Chapter 10 Test 3

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Chapter 10 Test 3
Here are MCQ's from chapter 10. Read questions carefully and answer them all.

 1. Alkyl halides are considered to be very reactive compounds towards nucleophile because___________

                      A)They have an electrophilic carbon
                      B)They have an electrophilic carbon & a good leaving group
                      C)They have an electrophilic carbon & a bad leaving group
                      D)They have a nucleophilic carbon & a good leaving group

2. Which one of the following species in not an electrophile?

A) NH3                               B) Br+
C) H+                                  D) BF3

3. Which one of the following reactants will be required to form ethane from ethyl chloride?

A) Alcoholic KOH            B) Aqueous KOH
C) Alkaline KMnO4                    D) Aqueous NaOH

4. Which one of the following alcohols will be formed when ethyl magnesium bromide reacts with acetone?

A) Primary alcohol         B) Secondary alcohol
C) Tertiary alcohol         D) Dihydric alcohol

5. Which one of the following molecules does not form alcohol when reacts with Grignard reagent?

A) Formaldehyde           B) Acetaldehyde
C) Propanone                D) CO2

6.   In primary alkyl halides, the halogen atom is attached to a carbon which is further attached to how many carbons atoms

A)Two                           B) Three
C) One                          D) Four

7. The reactivity order of alkyl halides for a particular alkyl group is.

            (A) Flouride > chloride > Bromide > Iodide
            (B) Chloride > Bromide > Flouride > Iodide
            (C) Iodide > Bromide > Chloride > Flouride
            (D) Bromide > Iodide > Chloride > Flouride

8. When CO2 is made to react with ethyl magnesium iodide, followed by acid hydrogen, the product formed is.
(A) Propane                     (B) Propanoic acid
(C) Propanal                    (D) Propanol

9. Grignard reagent is reactive to.

(A) The presence of halogen atom (B) The presence of Mg atom
(C) The polarity of C-Mg atom (D) None of the above

10. SN2 reactions can be lest carried out with

(A) Primary alkyl halides (B) Secondary alkyl halides
(C) Tertiary alkyl halides (D) All of these

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