
Tuesday, 9 August 2016

CH 1: THE DYING SUN Short Questions with Answers

Q1: How is it that s star seldom finds another star near it?

ANS: The universe is very large. Uncountable stars are present in space. The distances between them are very great. So, there is no chance for a star to come near the other.

Q2: What happened when, according to Sir James Jeans, a wander star, wandering through space, came near the sun?OR What happened when the wandering star came nearer and nearer to the sun ? OR What are planets and how they come into existence? OR What was the result when the new star came nearer to the sun?

ANS: A wandering star came near the sun. It raised a big wave of gases on the surface of the sun. As the star began to go away, the wave broke into pieces which are known as planets. Planets move round the sun.

Q3: Why is there no life on the stars?

ANS: Life needs normal temperature. The stars are the collection of fires and their temperature is so hot that it is not suitable for life.

Q4: Write a note on the beginning of life on earth?

ANS: Life started in simple organisms. They had the ability to reproduce themselves before dying. From these organisms, started a stream of life that ended in the form of human beings.

Q5: Why is the universe of which our earth is a part, so frightening? Give as many reasons as you can. OR What is the fear of humans when they try to probe into the universe? OR Why is the universe frightening to us? OR Why do humans feel frightened of the universe? OR Do we find life elsewhere in the universe?

ANS: The universe is frightening for us because of its huge distances, great stretchs of time, our littlenes in space and absence of life anywhere else.

Q6: What rare event took place some two thousand million years ago? OR When did a wandering star come near the sun?

ANS: Some two thousand million years ago, a star passed from near the sun. The writer says that it was really a rare event.

Q7: How much hot are the stars?

ANS: The stars are extremely hot. They are big burning balls of fire. Nothing can exist there.

Q8: What is the final complex  shape of life? OR What are the final complex human characteristics?

ANS: Finally life has produced human beings. They have feelings. They follow thier religions. They have hopes and desires.

Q9: What are temperature belts?

ANS: These are the temperature zones at certain distances from stars. The belts near stars are hotter. 


  1. that following person 1st scared me ....hahahh������btw nice was helpful


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