
Wednesday, 10 August 2016

CHAPTER # 7 Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry MCQs

 1.  The state of hybridization of carbon atom in       methane is

                          (A) Sp3                           (B) Sp2            
                          (C) Sp                             (D) dsP2
               2.          In t-butyl alcohol, the tertiary carbon is bonded  to

(A)  Two hydrogen atoms
(B)  Three hydrogen atoms
(C)  One hydrogen atoms
(D)  No hydrogen atoms
               3.          Which set of hybrid orbitals has planar  triangular shape

(A) Sp3                                (B) Sp
(C) Sp2                                (D) dsp2
               4.         The chemist who synthesized urea from  ammonium cyanate was

(A) Berzelius                               (B) Kolbe 
(C) Wholer                                  (D) Lavoisier
               5.         Linear shape is associated with which set of       hybrid orbitals ?

(A) Sp                              (B) Sp2
(C) Sp3                            (D) dsp2



A double bond consists of.
(A)  Two sigma bond 
(B)  One sigma and one pi bond
(C)  One sigma and two pi bond
(D)  Two pi-bond



Ethers show the phenomenon of
(A)  Position isomerism
(B)  Functional group isomerism
(C)  Metamerism
(D)  Cis-trans isomerism.



Select from the following the one which is 
(A)  CH3 --------CH2--------OH
(B)  CH3---------O-----------CH3
(D)  CH3--------CH2--------Br

Early chemists recognized organic compounds 

distinct from inorganic compounds because of

(A)           The difference in their origin and       properties
(B)           The similarities in their origin but         difference in their propertied
(C)           Both of the above
(D)          None of the above

The vital force theory was rejected by
A) Jhon Dalton              B) Friedrick Wohler
C) Dmitri Mendeleev      D) None of the above

We have become dependent for our food 

medicines and clothing   to which compounds.
(A)  Inorganic compounds
(B)  Organic compounds
(C)  Both of the above
(D)  None of the above

Natural Gas is a
(A)  Mixture of hydrocarbons
(B)  Methane
(C)  Both of the above
(D)  Nonn of the above
13.         In Pakistan the natural gas is used for.

(A)  For power generation only
(B)  In coment and fertilizer industries only (C) As a fuel in general industries and for       domestic purposes (D) All of the above are truce
14.         At what temperature coal is heated in the          observe of air for converting it into coke, coal                         gas, and coal tar

(A)  Temperature ranging from 500-1000oC
(B)  Temperature ranging from 100-1000o
(C)  Temperature ranging from 300-2000o
(D)  Temperature ranging from 1000-3000o
15.         Cracking of petroleum is taken place by

(A)  Thermal cracking  B) Catalytic cracking
                                    C) Steam cracking        D) All of the above
16.         The structure of alkynes can be explained by    yet another mode of hybridization called as
(A)  Sp2 hybridization    
(B)  Sp3 hybridization
(C)  Sp5 hybridization    
(D)  Sp hybridization


                    17.        Metamerism aries due to the.

(A)  Equal distribution of carbon atoms
(B)  Unequal distribution of carbon atoms
(C)  Both of the above are true
(D)  None of the above are true
               18.       Cis-trans isomerism is also called as

(A)  Geometric Isomerism
(B)  Position Isomerism
(C)  Chain Isomerism
(D)  Metamerism
               19.     Coal, petroleum and natural gas are important                  sources of.
(A)  Organic compounds
(B)  Inorganic compounds
(C)  Both of the above
(D)  None of the above
               20.       Organic compounds are classified into

(A)  Acyclic and cyclic compound
(B)  Acyclic & Heterocyclic
(C)  Non-cyclic
(D)  All of the above

                    21.       Rate of reactions of most organic compounds 

a)  Very slow                         
b)  Very fast
c)  Medium
d)  No regular character present

                    22.       Coal is produced after a long time decay of 
                                a) Animals                    b) Fossils
                                c) Wood                       d) Ores

                    23.       Ether functional group can be represented 

                                 a) –OH                          b) R-CO-R
                                 c) R-O-R                        d) R-COOH

                    24.        2-propanol can show isomerism as _______

a)  Metamerism         
b)  Functional group isomerism
c)  Geometric isomerism
d)  None of above

                    25.       The hydrocarbons which give smoke on  burning is called________

                                a) Aliphatic                    b) Aromatic
                                c) Carboxylic acid         d) Aldehydes

                    26.       In sp3 hybridization, the geometry of      molecules will be_________

                                 a) Square planar            b) Trigonal pyramidal
                                 c) Tetrahedral               d) All are possible

                    27.        Only sigma bonds are present in _______
b)    Propene   b) Butanoic acid
                                c) Butanal                     d) Ethoxy butane

28.          In alkyne, the hybridization is____________

a)     sp2                      b) sp
                                c) sp                             d) All

29.          Octane no. of any fuel can be improved by     ______

a)     Pyrolysis             b) Reforming
                                c) Polymerization           d) Condensation

30.          The fuel having 40% n-heptane & 60% iso-octane will have octane number

a)     40                                    b) 60
                                    c) 80                             d) 90

31.          Which of them is heterocyclic organic compound?

a)     Benzene               b) Cresol 
                                     c) Naphthalene              d) Pyridine

32.          Which one is the mixture of 215 organic compounds?

a)     Water gas                        b) Coal gas
                                    c) Coal tar                     d) Crude coal gas

33.          Octane number is the percentage of 

a)     n-pentane in a mixture
b)    n-butane in a mixture
c)     n-hexane in a mixture
d)    2, 2, 4 – trimethyl pentane in a mixture

34.          During the fractional distillation of petroleum, paraffin oil boils between the ranges

a)     25oC                     b) 40 – 180oC
                                     c) 175 – 275oC               d) 220 – 350oC

35.          The octane number of gasoline may increased by adding

a)     EDTA                   b) NaOH
                                    c) AgNO3                                             d) PB(C2H5)4

36.          Which process increases the yield of gasoline from petroleum?
a)     Cracking             b) Polymerization
                                    c) Reforming                 d) Sublimation

37.          Consider the reaction
 3C2H2 Cutube C6H6  This is the example of 

a)     Pyrolysis             b) Polymerization
                                    c) Sublimation              d) Addition
38.          Which one is acyclic hydrocarbon?

a)     C6H6                           b) C2H6
                                    c) C6H12                                d) CH4

39.          Which type of isomerism is shown by the following compounds?         CH3 – CH2 – CHO, CH3 – CO – CH3

a)     Chain isomerism
b)    Position isomerism
c)     Metamerism
d)    Functional group isomerism

40.          The type of isomerism found in 1 – butene and 2 – butane is 

a)     Position               b) Chain
                                    c) Functional group        d) Metamerism

41.          The members of which of these have similar methods of preparation and properties

a)     Isomers                b) Homologues
                                    c) Polymers                  d) Monomers

42.          The maximum number of isomers for an alkene with molecular formula C4H8 is 

a)     2                         b) 3
                                    c) 4                              d) 5

43.          Which of the following is most stable ion?

a)     CH3 – H2C+           b) (CH3)2 HC+
                                     c) (CH3)3 C+                  d) All of these

44.          Which of the following is not an organic compound?

a)     Urea                     b) Oxalic acid
                                    c) Natural gas               d) Plaster of Paris

45.          Kerosine oil is a mixture of 

a)     Alkane                 b) Alkene
                                    c) Alkynes                     d) All of these

46.          Which of the following compounds does not contain an OH group?

a)     Alcohol                b) Phenol
                                    c) Aldehyde                  d) Carboxylic acid

47.          The chemical formula of chloride is 

a)     CH3OH                 b) CCl3OH
                                     c) CCl3CHO                  d)   None of these

48.          Petroleum in the unrefined form is called ____

a)     Rock oil               b) Coal gas
                                c) Crude oil                   d) Both a & c

49.          Natural gas mainly consists of ________

a)     Methane               b) Ethane
                                c) Propane                    d) Butane

50.          _______ is a mixture of methane, ethane,         propane and butane, used as a fuel and for            making other organic chemicals. 

a)     Refinery gas         b) Gasoline
                                c) Kerosene oil              d) Gas oil

51.          A large number of organic compounds,           especially the unsaturated ones, show a great            tendency to unit. This process is termed as 

a)     Pyrolysis             b) Cracking
                                c) Polymerization           d) None of these

52.          An isomer of ethanol is ________

a)     Dimethyl ether      b) Diethyl ether
                                c) Ethylene glycol          d) Methanol

53.          When ethylene is heated under pressure, a       transparent solid polymer, ________ is            obtained. 

a)     Polyethene           b) Ethane
                                 c) Methane                   d) None of these

54.          The quality of petroleum is determined by 

a)     Decane number    b) Octane number
                                 c) Hexane number         d) None of these

55.          Two or more than two different compounds     having the same molecular formula but 
                                different carbon chains or skeletons are said 
                                to be ______

a)     Chain isomers
b)    Position isomers
c)     Functional group isomers
d)    Metamers

56.          The kind of isomerism which depends upon     the relative position of the functional group, or            the position of double or tripe bond in case of               unsaturated compounds is termed as 

a)     Chain isomerism
b)    Position isomerism
c)     Functional group isomerism
d)    Metamerism

57.          Isomerism, which involves compounds having             the same molecular formula, but different 
                                functional groups are called _______
a)     Chain isomerism
b)    Position isomerism
c)     Functional group isomerism
d)    Metamerism

58.          _______ is exhibited by compounds having     the same functional group but different alkyl            attached to the same multivalent atom. 

a)     Chain isomerism
b)    Position isomerism
c)     Functional group isomerism
d)    Metamerism

59.          In cracking usually catalyst used is _______

a)     Pt                        b) Aluuminosilicate
                                c) Ni                 d) Tetra ethyl lead

60.          In CCl4 molecule the four valencies of carbon 
                                atom are directing towards the corners of a 

a)     Cube                    b) Hexagon
                                c) Prism                         d) Tetrahedron

61.          The general formula (RCO)2O represents 
a)     An ether               b) Ketone
                                c) An ester                    d) An acid hydride

62.          ______ has the longest bond length. 

a)     C = C                   b) C ≡ C 
                                c) C – C                        d) All of these

63.          Compounds in which two alkyl groups are       attached to an oxygen atom are called ______

                                a) Alkanes                    b) Ethers
                                c) Alcohols                   d) Isomer

64.          ________ is the common name of methanol. 

                                a) Formaldehyde           b) Acetaldehyde
                                c) Propionaldehyde       d) None of these

65.          ______ is the common name of propanone.

                                a) Acetone                    b) Ketone
                                c) Diethyl ketone           d) None to these

66.          The properties of organic compounds are due 
                                 to _______

                                a) Covalent bonds         b) Functional groups
                                c) Ionic bonds               d) None of these

67.          ______ of the following are isomers. 

a)  Methyl alcohol and dimethyl ether
b) Ethyl alchohol and dimethyl ether
c)  Acetone and Acetaldehyde
d) Proponoic acid and propanone

68.          Which compound contains an sp hybridized C             atom?

                                 a) CH3CN                       b) CH3CHO
                                 c) CH3NH2                     d) None 

69.          Which of the following isomeric substances 
         would be expected to have the lowest boiling     point?

                                 a) Hexane                     b) 2 – methlypentane
                                c) 2, 2 – dimethylbutane d) 3 – methlypentane

70.          The isomers must have the same ______

                                a) Structural formula      b) Molecular formula
                                c) Chemical formula      d) Physical properties


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