
Thursday, 19 September 2013

Biology chapter 17

Chapter 17
1.         Which of the following is present inside the vertebral column?
            a.         Brain                                                   b.         Spinal cord
            c.         Both a &b                                           d.         None of these
2.         Intelligence is under the control of
            a.         Cerebrum                                            b.         Cerebellum
            c.         Thalamus                                             d.         Hypothalamus
3.         Which of the following acts as thermoregulator?
            a.         Pons                                                    b.         Cerebrum
            c.         Thalamus                                             d.         Hypothalamus
4.         Receptors for hearing come under heading of:
            a.         Chemical                                             b.         Mechanical
            c.         Photo                                                   d.         None of these
5.         Myelin sheath surrounding neuron fibers is made of:
            a.         Carbohydrates                                     b.         Proteins
            c.         Lipids                                                  d.         Fats
6.         Insufficient secretion of iodothyroxine in adults causes:
            a.         Myxoedema                                        b.         Cretinism
            c.         Goiter                                                  d.         Exopthalmic goiter
7.         If plants are grown without light, they become extremely long and fail to from chlorophyll, they are called:
            a.         Necrotic                                              b.         Etiolated
            c.         Chlorotic                                             d.         Achlorophyllous
8.         Which one is selective weed killer?
            a.         iAA                                                     b.         NAA
            c.         2, 4 – D                                               d.         2, 4 - T
9.         A reflex arc involves:
            a.         Sensory neuron                                   b.         Motor neuron
            c.         Associative neuron                              d.         All of above
10.       Which one is not related to resting membrane potential?
            a.         Sodium & potassium ions                   b.         0.05 volts
            c.         Negative organic ions                         d.         Leakage of Kfrom neurons
11.       Effective drug available for parkinson’s disease is:
            a.         Nicotine                                              b.         GDNF
            c.         L – Dopa                                             d.         AZT
12.       The most important test in the study of epilepsy is:
            a.         Electroencephalography                      b.         Angiography
            c.         Electronography                                  d.         C.T. Scan
13.       Which one is not a steroid hormone:
            a.         Oestrogens                                          b.         Cortisone
            c.         Testosterone                                        d.         Vasopressin
14.       Melanophore stimulating hormone is secreted in excess amount in:
            a.         Parkinson’s disease                             b.         Disease
            c.         Epilepsy                                              d.         Alzheimer’s disease
15.       Coordination results in;
            a.         Regulation of body functions             b.         Organization of body functions
            c.         Integration of body functions             d.         All of these
16.       Hydra has no:
            a.         Glandular cells                                    b.         True muscles
            c.         Nerve cells                                          d.         All of these
17.       Coordination in man is brought about by:
            a.         Nervous system                                   b.         Endocrine glands
            c.         Both a & b                                          d.         None of these
18.       Reflex actions below the neck are under control of:
            a.         Brain                                                   b.         Spinal cord
            c.         Both of these                                      d.         None of these
19.       Under resting membrane potentials
            a.         Outer surface of neuron is more positive
            b.         Inner surface of neuron is more positive
            c.         Both of these surfaces are equally positive
            d.         None of above
20.       What is the function of synapse?
            a.         To allow nerve impulse to move in backward direction
            b.         To decrease the nerve impulse
            c.         To stop the nerve impulse
            d.         None of these
21.       Which of the following extensions carry the message toward the cell body?
            a.         Dendrites                                            b.         Axon
            c.         Both a & b                                          d.         None of these
22.       Which of the following neurons has a single dendron?
            a.         Sensory neuron                                   b.         Motor neuron
            c.         Both a & b                                          d.         Associative neuron
23.       In which of the following neurons length of dendron is greater than axon
            a.         Sensory neuron                                   b.         Motor neuron
            c.         Associative neuron                              d.         None of these
24.       Which of the following is largest part of brain?
            a.         Cerebellum                                          b.         Cerebrum
            c.         Medula oblongata                               d.         None of these
25.       Which of the following controls the volume of urine excreted?
            a.         Thyroxin                                              b.         Oestrogens
            c.         Vasopressin                                         d.         Glucagon
26.       Conditioned reflex type II is also known as:
            a.         Habituation                                         b.         Imprinting
            c.         Trial and error                                     d.         Latent learning
27.       Cell bodies of motor neurons constitute:
            a.         Dorsal root ganglion                           b.         Ventral root ganglion
            c.         Anterior root ganglion                                    d.         Posterior root ganglion
28.       All spinal nerves are:
            a.         Sensory                                               b.         Motor
            c.         Mixed                                                  d.         Any of them

29.       Vaga nerve is involved in the formation of:
            a.         Somatic nervous system                      b.         Parasympathetic nervous system
            c.         Sympathetic nervous system               d.         None of them
30.       Alzheimer’s disease may appear due to high levels of:
            a.         Calcium                                               b.         Magnesium     
c.         Potassium                                            d.         Aluminium
31.       Hormone effect on the biochemical reactions is:
            a.         Initiating                                             b.         Acceleratory
            c.         Inhibitory                                            d.         Regulatory
32.       Abnormally more development of hands feet and Jaws is known as:
            a.         Acromegaly                                         b.         Microcephaly
            c.         Cleft palate                                         d.         Polydactyle
33.       There is a common hypothalamic releasing factor for:
            a.         FSH / LH / LTH                                 b.         LH / LTH / PIH
            c.         PIH / LH / Oestrogens                                    d.         FSH / LH / ICSH
34.       Which is not the way of depressing blood glucose level by insulin?
a.                   Increasing glycogen synthesis                        
b.                  Increasing cell utilization of glucose
c.                   Conversion of glucose into lipid and protein 
d.                  Conversion of excessive glucose into lipids
35.       Cortisol increases blood glucose level by the metabolism of:
            a.         Carbohydrates                                     b.         Proteins
            c.         Lipids                                                  d.         All of them
36.       Which is an irreversible behaviour learned by an animal?
            a.         Habituation                                         b.         Insight learning
            c.         Imprinting                                           d.         Operant conditioning
37.       The main difference between nervous & endocrine coordination is
            a.         Use of nerve impulse & hormone
            b.         Short term & long term activities
            c.         Control by brain & endocrine glands
            d.         None of the above
38.       The learning based on manipulation of mental concepts is:
            a.         Habituation                                         b.         Latent learning
            c.         Imprinting                                           d.         Insight learning
39.       The Hormone which delays senescence in lettuce is:
            a.         Auxins                                                 b.         Gibberellins
            c.         Cytokinins                                           d.         Abscisic acid
40.       The main neurotransmitter in brain is:
            a.         Seratonin                                             b.         Acetylcholine

            c.         Aldosterone                                        d.         Adrenalin

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