Chapter 10 Test 4 Chemistry

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Chapter 10 Test 4 Chemistry Book 2

Here is test 4. There are 10 questions. Read questions carefully and answer them

  1. Elimination bimolecular reactions involve.

(A) First order kinetics
(B) Second order kinetics
(C) Third order kinetics
(D) Zero order kinetics

 2. For which mechanism the 1st step involved in the same.

(A) El and E2                       (B) E2 and SN2
(C) El and E2                        (D) El and SN1

 3. Alkyl halides are considered to be very reactive compounds towards nucleophilies because.

(A) They have an electrophilic carbon
(B) They have an electrophilic carbon and good leaving group
(C) They have an electrophilic carbon and bad leaving group
(D) They have a nucleophilic carbon and a good leaving group

4. The rate of E, reaction depends upon

(A) The concentration of substrate.
(B) The concentration of nucleophile
(C) The concentration of substratc as well as uncleophile
(D) None of the above

5. Which one of the following is not a nucleophile

(A) H2O                 (B) H2S
(C) BF3                  (D) NH3

6. Which Monohaloalkane can not be obtained by the direct action of halogen and alkane?

A) RCl B) RBr
C) RI D) None of these

7. For the preparation of RX, by the reaction of Alcohol and Thionyl Chloride requires the presence of a solvent

A) Ether B) Water
C) Pyridine D) Acetone

8. The reaction of Sodium metal with alkyl halide in the presence of Ether is called

A) Wurtz’s reaction    B) Sabatier reaction
C) Frankland’s reaction D) None of these

9. Carbon carrying negative charge is known as

A) Carbonium ion           B) Carbon ion
C) Oxonium ion              D) Oxide ion

10) Formation of alkane by the action of Zinc on alkyl halide is called

A) Wurtz’s reaction         B) Sabatier reaction
C) Frankland’s reaction   D) Kolbe’s reaction

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