Chap 10 (2nd year)

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  1. should be the products when reactants
      are alcohol & thionyl chloride in the presence      of pyridine?

      a) RCl+S+HCl                b) RCl+SO2+HCl
      c) RCl+SO2+H2O            d) RCl+S+H2O

  1. Which C-X bon has the highest bond energy
per mole?

a) C-F                           b) C-Cl
c) C-Br                          d) C-I

  1. Which alkyl halides has the highest reactivity ,
for a particular alkyl group?

a) R-F                           b) R-Cl
c) R-Br                          d) R-I

  1. 2.8 is the electronegativity of________

      a) F                              b) Cl
      c) Br                             d) I

  1. Which one is not a nucleophile?

      a) C2H5O─                     b) SCN─
      c) NH3                                                      d) H3C+

  1. The number of molecules taking part in the
rate determining step is called_________

a) Order of reaction      
b) Rate or reaction
c) Molecularity of a reaction
d) Extent of a reaction

  1. During SN2 mechanism,carbon atom changes
it state of hybridization from___________

a) sp→sp2                    b) sp2→sp3
c) sp3→sp                    d) sp3→sp2

  1. What will be the order of reaction of a reaction
whose rate can be expressed R = K [A] [B]?

a) Zero                    b) One
c) Two                    d) Three

  1. Which one among the following is not a good
leaving group?

a) HSO4─                      b) Cl─
c) OH─                         d) Br─

  1. What is the order of kinetics in the SN1

a) Zero                          b) First
c) Second                     d) Third

  1. Which alkyl halide out of the following may
follow both SN1 and SN2 mechanism?

  1. CH3─X

CH3   H
  |         |
  1. b.     CH3─  C  ─  C ─X
  |         |
CH3   H

  1. c.            CH ─ X


  1. d.    CH3─ C─ X

  1. In elimination reaction of alkyl halide, which
site is more susceptible for the attack of

a) α-carbon                   b) β-carbon
c) α-hydrogen               d) β-hydrogen

  1. When two moles of ethyl chloride react with
moles of sodium in the presence of ether, what
will be formed?

a) 2 moles of ethane      b) 1 mole of ethane
c) 2 moles of butane     d) 1 mole of butane

  1. Zn-Cu couple and alcohol generate_______

      a) [H]                            b) H2
      c) [O]                            d) O2

  1. When CO2 is made to react with ethyl
magnesium iodide, followed by acid
hydrolysis, the product formed is_________

a) Propane                    b) Propanoic acid
c) Propanal                   d) Propanol

  1. Grignard reagent is reactive due to ________

  1. The presence of halogen atom
  2. The presence of magnesium atom
  3. The polarity of C-Mg bond
  4. All

  1. SN2 reaction can be best carried out with____

  1. Primary alkyl halide
  2. Secondary alkyl halide
  3. Tertiary alkyl halide
  4. All

  1. Elimination bimolecular reactions involve____

  1. First order kinetics
  2. Second order kinetics
  3. Third order kinetics
  4. Zero order kinetics

  1. For which mechanisms, the first step involved
is the same?

a) E1+E2                      b) E2+SN2
c) S1+SN1                    d) SN1+SN2

  1. The rate of E1 reaction depends

  1. The concentration of substrate
  2. The concentration of nucleophile
  3. The concentration of substrate as well as nucleophile
  4. No dependence

  1. Alkyl halides are considered to be very
reactive compounds towards nucleophile

  1. They have an electrophilic carbon
  2. They have an electrophilic carbon & a good leaving group
  3. They have an electrophilic carbon & a bad leaving group
  4. They have a nucleophilic carbon & a good leaving group

  1. Which one of the following species in not an

a) NH3                                                      b) Br+
c) H+                                                          d) BF3

  1. Which one of the following reactants will be
required to form ethane from ethyl chloride?

a) Alcoholic KOH           b) Aqueous KOH
c) Alkaline KMnO4                    d) Aqueous NaOH

  1. Which one of the following alcohols will be
formed when ethyl magnesium bromide reacts
with acetone?

a) Primary alcohol         b) Secondary alcohol
c) Tertiary alcohol          d) Dihydric alcohol

  1. Which one of the following molecules does not
form alcohol when reacts with Grignard

a) Formaldehyde           b) Acetaldehyde
c) Propanone                d) CO2

     26.   In primary alkyl halides, the halogen atom is
attached to a carbon which is further attached to how many carbons atoms

a)Two                           b) Three
c) One                          d) Four

      27. The reactivity order of alkyl halides for a
particular alkyl group is.

            (A) Flouride > chloride > Bromide > Iodide
            (B) Chloride > Bromide > Flouride > Iodide
            (C) Iodide > Bromide > Chloride > Flouride
            (D) Bromide > Iodide > Chloride > Flouride

                     28. When CO2 is made to react with ethyl
magnesium iodide, followed by acid hydrogen,
the product formed is.

(A) Propane                     (B) Propanoic acid
(C) Propanal                    (D) Propanol

                      29.             Grignard reagent is reactive to.

(A) The presence of halogen atom
(B) The presence of Mg atom
(C) The polarity of C-Mg atom
(D) None of the above

               30.        SN2 reactions can be lest carried out with

(A) Primary alkyl halides
(B) Secondary alkyl halides
(C) Tertiary alkyl halides
(D) All of these

               31.        Elimination bimolecular reactions involve.

(A) First order kinetics
(B) Second order kinetics
(C) Third order kinetics
(D) Zero order kinetics

               32.        For which mechanism the 1st step involved in
the same.

(A) El and E2                       (B) E2 and SN2
(C) El and E2                        (D) El and SN1

               33.        Alkyl halides are considered to be very
reactive compounds towards nucleophilies

(A) They have an electrophilic carbon
(B) They have an electrophilic carbon and a
       good leaving group
(C) They have an electrophilic carbon and a
      bad leaving group
(D) They have a nucleophilic carbon and a
      good leaving group

34.        The rate of E, reaction depends upon

(A) The concentration of substrate.
(B) The concentration of nucleophile
(C) The concentration of substratc as well as
(D) None of the above

               35. Which one of the following is not a nucleophile

(A) H2O                 (B) H2S
(C) BF3                  (D) NH3

36)        Which Monohaloalkane can not be obtained by the direct action of halogen and alkane?

a)     RCl
b)    RBr
c)     RI
d)    None of these

37)        For the preparation of RX, by the reaction of Alcohol and Thionyl Chloride requires the presence of a solvent

a)     Ether
b)    Water
c)     Pyridine
d)    Acetone

38)        The reaction of Sodium metal with alkyl halide in the presence of Ether is called

a) Wurtz’s reaction         b) Sabatier reaction
c) Frankland’s reaction   d) None of these

39)        Carbon carrying negative charge is known as

a) Carbonium ion           b) Carbon ion
c) Oxonium ion              d) Oxide ion

40)        Formation of alkane by the action of Zinc on alkyl halide is called

a) Wurtz’s reaction         b) Sabatier reaction
c) Frankland’s reaction   d) Kolbe’s reaction

41)        Which of the following is an electrophile?

            a)                         b) NH3
            c) ROH                         d) BF3

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