Atomic Structure Short Questions with Answers
Short Questions with answers from chapter 5 Atomic Structure chemistry book 1 for FSC pre engineering and pre medical for Board of Intermediate and Secondary education. Also For Entry Test Preparation for UET, NUST, PIEAS, GIKI, AIR, FAST, WAH University, UHS, other engineering Universities and Medical Colleges.
Cu →
Zn +
-1e (β-particle)
Rutherford ’s atomic model is based on the scattering of a–particles emitted from radioactive substances pass through the metal atoms of the foil undeflected by the light weight electrons. When an a–particle does happen to hit a metal–atom nucleus. However, it is scattered at a wide angle because it is repelled by the massive positively charged nucleus.
Q.1 Why it is necessary to decrease the pressure in the discharge tube to get the cathode rays?
The current does not flow through the gas at ordinary pressure even at high voltage about 500 volts.
However when the pressure inside the tube is decreased, the gas in the tube begins to conduct
electricity at low pressure. Therefore it is necessary to decrease the pressure in the discharge tube to
get the cathode rays.
Q.2 Which ever gas is used in the discharge tube the nature of the cathode rays remains the same why?
A cathode ray consists of beam of electrons and electrons are constituents of all matter so, cathode
rays do not depend upon the nature of the gas. Therefore, whichever gas is used in the discharge tube,
the nature of cathode rays remains the same.
Q.3 Why e/m value of cathode rays is just equal to that of electrons?
A cathode ray consists of beam of electrons, so cathode rays are actually electrons. Therefore e/m value
of cathode ray is just equal to that of electron.
Q.4 The bending of the cathode rays in the electric and magnetic field show that they are negatively charged.
The cathode ray beam travels in a straight line from the cathode to anode. The beam bends toward the
south pole of the magnet when it passes through the magnetic field, which shows the cathode rays are
negatively charged.
Q.5 Why positive rays are also called canal rays?
Since positive rays produced in the discharge tube passed through the canals or holes of cathode, therefore positive rays are also called canal rays.
Q.6 The e/m values of positive rays for different gases are different but those for cathode rays, the e/m value is the same.
The e/m value of positive rays depends upon the nature of gas used in the discharge tube. The characteristic of the gas varies from gas to gas, but for cathode rays e/m value is independent of the nature of the gas. Therefore, e/m values of positive rays for different gases are different but those for cathode rays the e/m value is the same.
Q.7 The e/m value for positive rays obtained from hydrogen gas 1836 times more than that of an electron?
The mass of hydrogen gas is 1836 times more than that of an electron. Cathode rays consist of beam of electrons. The e/m value for positive rays depends upon the gas used in the tube, and e/m value for cathode rays is independent of the nature of the gas. Therefore e/m value for positive rays obtained from H2 gas is 1836 times less than that of cathode rays. Heavier the gas, the smaller the e/m value for positive rays.
Q.8 Justify, that cathode rays are material particles.
Cathode rays drive a small paddle, wheel which shows that these rays posses momentum. From this observation, it is inferred that cathode rays are not rays but particles having a definite mass and velocity. Therefore cathode rays are material particles.
Q.9 How neutrons are produced?
When a stream of a–particles from a polonium source is directed at beryllium target, penetrating radiations are produced, which are called neutrons.
He + Be ® C + n
Q.10 Why the neutrons are used as projectile?
The particles, which hit the nucleus and can change its nature are called projectile. A projectile must be chargeless otherwise it will be captured or repelled by the nucleus. The slow moving neutrons cause nuclear reactions like fission and are used in artificial radioactivity. They are chargeless; therefore they can be used as projectile in nuclear research.
n +
Cu →
Cu + hv (γ- radiations)

Q.10 How are x–rays produced?
X–rays are produced when fast moving electrons collide with heavy metal anode in the discharge tube.
Q.11 why the potential energy of bounded electron is negative in Bohr’s model?
The potential energy of bounded electron is negative, because the energy of separated nucleus and electron is taken to be zero. As electron is brought from infinity towards the nucleus to form a stable state of the atom, energy is released because of attractive forces and the energy becomes less than zero, or negative. Therefore, the energy of the bounded electron is negative.
Q.12 Why the total energy of bounded electron in negative in Bohr’s model?
The total energy of bounded electron is negative because the electron is under the force of attraction of the nucleus to have a stable state of the atom. More over when we calculate the total energy of the bounded electron, which is the sum of K.E. and P. E comes which is also negative.
Q.13 Explain that energy of an electron is inversely proportional to n2, but energy of higher orbits are always greater than those of the lower orbits in Bohr’s model.
The energy of an electron in the nth orbit is
En = –
where e, m, 00 and h are all constants, thus En µ
The more negative the energy is the more stable will be the atom. The energy becomes successively less negative, therefore the energy values of higher orbits are always greater than those of the lower orbits.
Q.14 Explain the energy difference between adjacent levels goes on decreasing sharply in Bohr’s model.
The energy difference between adjacent levels goes on decreasing, because the distance between the adjacent orbits increases.
Q.15 why does cathode rays produce shadow of an opaque object placed in their path.
Any object which is material in nature, produces its shadow. Since cathode rays are material in nature, therefore, they produce shadow of an opaque object placed in their path.
Q.16 Give the main points of quantum theory of radiation.
1. Energy is emitted or absorbed by atoms only in the form of packets called quantum.
2. The amount of energy associated with a quantum of radiation is proportional to the frequency (u) of the radiation.
E µ u
or E = hu
3. A body can emit or absorb energy only in terms of integral multiples of quantum.
E = nhu (where n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ……..)
Q.17 Define frequency, wavelength and wave number.
Ans. Frequency (u):
The number of waves passing through a point per second is called frequency (u). Its units are cycles s–1.
Wavelength (l):
The distance between two successive crests or troughs is called wavelength “l” and is expressed in Ao or nm.
Wave number:
The number of waves per unit length is called wave number and is reciprocal of wave length.
The wave number is expressed (m–1) or per meter.
Q.18 What is spectrum? Differentiate between continuous spectrum and line spectrum.
The dispersion of the components of white light, when it is passed through prism is called spectrum. The distribution among various wavelengths of the radiant energy emitted or absorbed by an object is also called spectrum.
Continuous spectrum:
A spectrum containing light of all wavelengths is called continuous spectrum.
In this type of spectrum, the boundary line between the colours cannot be marked. The colours diffuse into each other. One colour merges into another without any dark space. The best example of continuous spectrum is rainbow.
Line spectrum:
When an element or its compound is volatilized on a flame and the light emitted is seen through, a spectrometer. We see distinct lines separated by dark spaces. This type of spectrum is called line spectrum. This is the characteristic of an atom.
Q.19 Describe briefly Rutherford ’s atomic model.
According to Rutherford ’s model most of the mass of the atom (99.95%) is concentrated in a positively charged centre, called nucleus around which the negatively charged electrons move.
Q.20 On which experiment Rutherford ’s atomic model is based on, describe it briefly?
Q.21 Define orbit and orbital.
Ans. Orbit:
A definite circular path at a definite distance from the nucleus in which the electrons revolve around the nucleus is called an orbit.
K, L, M, N are orbits.
A three dimensional region or space around the nucleus, within which the probability of finding an electron is maximum called an orbital, s, p, d and f are atomic orbitals.
Q.22 What do you understand by wave particle duality and what is the de Broglei relation?
According to de Broglei, all matter particles in motion have a dual character. It means that electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms, and molecules, possess the characteristics of both the material particle and a wave. This is called wave particle duality in matter.
De Broglei derived a mathematical equation which relates the wavelength (l) of the electron to the momentum of electron (mv)
l =
Where l = wavelength v = velocity of electron
M = mass of electron and h is Planck’s constant.
This equation l = is called de Broglie relation.
Q.23 What is Heisenberg’s uncertainty principles?
Heisenberg showed that it is impossible to determine simultaneously both the position and momentum of an electron. Suppose that Dx is the uncertainty in the measurement of the position and Dp is the uncertainty in the measurement of momentum of an electron.
Dx . Dp ³
This relationship is called uncertainty principle.
Q.24 What are quantum numbers?
The dimensionless numbers, rise naturally when the Schrodinger wave equation is solved for electron wave patterns and their energies are called quantum numbers.
These numbers describe the behaviour of electron in an atom completely.
There are four quantum numbers.
1. Principal quantum number “n”
It describes the energy of an electron in an atom. The value of n represents the shell or energy level in which the electron revolves around the nucleus. These shells are named as K, L, M, N, O, P, having the values of n, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively. The greater the value of n, the greater will be the distance from the nucleus and greater will be the energy of electron in the shell.
2. Azimuthal quantum number “l”
It determines the shape of orbital, it can have any integer value from 0 to n–l. this quantum number is used to represent the sub–shells, and these value are l = 0, 1, 2, 3. These values represent different sub–shells which are designated as s, p, d, and f, with values of l = 0, 1, 2, 3 respectively.
3. Magnetic quantum number (m)
It describes the orientation of the orbital in space. It can have all the integral values between +l and – l through zero i.e. + l …….. 0 …….. – l. For each value of l, there will be
(2l + 1) values of m. actually the values of m gives us the information of degeneracy of orbitals in space.
(2l + 1) values of m. actually the values of m gives us the information of degeneracy of orbitals in space.
4. Spin quantum number (s)
It describes the spin of electron in atom. Since an electron can spin clockwise or anti clockwise, thus two possible values are + and – depending upon the spin of electron.
Q.25 What is n + l rule?
This rule says that sub–shells are arranged in the increasing order of (n + l) values and if any two sub–shells have the same (n + l) values, then the sub–shell is filled first whose n values is smaller.
Q.26 What is the origin of line spectrum?
According to Bohr’s theory each bright line in a line spectrum results from the downward jump of electron from a higher energy E2 to lower energy E1. This difference in energy (E2 – E1) is emitted as radiation of definite frequency in the form of spectral line.
According to the quantum theory of radiation,
E1 – E2 = hu
Or u =
Q.27 When is Zeeman effect?
When the excited atoms of hydrogen are placed in a magnetic field, its spectral line are further split up in to closely spaced lines. This type of splitting of spectral lines is called Zeeman effect.
Q.28 What is stark effect?
When the excited hydrogen atom are placed in an electric field, its spectral lines are further split up into closely spaced lines. This type of splitting of spectral lines is called stark effect.
Q.29 What is Mosely’s Law?
Mosely’s law states that the frequency of spectral line in
x–ray spectrum varies as the square of atomic number of an element emitting it. This law convinces us that it is the atomic number and not the atomic mass of the element which determines its characteristic properties, both physical and chemical.
x–ray spectrum varies as the square of atomic number of an element emitting it. This law convinces us that it is the atomic number and not the atomic mass of the element which determines its characteristic properties, both physical and chemical.
Q.30 Describe Summerfield’s modification of Bohr’s model atom.
Summerfield suggested that the moving electron revolves in elliptical orbits in addition to circular orbit, with the nucleus situated at one of the foci of the ellipse. The elliptical paths of the moving electron go on changing their position in space, and the nucleus is buried by the electronic cloud from all the sides.
Q.31 Which of these orbitals, 3d or 4s has higher energy level?
For 3d, n + l = 3 + 2 = 5 and for 4s, n + l = 4 + 0 = 4. Therefore 3d orbital has higher energy, than 4s orbital.
Q.32 How many maximum number of electron can have an orbital and a shell?
An orbital can have maximum two electrons with opposite spins. A shell can have maximum of 2n2 electrons, where “n” is the principal quantum number. First shell can have maximum 2 electrons, 2nd shell have 8 electrons 3rd shell have 18 electrons etc.
Q.33 Distribute electrons in orbitals of 19K, 29Cu, 24Cr, 53I.
19K ® 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s1
29Cu ® 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2 3p6, 3d10, 4s1
24Cr ® 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2 3p6, 3d5, 4s1
53I ® 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d10, 4s2, 4p6, 4d10, 5s2, 5p5
Q.34 What does it mean, when we say energy is quantized?
Quantization means that energy can only be absorbed or emitted in specific amounts or multiples of these amounts. This minimum amount of energy is equal to a constant times the frequency of the radiation absorbed or emitted E = hv.
Q.35 Why do not we notice the quantization of energy in every day activities?
In everyday activities, macroscopic objects such as our bodies gain or lose total amounts of energy much larger than a single quantum, hv. The gain or loss of the relatively minuscule quantum of energy in unnoticed.
Q.36 Explain the existence of line spectra is consistent with Bohr’s theory of quantized energies for the electron in the hydrogen atom.
When applied to atoms, the notion of quantized energies means that only certain values of D E are allowed. These are represented by the lines in the emission spectra of excited atoms.
Q.37 In what ways does de Broglie’s hypothesis require revision of our picture of the H–atom based on Bohr’s model?
De Broglie’s hypothesis not electrons have a characteristic wavelength requires, revision of Bohr’s particle only model. For example the idea of a fixed orbit for the electron in hydrogen is hard, to reconcile with the wave properties of electron.
Q.38 (a) For n = 4 what are possible values of l?
(b) For l = 2 what are the possible values of m.
(a) n = 4 l = 3, 2, 1, 0
(b) l = 2 m = – 2, – 1, 0, 1, 2
Q.39 Which of the following are permissible sets of quantum numbers for an electron in a hydrogen atom?
(a) n = 2 l = 1 m = 1
(b) n = 1 l = 0 m = – 1
(c) n = 4 l = 2 m = – 2
(d) n = 3 l = 3 m = 0
(a) permissible 2p (b) not permissible
(c) Permissible 4d (d) not permissible
Q.40 (a) What are the possible values of the electron spin quantum numbers?
(b) What piece of experimental equipment can be used to distinguish electrons that have different values of the electron spin quantum number?
(c) Two electrons in an atom both occupy the Is orbital. What quantity must be different for the two electrons? What principle governs the answer to this question?
(a) + , –
(b) A magnet with a strong inhomogeneous magnetic field.
(c) They must have different spin quantum number values. The Pauli exclusion principle.
Q.41 Give region of different spectral lines.
1. Lyman series (U. V. region)
2. Balmer series (visible region)
3. Paschen series (I. R. region)
4. Bracket series (I. R. region)
5. Pfund series (I. R. region)
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