
Saturday, 27 July 2013

Electromagnetism MCQ's 2

     Here are MCQ's form Electromagnetism chapter 14 physics book 2 for the preparation of entry test of all engineering universies and Medical Colleges.
     1.       The Lorentz force or a charged particle moving in an electric flux F and magnetic filed B is given
a.       F = Fe +Fb
b.      F = Fe – Fb
c.       F =  Fe/Fb
d.      F = fe X Fb

      2.       The force experienced by an electron projected in a magnetic field B with a velocity V is given by
a.       F = eVXB
b.      F = -e V X B
c.       F = e B X V
d.      Both b and c

      3.       Charge to mass ratio (e/m) of a charged particle is also called its
a.       Specific charge
b.      Specific force
c.       Gyro magnetic ratio
d.      Magneto mechanical ratio

     4.       Which one of the following cannot be measure with an avometer?
                a.       Voltage (V)
                b.      Inductance (H)
                c.       Resistance (ohm)
                d.      Current (A)

     5.       Which one of the following particles projected perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field with
the same velocity will be deflected least?
               a.       Electron
               b.      Proton
               c.       Deuteron
               d.      None of these

      6.       A positively charged particle is moving perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field the magnetic force makes the particle to move along
a.       An elliptical path
b.      A circular path
c.       A parabolic path
d.      None of these

     7.       The working of all DC electric meters (galvanometers, ammeters and voltmeters) depends upon
a.       Heating effect of current
b.      Chemical eff3ect of current
c.       Magnetic field of current
d.      Electromagnetic effect of current

    8.       According to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
a.       Electric field is produced by time varying magnetic flux
b.      Magnetic field is produced by time varying electric flux
c.       Magnetic field is associated with a moving charge
d.      None of the above

     9.       A magnetic field
a.       Always exerts a force on a charged particle
b.      Never exerts a force on a charged particle
c.       Exerts a force on a charged particle if it is moving across the magnetic lines of force
d.      Exerts a force on a charged particle if it is moving along the magnetic lines of force

     10.   Magnetic permeability is maximum for
a.       Diamagnetic substances
b.      Paramagnetic substances
c.       Ferromagnetic substances
d.      All of these

     11.   The magnetic field used in a moving coil galvanometer is
a.       Longitudinal
b.      Radial
c.       Transverse
d.      Non of these

     12.   The galvanometer constant of a moving coil galvanometer is given by
a.       K = BAN/C
b.      K = BN/Ca
c.       K = NAC/B
d.      K = C/BAN

     13.   If the value of galvanometer constant k =C/BAN is made small the galvanometer can be made
a.       Sensitive
b.      Accurate
c.       Stable
d.      None of these
     14.   When a suitable small resistance is put in parallel with the galvanometer coil, it is converted
a.       Voltmeter
b.      Avometer
c.       Ammmerter
d.      None of these

     15.   A small parallel resistance (shunt) used to convert a galvano0meter into an ammeter of suitable rang is given by
a.       Rs = lg/l + lg X Rg
b.      Rs = lg/l – lg X rg
c.       Rs = l + lg/lg X Rg
d.      Rs = lg/l-lg – Rs

     16.   To increase the range of ammeter, the shunt value should be
a.       Decreased
b.      Increased
c.       Kept constant and Rg should be increased
d.      None of these

     17.   When a high resistance is connected in series with the galvanometer coil, it is converted into
a.       Voltmeter
b.      Avometer
c.       Digital meter ammeter
d.      Ammeter

     18.   To increase the measuring range of a voltmeter, the series resistance should be
a.       Increased
b.      Decreased
c.       Kept constant and Rg should be increased
d.      None of these

    19.   Flow of a current at right angled to the filed per meter length of conductor will produce a
magnetic strength of
                a.       1 Gauss
                b.      1 Tesla
                c.       1 joule
                d.      Newton

    20.   Magnetic flux is
a.       0.25 Wb
b.      0.25 T
c.       2 Wb

d.      2T

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