
Saturday, 27 July 2013

Elecromagnetism MCQ's 1

    MCQ's from chapter 14 Electromagnetism book 2 physics 12. Read questios carefully.
        1.       A source of a magnetic field is
a.       An isolated magnetic pole
b.      A static electric charge
c.       A  moving electric charge
d.      None of these

        2.       The magnetic effect of current was discovered by
a.       Farady
b.      Oersted
c.       Bohr
d.      ampere

        3.       The due to long straight wire carrying a current I is proportional to
a.       I
b.      I –
c.       Square root I
d.      I3

        4.       The4 SI units of magnetic permeability is
a.       Wb /m2z
b.      Wb/mA
c.       WbA/m
d.      Wbm/A
        5.       Magnetic field inside a solenoid is
a.       Directly proportional to current
b.      Inversely proportional to current
c.       Directrly proiportioanl to its length
d.      Inverseluy proportional to total no. of turns

        6.       A long solenoid has 20 turns/cm. the current necessary to produce a magnetic field of 20 milli tesla inside the solenoid is approximately
a.       1A
b.      2A
c.       4A
d.      8A

        7.       Ion of different momenta having the same charge, enter normally a uniform magnetic field the radius of the orbit of an ion is proportional to
a.       P
b.      1/P
c.       P2
d.      1/P2

       8.       A straight current carrying conductor experiences maximum force in a uniform magnetic field when it is placed
a.       Parallel to the field
b.      Perpendicular to field
c.       At na angle of 45 to the filed
d.      None of he above

       9.       The force F experienced by a conductor of length L carrying current when placed in  uniform magnetic field B is given by the relation
a.       F = ILxB
b.      F = IL.B
c.       F = IL/B
d.      F = Lx B/I

       10.   Telsla is the unit of
a.       Magnetic induction ofr flux density
b.      Self inductance
c.       Magnetic flux
d.      None of these

        11.   Total number of lines of magnetic induction passing normally through a given area is called
a.       Magnetic induction
b.      Flux density
c.       Magnetic flux
d.      Magnetic force

        12.   The SI units of magnetic flux is
a.       Weber
b.      N/mA
c.       Tesla
d.      Gauss

        13.   Magnetic flux and flux density are related by
a.       Flux density = flux X area
b.      Flux density = flux /area
c.       Flux density = flux – area
d.      None of these

       14.   The SI unit of flux density is
a.       Weber- m2
b.      Tesla
c.       N/mA
d.      All of them

        15.   Which of the following is scalar?
a.       Magnetic flux
b.      Flux density
c.       Emf
d.      Both a and c

       16.   The magnetic field inside the solenoid along its axis due to current is
a.       Zero
b.      Non uniform
c.       Infinite line
d.      Strong and uniform

       17.   Lenz’s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of
a.       Charge
b.      Mass
c.       Momentum
d.      Energy

       18.   The force experienced by a charged particle moving with velocity V in a magnetic field B is
a.       F = q V.B
b.      F= VX B/q
c.       Q(VXB)
d.      None of these

        19.   The force experienced by a charged particle moving in a magnetic field will be maximum when it moves
a.       Parallel to the field
b.      Anti parallel to its direction of motion
c.       Perpendicular to the field
d.      At and angle of 45 to the field
       20.   The direction of force experienced by a charged particle moving in magnetic field will be
a.       Parallel ot the field
b.      Opposite to the field
c.       Parallel to its direction of motion

d.      Perpendicular to both the field and the velocity vector

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