
7.palavar (confusion)
1.antagonist ( a person who strongly oppose)
2.contravene (oppose)
3.contra (against)
4.discrepancy (conflict)
5dissention ( dispute)
6.dissent (argue)
7.dissenter (bojector)
8.dissonence (conflict)
9.oxymoran (contradiction)
10.paradox ( dispute)
1.abstruse (difficult to understand)
2.arcane (enigmetic)
3.elusive (ambiguous)
4.misapprehension (confusion)
clothing words
1.attire (outfits)
2.batik (a method of printing patterns oon cloths)
3.coif (skull cap)
4.habiliments (garments)
5.sampler (needle work,piece of embroidry)
6.sarong (lungi ,dhoti )
7.surplice 9gown. a wide loose clothe)
8.cardigan (sweater)
9.yarmulke (jewish cap)
10.guise (style of dress)
11.portmanteau (siutcase ,bag)
12. other general words about clothing are ( apparel ,garb , raiment )
1.claret (red colour) (grassy)
3.onyx (black)
4.ruddy (rosy)
5.tinge (colour)
6.xanthic (yelow)
decorative words
1.cintrive (invent)
2.emblazon (decorate)
3.emboss (imprint)
4.fabricate (invent)
5.filigree (delicate decoration)
6.garnish (decorate)
7.gild (paint gold)
8.glaze (paint )
9.innovate (create)
10.motif (design)
11.renovate (modernize)
12.tessellate (decorative)
1.crass (insentitive)
2.dead head (fool)
3.dunce (ass)
4.flibbertigibet (silly)
5.galoot (ugly men)
6.inanity (silliness)
7.mumbo jumbo (non sence)
8.obtuse (stupid)
ethical words
1.august (eminent)
2.beneficence (politeness)
3.benign (gentle)
4.chivalry (courtesy)
5.cordial (freindly)
6.cordiality (warmth)
7.decorum (polite)
8.dote (love)
9.ethic (morality)
10.giuleless (honest)
11.humane (kind)
12.largess (generoisty)
13.magnanimous (generous)
14.renege (default on)
15.sensibility (feelings)
16.treacly (over emotional)
17.urbane (sophisticated)
18.veracity (truth)
strong / strengthen / inflaxible
1.adamentine (infexible)
2.coercive (forcefull)1.classic (
3.crenellate (fortified)
5.onerous (tough)
6.robust (strong)
7.tenacious (strong)
8.under gird (support)
fightning / murder / killing / attack
1.bonk (slap)
2.contusion (injury)
3.cut and run (quick escape flee )
4.genocide (mass murder)
5.hammers & tongs (fight with energy)
6.immolate (kill)
7.toust (fight)
8.onslaught (violant attack)
10.querulous (petulant)
12.vendetta (feud)
13.whiplash (hit with whip)
14.jack knife (blade)
15.shrapnel (bullet)
best choice /classic / perfect
1.classic (perfect)
2.copacetic (perfect)
3.infaliable (perfect)
4.jingoism (extreme petroitism)
5.irrefutable (certain)
6.optimum (best)
7.paragon (outstanding)
8.peerless (matchless)
9.quintessential (ideal)
10.sui generis(unique)
12. uber (paragon)
13.vintage (best choice)
14.unmitigate (perfect)
15.idealist (dreamer )
1.comely (beautiful)
2.contemporary (modern)
3.lulu (outstanding women)
4.lissome (thin and attractive)
5.manicured (neat)
6.modish (stylish )
7.rakish (dashing )
8.renovate (modernize)
9.voguism (passion for fashion)
1.blandish (flatter)
2.cosset (pamper)
3.coquetry (flirting)
4.fawning (servile)
5.glib (smooth talking)
6.sycophant (toady)
7.wheedle (coax)
cheat & tricky
1.artifice (cunning)
2.bamboozle (cheat)
3.beguile (fool)
4.covert (hidden)
5.gambit (scheme)
6.mountebank (quack)
8.parfidy( duplicity)
9.scam (cheat)
10.stratagem (trick)
1.devious (dishonesty)
2.duplicitous (deceptive)
3.finagle (decieve)
4.sandbagger (cunning)
5.mulct (cheat)
6.venality (fraud)
7.disingenuous (dishonest)
greek mythology
1.adonis (handsom men) (strong women)
3.asgard (mythical heaven)
4.bacchanal (marry making)
5.hector (bully)
6.cerebrus (mythical dog)
7.dryad (nymph)
8.edda (collections of ballads)
9.herculean (difficult)
10.hydra (mythical snake)
11.ichor (blood of gods)
12.nibelung (dwarf) (greek goddess of success)
14.titan (giant)
15.xanadu (dreamland)
1.alacrity (eagerness)
2.auspicious (encourging)
3.avid (eager)
4.brio (zest)
5.effervescent (excited)
6.exhortation (motivation)
7.galvanize (motivate)
8.impetuous (impulsive)
9.impetus (motivation)
10.incentive (motivation)
11.stimuli (motivation)
12.verve (enthusiasm)
funny / happy
1.buoyant (happy)
2.cloudnine (bliss)
3.droll (funny)
4.falicity (joy)
5.halcyon (happy)
6.jocund (happy)
7.jocular (funny)
8.mirth (great joy)
9.sanguine (hpoefull)
10.srendipity (good luck)
11.riff (joke)
parts / segments
1.bifurcate (split)
2.segment (section)
3.lions share (largest part of something)
4.quarter (one of four part)
5.quintile (distribution)
6.sunder (divide)
7.sub division (lower group)
8.smithereens (fragments)
1.disdain (hate)
2.execrable (hatefull)
3.heinous ( odious)
4,malevolence (hostility)
5.misanthrope (hater of man kind)
6.scorned (disliked)
bad manners
1.anomie (lack of moral standard)
2.barbaric (cruel)
3.feral( wild)
4.gaudy (insipid)
5.implacable (cruel)
6.iniquity (evil)
7.paddy (rage)
8.peccadelo (small fault)
9.rakish (immoral)
10.virago (aggresive women)
11.xnthipe (virago)
doubt full
1.askance (indirect glance)
2.cynical (doubtfull)
3.impugn (dispute)
4.sceptic (cynic)
5.scruple (hasitation)
6.skeptical (doubt full)
7.premonition (feeling about bad suspician)
hotels & bars
1.bistro (cafe)
2.smorgasbord (self service meal) (resort)
4.table d' hote (fixed price meal)
1.palatable (appetizing)
2.seder (jewish feast)
3.patisseria (cake shop)
4.potable (drinkable)
5.provender (food)
1.belated (happening late)
2.defer (late)
3.inertia (inactive)
4.jejune (dull)
5.menial (unskilled)
6.torpid (inactive)
7.vegetative (do nothing)
8.pedestrian (dull)
9.immolize (disable)
1.aspersion (unpleasent)
2.blasphemous (insulting)
3.contumely (insult)
4.decry (criticize)
5.mordant (bitter)
6.trashtalk (insulting)
1.admonition (rebuke)
2.berate (scold)
3.broadside (salvo)
4.chastise (scold)
5.exhortation (warning)
6.kibitz (make unwanted comnts)
7.pan (criticize)
8.vituperative (blame)
1.aerobic excercise (excercise in which oxygen is inhaled)
2.calisthenics (gymnestics)
3.decathlon (atheletic contest)
4.fartlek (atheletic training)
5.regatta (boat racing)
6.taichi (chinese systm of excercise)
7.rope-a-dope (strategy)
justify / clear / confirm / verify
1.corroborate (confirm)
2.elucidate (clear)
3.evocative (suggestive)
4.ineradicable (accepted)
5.justify (explain)
7.moot (debateable)
8.postulate (put 4ward)
9.stipulate (impose)
10.syllogism (argument)
false / fake
1.apocryphal (false)
2.faux (fake)
3.spurious (fake )
4.stilted (false)
5.superficial (artificial)
6.specious (false)
1.embed (fixing)
2.embeded (place solidily)
3.inculcate (imprint)
4.jell (set)
flexible / posiible / suitable
1.feasible (practicle)
2.felicitous (suitable)
3.opportune (favourable)
4.uncanny (remarkable)
5.viability (possible)
display / show off
1.diorama (display case)
2.diptych (pointing 2 pennels)
3.flaunt( to show pride)
4.manifestation (display)
5.pomp (display) (view)
mixture & collection
1.potpourri (blend)
2.motley (mixed)
3.mosaic (collage)
4.infusion ( solution obtained by soaking)
5.archives (collections of historical documents)
6.batter (mixture used for making cakes)
7.battery (large number of similar things)
8.collage (collection of pictures)
9.heterogeneous (mixed)
10.medley (mixture)
11.melange (blend)
12.montage (collage)
music related
1.aria (a song for one voice)
2.diva (famous female singer)
3.jig (dance)
4.dulcet (melodious)
5.etude (piece of music)
6.trilogy (drama)
7.euphonious (pleasant to listen)
8.leitmotif (tune in music)
medical terms
1.acupuncture (pricking)
2.angina (chest pain due to low supply of blood)
3.anaphylactic (highly sensitive)
4.aneurysm (extreme swelling of artery)
5.antibody (material which fight with diseases)
6.articulated (joint segments)
7.atrophy (washing away)
8.caesarean (surgical birth)
9.capsule (pill)
11.chrmosomes(structure with genes)
12.coccyx (tailbone)
13.contiguous (adjacent)
14.contusion (anjury)
15.crescent (sickle shaped)
16.corpuscles (cells in blood)
17.fermentation (bubbling)
18.glaucoma (eye disorder)
19.glucose (sugar energy)
20.holistic -medicine (preventive medicine)
21.hallux (1st digit onfoot)
22.herbicide (wed killer)
23.homeopathy (treatment with small amount of medicine)
24.hypertension (high blood pressure)
25.hypothermia (low blood presure)
26.ichor (pus)
27.inoculate (vaccine)
28.ligament (connection)
29.lineage (ancestory)
30.metabolism(chemical process)
32.paramedic (medical assistence)
33.placebo (inactive)
34.pollex(1st digit of hand)
35.quadricep (thigh muscle)
36.remedial (healing)
37.sanatorium (hospital)
38.sciatica (pain in legs)
39.septic (infected)
40.somatic (material)
41.symbiosis (association)
42.therapeutic (healing)
43.traction (grip)
44.triage (sorting out patient)
45.vascular (cantaining vessels)
46.venomous (poisonous)
47.ventricle (heart chamber)
48.virulent (lithal)
49.xeric (deficient in moisture)
science related
1.aerobic excercise (excercise for good health)
2.aeridynamic (to reduce air resistence)
3.ampere (unit of cuurent)
4.avoirdupois (system of weights)
5.carapace (animals hard shell)
6.chiaroscure (contrast btween light and shade)
7.catalyst (agitator)
8.comatose(in coma)
9.demographics (data of population)
10.electrolyte (solution conducting cuurent)
11.fistmele (seven inches)
12.flux (constant change)
13.lathe (tunning tool)
14.lipid (an oily organic compound)
15.nuclear family (extended family )
16.nip and tuck (medical operation in which skin is made tighter)
17.odometer (speedometer)
19.peripheral (outer edging)
20.perphery (edge)
22.polyunsaturated (low in chlesterol)
23.vulcanize (solidify)
noisy words
1.bray (yell)
2.clamorous (noisy)
3.hue and cry (clamour)
4.kerfuffle (unnecessary excitement)
5.rambunctious (loud)
6.resound (echo)
7.vociferous (vocal)
8.woof (yell)
9.obstreperous (noisy)
10.resonance (echo)
11.stentorian (loud)
paper related
1.origami (art of paper folding)
2.paper tiger (weak person)
3.papier -mache (paper mixed with glue)
4.pad (notebook)
5.papyrus (earliest form of paper used by egyptians)
6.buckle (fastener) (paper fasteners)
religious words
1.avatar (embodiment of hindu deity)
2.denomination (branch of christian church)
3.incarnate (taking of human form)
4.fakir (a religious muslim or hindu)
5.piety (holiness)
6.prig (person having strong belief )
7.sanctity (holiness)
8.shaman (healer)
9.liturgy (ritual)
10.monotheism (belief in one GOD)
11.caliph (dynasty)
12.imam (religious leader)
13.jihad (holywar)
14.infidal (unbeleiver)
15.maverick (free spirit)
roads / tracks / traffic
1.berm (a raised area of ground)
2.jitney (bus carrying passengers)
3.juggernat (a large truck)
4.camber (a slight curve in road)
5.cul-de-sac (street clased at one end)
6.grid lock (traffic jam)
7.chicane (a sharpe double bend car racing)
8.dead end (road clased at one end)
9.understeer (a motor vehicle tendency to turn less sharply than expected)
10.tail gate (back door of a vehicle)
11.velodrome(a track for cycle racing)
travelling / visit
1.beadeker (guide book for travelers)
2.commute (travel to work)
3.itinerate (nomadic)
4.junket (a trip)
5.journeyman (learner)
6.junta (group of military officers)
7.sojourn (stay,visit)
8.stay (visit,holiday)
1.accolade (honour)
2.impute (attribute)
3.laud (praise)
4.cachet (value)
5.meritorious (excellent,praise worthy)
6.deferential (polite)
7.encomium (praise)
8.venerable (respected)
9.obeisance (bow,respect)
10.repute (prestige)
1.mean (bad)
2.predatory (raptorial)
3.rapacious (greedy)
4.voracious (greedy)
5.voraciousness (greediness)
1.covet (desire)
2.ennui (dissatisfaction)
1.frowsy (untidy)
4.putrid (stinking)
5.scutwork (dirty work)
teacher / guide
1.adonis (striking youth) (hindu or sikh religious teacher)
3.imam (religious leader)
4.shaman (religious specialist)
5.docent (guide)
7.regime (rule)
8.lodestar (guiding star)
knowledge / inteligent
1.acumen (wisdom)
2.adage (wise saying )
3.apprehension (understanding)
4.incisive (intelligent)
5.judicious (wise)
6.ken (knowledge)
7.nuance (slight difference)
8.sagacity (wisdom)
9.perapicacious (wise)
10.wunderkind (genious)
lecture / speech
1.discourse (speech)
2.harangue (long lecture )
3.jeremiad (long sad complaint)
4.peroration (speech)
1.militate (prevent)
2.preclude (prevent)
3.regnent (controlling)
4.pre-empitive (preventive)
1.accrue (to increase overa period)
2.ameliorate (enhance)
3.amenities ( comforts)
4.enhance (increase)
5.crescendo (a grdual increase)
6.stagflation (increase in prices)
top point / juncture / low point
1.tipping point (climax)
2.transcend (top)
3.vertex (top)
4.juncture (a particular point moment)
5.nadir (lowest point)
6.menial (lowly)
7.relegate (downgrade)
wine words
1.claret (red wine)
2.cuvee (a single batch of wine)
3.sec (tasteless champagne)
4.vinter (somebody who sells wine)
1.ambulatory (adapted for walking)
2.divagate (stray)
3.mosey (ambell)
4.sidle (sneak)
1.actuary (accountant)
2.aboiginal (belonging to 1 place)
3.arbiter (a person who settles disputes)
4.hawk (a war like person)
5.dark horse (winner)
6.innocuous (harmless)
7.kahuna (important person)
1.acquiesce (to accept without arguing)
2.assimilate (make an idea acceptable)
3.assume (accept that something is true)
4.condone (to accept something that is morally bad)
6.supposition (idea)
1.afflatus (strong creative impluse)
2.chimerical (fabulous)
3.el dorado (an imaginary place of great wealth)
4.figment (fancy)
5.mesmerise (captivate)
1.cast (act of throwing something)
2.defenestration (act of throwing)
3.enait (to send out something)
4.jettision (throw out)
5.precipitate (throw)
6.prune (trim)
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