Who is the writer of the novel? Or Who is James Hilton?
Ans: James Hilton is the writer of the novel.
When was Chips born? Or What was the age of Chips when he saw the great
Ans: He was born
in 1848. He was brought to great exhibtion as a toddling child.
Why 1870 was easy to remember for Chips? Or When Chips joined Brookfield? Or
What was the year of Franco Prussian war?
Ans: Chips could easily remember 1870 because it was the period of
the Franco Prussian war. It was the year when he joined Brookfield and finally
it was the year when Wetherby died.
Who was Wetherby? Or What kind of fellow was Wetherby? Or Who was the head of
Brookfield when Chips joined it? Or When was Mr. Wetherby the head of
Brookfield? Or When did Wetherby died? Or When Mr. Chips joined Brookfield?
Ans: He was the head of the Brookfield when Chips joined in 1870. He was very fatherly and courteous. He
had vivid eyes. He behaved kindly with Chips . He advised Chips to keep
discipline. He died in 1870.
How did Mr. Weherby advise Chips on the day of his Interview at Brookfield?
Ans: He asked Chips to give his zeal of youth to Brookfield and it
would give him something in return. He asked him not to allow anyone to play
tricks with him. He asked him to take up firm attitude to keep discipline.
Decribe Chips’ first day experience at Brookfield?
Ans: On the
first day at Brookfield, Chips was nervous. Chips assumed a scowl when he
entered the class. A boy dropped a desk lid. Chips punished him by giving him a
hundered lines.
Who was Colley? Or How did Chips treat Colley who dropped a desk lid when Chips
was taking his first class?
Ans: Colley was a red-haired boy . Mr. Chips punished him by giving
him hundered lines to write.
Who was the doctor of Mr. Chips? Or What was the name of Chips’ doctor and how
often did he visit Chips?
Ans: The name of Chips’ doctor was Merivale. He called upon Chips
every fortnight.
What did Chips’ doctor say about Chips?
Ans: The doctor said that Chips was fitter than he. He would not
get any horrible disease. He would die a natural death. He called Chips a
matchless old boy.
What did Dr. Merivale tell Mrs. Wickett when Chips had a cold or when east wind
roared over the fenlands?
Ans: When Chips had cold or when the cold wind blew, Merivale asked
Mrs. Wickett to look after Chips. He said that Chips’ chest put a strain on his
heart. His only fatal disease was old age.
How did Chips measure his time when he lived at Mrs. Wickett’s house?
Ans: Like some old sea captain, Chips measured his time by the
signals of the past. He lived his life according to the bells of Brookfield.
How did the voice of Chips sound after retirement?
Ans: He had a jerky high pitched voice. It still had a tasteof his
young lively voice
When and for how much time did Chips worked at Melbury school and why did he
not like it?
Ans: Chips taught at Melbury school for one year, from 1869 to
1870. He did not like the school because he had been ragged there a good deal.
Who was Mrs. Wickett? Or Where Chips lived after his retirement? Or What was
the importance of Mrs. Wickett house?
Ans: Mrs. Wickett was a kind lady. After retirement, Chips took up
residence at her house. It was situated just across the road from the school.
It was convenient for Chips.
What did Mrs. Wickett do at Brookfield?
Ans: She was the in charge of the linen room at the school.
Where was Brookfield situated? Or How did Brookfield look? Or Describe the
building of Brookfield?
Ans: Brookfield
lay behind a line of ancient elms. It looked reddish brown under its autumn
creeper. It consisted of a group of 18th century buildings.
These buildings centered upon a quad.
When was Brookfield established?
Ans: Brookfield was established in the reign of Elizabeth.
Did Brookfield enjoy a good reputation? Or What was the status of Brookfield?
Ans: There had been rise and fall in its luck. It fell almost to
known existence at one time and enjoyed good repute at another. However , it
remained a good school of the 2nd rank.
When was the structure of the building of Brookfield rebuilt and extended?
Ans: In the reign of the 1st George, the main
structure of the building was rebuilt and extended.
What kind of people did Brookfield supply?
Ans: It supplied judges, members of parliament, colonial
administrators, peers and bishops. Mostly it produced merchants, squires and
Was Chips an ambitious teacher?
Ans: In his early twenties he wanted to get a headship or a senior
mastership. It was after many repeated failures that he realized the nfitness
of his qualifications.
With what did Chips serve the boys? Or How did Chips welcome the new students
at his residence?
Ans: He served the boys with walnut-cake and tea. He made sure that
there plates were never empty.
What kind of books did Mr. Chips have in his room?
Ans: The books were mostly classical. There were a few books of
history and belles letters. There was also a pile of cheap editions of
detective novels.
What kind of books did Chips read?
Ans: Sometimes he read virgil or xenophon for a few moments but
mostly he read the detective novels of Dr. Thorndyke or Inspector French.
Who was Collingwood? Or Who was major Collingwood?
Ans: He was a major . He was uncle of Branksome. When Collingwood
was a student at Brookfield, Chips had punished him for climibing on to the
roof of gymnasium.
Where was major Collingwood killed?
Ans: He was killed in egypt.
Why did Chips hastn to the girl?
Ans: He hastened to the girl because he thought that she was in
What happen to Chips when he hastened to
the girl?
Ans: In doing so, he slipped and wrenched his ankle.
Why did Chips not like Bernard Shaw and Ibsen and bicycling of women?
Ans: Chips was an old person. He did not like Bernard Shaw and
Ibsen for thier modern ideas. He did not like women taking up bicycling because
he was against the freedom of women.
Who was Katherine Bridges? Or What were political ideas of Katherine? Or Whom
Katherine read and admired?
Ans: Katherine Bridges was Chips’ wife. She had radical socialist
ideas. She read and admired George Bernard Shaw and Ibsen.
Who were George Bernard Shaw and Ibsen?
Ans: They were the radical writers and Katherine liked them.
What notion did Chips have about women?
Ans: Chips never felt at ease with with women. He considered the
new woman of the nineties such creature that filled him with horror. He thought
that a nice woman should be weak, shy and delicate.
What was the name of the girl who helped Chips to reach his place and what was
her age?
Ans: Her name was Katherine Bridges and her age was twenty five.
How did Katherine Bridges look?
Ans: She had blue flashing eyes and freckled cheeks and smooth
straw coloured hair.
What was the profession of Katherine?
Ans: She was a governess out of job but she had already saved a
little money.
Why did Katherine begin to like Chips?
Ans: She began to like Chips because he had gentle and polite
manners. She liked his honest views though they were out-dated. She also liked
his brown charming eyes.
Why was spring 1896 important for Mr. Chips?
Ans: The spring of 1896 was very important for Chips. During the
summer vacation, he went to Lake
District. There he met Katherine whom he loved and married. She made him a new
When and where did Chips meet Katherine?
Ans: He met Katherine on Great Gable in the Lake District in 1896.
When did Katherine and her child die? Or How and when did Katherine die? Or
Describe Katherine’s tragic death.
Ans: Katherine and her child died on 1st April 1898
when she was giving birth to her baby. It was a deep shock for chips. He wished
to die like her. He was totally preoccupied.
What was the April Foolery Chips faced? Or What did Chips recieved on the 1st April 1898?
Ans: On 1st April 1898, while he was staying at
his desk, someone said that there were letters for him. He opened them one by
one. All the letters contained a blank sheet of paper.
What was the effect of Katherine’s death on Mr. Chips?
Ans: On the death of Katherine, he found himself to be in a
horrifying nightmare. He wished to die like her. He was totally preoccupied.
How did Chips change his house after the death of his wife?
Ans: After the death of his wife, he changed his large apartment in
school house for his old original bachelor quarters.
What happened to Chips when, after Katherine had died, he wanted to punish a
Ans: After the death of Katherine, whenever he had a trouble with a
boy, he felt a softening wave of memory. Then his brown eyes would twinkle into
a shine that told the boy that all was well.
Was Katherine pleased with Chips’ being a teacher?
Ans: She was happy that Chips was a teacher and not a lawyer or a
broker or a dentist or big business man. She liked teaching profession.
What did Katherine say to Chips on the night before wedding? Or How did
Katherine feel on the night before the wedding?
Ans: She said that she felt like a new boy beginning his first term
with him. She said, “Good bye Mr. Chips” when Chips left her house.
Who said “Good bye Mr. Chips” first time and last time?
Ans: First time Katherine and last time Linford said “Good bye Mr.
Why did Chips not marry till the age of 48?
Ans: He did not marry till the age of 48 as he considered himself
to be ineligible to marry a young and ambitious girl. Then suddenly he met
Katherine and married her.
How was Katherine recieved at Brookfield?
Ans: She was recieved very warmly at Brookfield. The wives of other
masters were attracted by her
personality. She beame popular with the boys and masters alike. She conquered
How did Katherine impressed the Brookfield?
Ans: The wives of the master were jealous of her a the beginning
but soon they began to like her. She impressed Brookfield with her wisdom. She
won Brookfield as she had won Chips.
What kind of fellow was Mr. Chips before marriage?
Ans: He had been a dry and neutral sort of person. He was liked in
general in Brookfield but he had nothing to be popular and loved.
Was Chips marriage successful or not? Or How did Katherine influence Chips? Or
What changes did Katherine bring in Chips?
Ans: Yes, Chips’ marriage was very successful. Katherine made him a
new man. His eyes gained sparkle and his mind began to think positively. His
discipline improved a lot and he became popular.
What sort of humor did Chips make? Or What was Lex Canuleia?
Ans: He made little jokes like mnemonics and puns that raised laugh
and at the same time imprinted something in the mind. Lex canuleia was a Roman
law that permitted patricians to marry plebs. Chips used jokes and puns to
explain this law.
What were the political ideas of Mr. Chips and how were they different from
Ans: Chips was conservative in politics while Katherine had radical
ideas. Even then her idealism worked upon his maturity to produce a mixture so
gentle and wise.
How did Katherine persuade Chips for the football match? Or What were the
arguments given by Katherine Bridges to convince Chips regarding the match?
Ans: Katherine argued that England was not always going to be
divided into classes. She added that Brookfield should give social support also
along with financial support to the Poplar boys.
How did Katherine urged Chips to forgive the students for thier mistakes? Or
How did Katherine help Chips in the matters of discipline?
Ans: She improved his discipline by some useful suggestions. She
advised him to be lenient in ordinary matters but in serious case she urged him
to be strict and unforgiving.
What were the difficulties Chips faced when he tried to write down a book on
Ans: He could not write a book because writing tired him both
physically and mentally. Moreover, he felt that some memories lost thier charm
on the paper.
What memories of Katherine haunted Chips?
Ans: The golden memories based on thier life haunted Chips. He
remembered her advises.
Who was Forrestor?
Ans: He was the smallest boy at school about four feet high above
Who was Old Ogilive?
Ans: Ogilive was an old choirmaster. He taught a choir to sing
together. He would take choir practice.
Who was Old Gribble?
Ans: He was the school butler.
Who was Rowden and where did he go with Chips? Or What was the age of Chips in
the spring of 1896?
Ans: Rowden was the Colleague with whom Chips went to Lake District
in 1896 when he was 48 years old.
was the name of the old fifth-form room?
Ans: It was called “The Pit”.
What did Chips think about the Boers?
Ans: He was not against the Boers. Neither did he favour them. But
still he believed that they had an odd similarity with certain English
history-book herores.
Who was Ralston? Or How did Ralston look? Or Who was made head of Brookfield
after Chips? Or What sort of person was
Ralston? Or What were the qualities of Ralston?
Ans: Ralston was a young man of thirty-seven who succeeded Chips as
a head. He was glittering with firsts and blues.He had a personality that could
reduce the big hall to silence by the mere lifting of an eyebrow.
Why did Ralston ask Mr. Chips to retire? Or What was the reason that led to the
quarrel between Mr. Chips and Ralston? Or What were the charges that Ralston
levied against Chips?
Ans: In 1908, when Chips had just reached sixty, Raslton asked him
to retire because he thought that Chips’
method of teaching is old. Chips refused to do so and a row started between
How did Ralston and Chips live together for three years after the row?
Ans: Chips was favoured by Chairman of the Governors. He told Chips
that he could stay there till he was hundred. So he stayed on at Brookfield,
having as little to do with Ralston as possible.
Why did Ralston leave Brookfield? Or When did Ralston leave Brookfield?
Ans: Ralston left Brookfield in 1911 to better himself. He was
offered the headship of one of the greater public schools.
Did Chips like Ralston? Or What did Chips think at the end of his row with
Ralson though he said no word? Or Why did Chips not like Ralston? Why could
Ralston not become popular at Brookfield?
Ans: Chips did not like Ralston. He thought that Ralston was
running the school like a factory to turn out a snob-culture based on money and
machines. He thought that Ralston was lessening the old good traditions.
Therefore, he did not like Ralston.
How did the people come to know about the quarrel between Ralston and Mr.
Chips? Or Who heared the quarrel between Ralston and Mr. Chips?
Ans: A small boy, who was waiting outside to see Ralston, heared
the entire row between the two. He told his friends about it and the news
spread like a fire.
What was the reaction of the master’s to the row between Ralston and Chips?
Ans: The masters agreed that Chips was old-fashioned. However, they
supported Chips because they hated Ralston’s slave driving and saw in Chips the
likely champion.
Who was Mr. Chatteris? Or Why did Chatteris requested Chips to rejoin the
school? Or When did Mr. Chatteris died? Or What was the health problem of
Ans: Chatteris succeeded Ralston. He was a young man of thirty
four. He was modern, friendly and kind. He accepted Chips and his status in
Brookfield. During war, he was facing problems and so he requested Chips to
join the school. He fell ill in 1917 and he died in 1918.
Who was Sir John Rivers? Or Who was the
Chairman of Governors? Or How did John Rivers treat Chips and Ralston? Or Why
did John Rivers favoured Chips?
Ans: Sir. John Rivers was the Chairman of the Governors. He visited
Brookfield, ignored Ralston and supported Chips. He favoured Chips because he
thought that Chips was clear in his row with Ralston.
What did the Chairman of the Governors tell chips about his retirement?
Ans: He said that Brookfield would not be the same without Chips.
He told Chips that he could stay there till he was a hundered. The Chairman
expressed his hope that Chips would hang on.
Who was Meldrum? Or Who succeeded Wetherby as a headmaster? Or When did Meldrum
die? Or When did Chips become the acting head of Brookfield? Or From which
disease did Meldrum die?
Ans: Meldrum was the head of
Brookfield. He succeeded Wetherby and he held the office for thirty years. In
1900, he died suddenly from pneumonia and Chips became acting head.
Who was Mr. Jones and what was his duty?
Ans: Mr. Jones was a striker. He was a servant in the railway
department. He had the charge of the single box.
How did Chatteris look when he went to see Chips?
Ans: He looked overworked, overworried and ill.
Who was Mrs. Brool? Or Why Mrs. Brool
leave for Australia?
Ans: Mrs. Brool worked in the tuck-shop of Brookfield. She left the
tuck-shop when her uncle in Australia left her a lot of money.
Who was Mr. Cartwright?
Ans: He was the new head of Brookfield. He joined in 1919. It was
Cartwright who announced the news of Chips’ death in school.
Who was Linford? Or Who was the last visitor of Chips? Or Who was the boy who
came to see Chips when Mrs. Wickett had gone to see her relatives?
Ans: Linford was the last visitor of Chips. He lived in Shropshire.
He was the first of his family at Brookfield.
When did Chips retire and what was presented to him on the day of his
Ans: He got retired in 1913 at the age of sixty five. He was
presented with a writing desk, a cheque and a clock.
What happen to Chips in 1913? Or Why was Chips off duty nearly the whole winter
term? Or When did Chips suffered from Bronchitis? or When and why did Chips
Ans: In 1913, Chips had Bronchitis and was off duty for nearly the
whole of the winter term. This made him decide to resign. Then he was sixty
When did Chips recieved his farewell party? Or What type of farewell was given
to Mr. Chips?
Ans: At the final end of term dinner, in July 1913, he recieved his
farewell party. It was a wonderful party. There were roars of laughter and
cheers. His speech made the party joyful.
What did Chips say in the farewell speech?
Ans: In the speech, he made many little jokes. There were several
Latin quotations in it. There was also a reference to the Captain of the School
who had overstated Chips’ services.
What event took place in 1926 in Brookfield?
Ans: During 1926, there was a general strike. Brookfield boys
loaded motor vans with food stuffs. The strike had cost England much.
Q86: What was Chips’ will? Or When did
Chips make his will and what was it? Or Whom did Chips leave his money in his
Ans: In 1930, he made his will. He gave some part of his legacies
to Poplar Mission and to Mrs. Wickett. He left his remaining money to found an
open entrance scholarship to the school.
When did the school heared the death of Chips? Or When did Chips die?
Ans: It was the morning of november 1933 when the school heared the
news of Chips’ death.
How much time did spend in Brookfield?
Ans: He spent forty two years there. He said that he had been very
happy there.
What was the event of bonfire in Brookfield?
Ans: They burnt a bonfire on mafeking night. It was lit near the
pavilion. The fire got wild and they had to send for the fire-brigade to put it
Which newspaper did Chips read? Or Did Chips read any newspaper?
Ans: He read “Times” every morning thoroughly.
What sort of problems did Chatteris face during war?
Ans: He faced many problems during the war because most of the
masters had joined up and the substitutes were not performing thier duties
What did Chips teach when he joined Brookfield again after his retirement?
Ans: He taught again the same old lessons of Latin and Roman
history. He taught these lessons with his old methods and pronunciation.
How did Chips feel when he rejoined Brookfield?
Ans: He felt very fit. The actual work was not tiring him. He felt
very happy for the first time in his life, he felt himself necessary to
What is rissole? What joke did Chips make about it? Or What was abhorrendum?
Ans: Rissole is a small fried cake of minced meat, often mixed with
breadcrumbs. It was serve in Brookfield on Mondays.Chips called it “abhorrendum
” ”meat to be abhorred”. It was called Chips’ latest joke.
What was meant by Chips’ latest?
Ans: Chips’ latest was his fresh joke.
Why did Chips’ not want to be the official head of Brookfield?
Ans: Chips was an old man. He did not want to be the official head
of Brookfield as he felt himself unequal to it. He said that he was like those
army officers of small ranks that suddenly become colonels and majors during
the war- time.
How did Chips take his class during the shelling or air-raid? Or How did Chips
keep up the spirits of the boys during the shelling?
Ans: Chips remained calm during the shelling. He even found some
phrase to show the way the Germans fought. Chips said if it was thier fate to
die, they should die in doing something proper. This is how he took his class
and keep up the spirits of the boys during the shelling or air-raid.
Which lesson of Latin was Chips teaching in the loud roar of bombing?
Ans: He was teaching the affairs of ceaser in gaul and the
irregular conjugation of the verb ‘tollo’.
Q99: What happened on 11th November , 1918? Or
How did Brookfield celebrate the end of war?
Ans: World war I ended on 11 November, 1918. A whole holiday was
declared. The kitchen staff was asked to provide a large meal. There was much
cheering and singing and a bread fight.
When did Chips send his resignation to the Board of Governors for the second
time in life?
Ans: He sent his resignation to the Board of Governors on the night
of 11 November, 1918.
Why did Chips resigned again?
Ans: He beame an acting head of Brookfield during the World War I.
But the war ended on 11 November, 1918. He thought that Brookfield did not need
him after the war. So, he resigned for the second time.
Why did Chips earn the reputation of being a great Jester?
Ans: Wherever Chips went and whatever he said there was laughter.
Whenever he rose to speak, people got ready for a joke. They laughed sometimes
before he could come to the point.
Was Chips income more than his expenses
after retirement? Or How did Chips spend his money after retirement? Or Where
did Chips invest his money after retirement?
Ans: Yes, his income was more than his expense. His small capital
was invested in save stocks. He gave money to the poor. He also gave money to
various school funds and also to the Brookfield mission.
What did Chips’ doctor say to him on the foggy morning in 1933?
Ans: He asked Chips if he was feeling hearty. He advised him to
keep indoors as there was a lot of flu about.
What were the two things Chips had never done in life?
Ans: He had never travelled by air and he had never been to a talky
Why did Linford come to see Chips?
Ans: Someone
told him that Chips wanted to see him. Therefore, he came to see Chips. It was
just a trick and a joke.
What sort of discussion did Chips have with Linford?
Ans: They talked of Shropshire, of schools, of the school life in
general and of the news in that days paper.
What wre the feelings of Chips when Linford had gone away?
Ans: The words “Good bye Mr. Chips” began to echo in his mind
because these were the same words which Katherine said a night before thier
wedding. Suddenly, the tears rolled down his cheeks. He felt very tired.
Draw a character sketch of Mr. Chips?
Ans: Chips was a matchless old boy. He lived a pleasent peaceful
life. He was kind and generous. He served his guests with tea and cakes. He
loved old traditions. He was very brave also.
Q110: Write a note on Mr. Chips as a teacher?
Ans: Chips was
not a brilliant teacher. His method of teaching was old. In the beginning, he
could not keep discipline but then he learnt to enforce it. He was a devoted
teacher. He loved his profession. He amused his students with jokes.
How did Mr. Chips live his retired life?
Ans: In 1913, Chips retired. After retirement, he lived at Mrs.
Wickett’s house. He spent most of his time in reading, talking, remebering,
taking tea, watching matches and writing articles.
How did Chips react to the remark of Mr. Cartwright about his being issueless?
Ans: Cartwright whispered to Merivale that it was a pity that Chips
was issueless. At that remark, Mr. Chips opened his eyes and said that he had
thousands of children and they were all boys.
Q113: Where was Mrs. Wickett on the day
Chips died?
Ans: Mrs. Wickett had gone out to see her relatives in a
neighbouring village.
Describe the death scene of Mr. Chips? Or Write a note on the death of Mr.
Ans: Chips’ death scene was very touching and emotional. He heard a
sweet chorus of the names of his boys. Then he went to sleep and looked so
peaceful that nobody disturbed him. But he died the same night.
What type of novel “Good bye Mr. Chips” is?
Ans: It is a semi-biographical novel. The main character, Chips,
takes the readers down his memory lane and unfolds important events of his
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