Chemistry MCQ's

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Chemistry MCQ's
Chemistry MCQ's
Here are MCQ's from chemistry

1. The large molecules which are formed by the monomers are called as
    A) Micro Molecules
    B) Macro molecules
    C) Both
    D) none

2. Macro molecules are classifie into

    A) Organic
    B) inorganic
    C) Both
    D) none

3. Organic macromolecules are classified into

    A) Biopolymers
    B) Synthetic polymers
    C) Both
    D) none

4. Which is not a biopolymer?

    A) Lipids
    B) Protein
    C) Carbohydrate
    D) none

5. The other name for cross linked polymers is

    A) Linear polymer
    B) Branched polymers
    C) Inter connected polymers
    D) none

6. A polymer may be

    A) Linear
    B) Branched
    C) Cross linked
    D) all

7. In macromolecules DP stands for

    A) Dissociation parameter
    B) Dissociation polymer
    C) Degree of polymerization
    D) none

8. Molecular mass of polymer=mol. mass of monomer

    A) 1000
    B) 1
    C) D.P
    D) all

9. Mostly the molecular mass of macro molecules ranges between 10,000 to

    A) One lac
    B) One million
    C) one billion
    D) one trillion

10. A polymr may be

    A) Homopolymer
    B) Co-polymer
    C) Terpolymer
    D) All

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