CH 4: END OF TERM Short Questions with Answers
Q1: What was
Daiches’ attitude towards the week-end as a school boy? Why did he long for it?
Daiches’ attitude towards the week-end was that of happiness. He longed for it
because it freed him from the difficult routine of school and home work.
Q2: What was
Daiches’ general view of school life?
Daiches’ general view of school life was not so good. He was not a weak student
but he was fed up of difficult routine of school and home work. .
Q3: Daitches like
holidays for thier freedom – freedom from what?
Daitches liked holidays because they freed him from the difficult routine of
school and home work. They provided him happiness.
Q4: How did Daiches
spend his summer holidays?
He felt very happy at the arrival of summer holidays because they freed him
from the difficult routine of school and home work. This time looked to be a period of joy. He
spent the summer holidays in his village.
Q5: Wishes don’t
come true in this life, writes Daiches. What are the things he longed for but
could not have?
He said so because he wished to have a tricycle and then a bicycle but could
not get them. Once he wanted to get ice-cream but could not get that.
Q6: Which night was
the best night of the week for the writer and why? OR What/How did the writer feel
on Friday night?
He felt very happy on Friday night. It was the best night of the week as it was
followed by two holidays.
Q7: How did the
writer feel on Saturday night?
It was quite a pleasent night because it was still followed by a holiday.
Q8: How did the
writer feel on Sunday night?
It was full of the threat of Monday morning. He felt very sad on that night
because he had to go to the school next morning.
Q9: What wish of the
writer could his parents not afford?
The writer longed for a tricycle in his early life. Later the wish was changed
to a bicycle but his parents could afford neither.
Q10: How did the
writer buy his first bicycle?
At the age of twenty one, the writer bought it with the prize money that he had
won at the university.
Q11: What did
Daiches do with his pocket money?
ANS: He got a little sum as
pocket money which he had to save in a money-box. So, he rarely got a chance to
spend it on himself.
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