
Thursday, 19 September 2013

Biology Chapter 18 and 19


TEST # 4

  1. Which of the following animals give birth to their young one
(a)       Oviparous                  (b) Ovaviviparous                   (c) Viviparous             (d) one of these
  1. In human female, external genitilia is in form of
(a)       Ovaries                      (b) Uterus                                (c) Vagina                   (d) None of these
  1. During birth, which of the following acts as birth canal
(a)       Oviduct                     (b) Uterine tube                       (c) Uterus                    (d) Vagina
  1. Nutrition to egg in ovary is provided by
(a)       Germ cells                  (b) Follicle cells                       (c) Milk cells   (d) None of these
  1. Which structure is not involved in production of progesterone
(a)       Graffian follicle         (b) Corpus luteum                   (c) Placenta                 (d) None of these
  1. Reproduction is required for the survival of
(a)       Individual                  (b) Species                               (c) Both of these         (d) None of these
  1. Formation of seed without fertilization is called
(a)       Parthenocarpy            (b) Parthenogenesis     (c) Apomixes   (d) All of these
  1. Climatric is related to
(a)       Seed formation          (b) Fertilization                       (c) Fruit ripening         (d) Reproduction
  1. Critical day length for cocklebur is
(a)       8.5 hours                    (b) 10-11 hours                        (c) 13-14 hours            (d) 15.5 hours
  1. Which of the following does not have regenerative ability
(a)       Salamanders (b) Star fish                             (c) Frog larvae (d) Adult frog
  1. Elongation of cell is favoured by
(a)       Red light                    (b) Blue light               (c) Both of these         (d) None of these
  1. Incubating temperature for chick is
(a)       32-34 oC                    (b) 34-36 oC                            (c) 36-38 oC                 (d) 38-40 oC
  1. Which is an ovaviviparous animal?
(a)       Duck bill platypus     (b)Whale                                (c) Shark                      (b) Kangaroo
  1. Which is not a related structure?
(a)       Oviduct                     (b)Fallopian tube                     (c) Uterine tube           (d) Urethra
  1. The epiblast and hypoblast are formed by the splitting of
(a)       Blastodisc                  (b) Blastoderm                        (c) Area pellucida        (d)Area opaca
  1. In seed plants megasporangium is represented by
(a)       Stamen                       (b)Carpel                                 (c) Ovary                     (d) Ovule
  1. The conversion of protochlorophyII to chlorophyII is termed as:
(a)       Etiolation                   (b)Greening                             (c)Apomixes    (d) Vernalization
  1. The low temperature stimulus that leads to flowering is received by
(a)       Shoot apex of a mature stem (b) Embryo of the seed (c) Leaves(d) Both a and b
  1. Low temperature treatment stimulates the production of one of the following hormone that induces vernalization.
(a)       Florigen                     (b) Vernalin                             (c) Ethane                    (d) Abcissic acid
  1. A form of parthenogenesis in flowering plants is
(a)       Apomixes      (b) Climatric(c) Haploid parthenogesis(d) Diploid parthenogenesis

  1. The cells between seminiferous tubules that secrete testosterone are
(a)       Spermatocytes  (b) Sertoli cells  (c) Interstitial cells (d) Germinal epithelial cells
  1. In human females the follicle cells are modified to form a special structure, the
(a)       Corona radiate           (b)Oocyte                    (c) Corpus luteum                   (d) Umbilical cord
  1. In human beings the total gestation period is about
(a)       180 days                    (b)230 days                 (c) 280 days                            (d) 290 days
  1. All of the following sexually transmitted diseases can be controlled by medication except
(a)       Gonorrhea                  (b) Syphilis                  (c) Genital herpes                    (d) AIDS
  1. Cork cabium is responsible for development of
(a)       Lateral shoots            (b)Leaf primordial (c) Xylem and phloem      (d)Bark
  1. The root primordial develops from
(a)       Root apical meristems (b) Vascular cambium (c) Pericycle   (d) Crok cambium
  1. One of the most important correlative effects in plants is
(a)       Morphogenesis          (b) Apical dominance  (c) Differentiation       (d) Growth
  1. Hans dietrisch worked with
(a)       Sea urchin egg           (b) Salamander zygote            (c) Chick embryo        (d) Newt egg
  1.  Self-pollination takes place in closed flower is known as:
            (a) Homogamy      (b) Heterogamy                       (c) Cliestogomy           (d) Isogamy
  1.  Florigen synthesis in _________and translocated through phloem to the bud meristem.
            (a) Buds                            (b) Leases                                (c)Branch                    (d) Flower
  1.  The muscular part of uterus if ___and spongy lining filled with vascular tissue is called endometrium:
            (a) Myometrium    (b) Tetrametrium         (c) Ectometrium          (d) None of above
  1.  How many types of cells, an ovary consists of?
            (a) Four                             (b) Three                                  (c) Two                        (d) One
  1.  Early division of fertilized egg is called:
            (a) Blastula                        (b) Cleavage                (c) Gastrula     (d) Morula
  1.  During first few division egg remains solid and is called:
            (a) Morula                         (b) Gastrula                 (c) Blastula                  (d) Cleavage
  1.  The notochord develops from ____ in the mid-dorsal line of the gastrula:
            (a) Chorda mesoderm (b) Mesoderm                    (c) Ectodrm     (d) Endoderm
  1.  The embryogical development of tailed larvae takes place inside the egg membranes in about:
            (a) 24 hours                       (b) 48 hours                 (c) 84 hours     (d) 12 hours
  1.  Metamorphosis causes ___changes in tadole:
            (a) Morphological and physiological (b) Structural (c) Functional (d) None of these
  1.  Seeds are dormant in conditions of
            (a) water scarcity   (b) Low temperature   (c) Harsh Winter (d) All of these
  1.  In which organism males are haploid
            (a) Aphids             (b) Honey bee             (c) Mosquito    (d) Butterfly
  1.  Secondary growth is actually:
(a)       Extension of plant body                                (b) increase in thickness

(c) Production of leaves and flowers                    (d) None of these

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