
Wednesday, 10 August 2016

CHAPTER # 3 Group III and IV Elements MCQs

               1.         Which metal is used in the thermal process        because of its activity.
(A) Iron                                      (B) Copper
                           (C) Aluminum                            (D) Zinc

               2.         Aluminum oxides is

                           (A) Acidic oxide            (B) Basic oxide
                           (C) Amphoteric oxide     (D) None of these
               3.         Chemical composition of colemnite is.

                            (A) Ca2B6O11. 5H2O        (B) CaB4O7. 4H2O
                            (C) Na2B4O7. 4H2O          (D) CaNaB5O9. 8H2O
               4.         Which element forms an ion with charge 3+.

                           (A) Beryllium                    (B) Aluminum
                          (C) Carbon                         (D) Silicon
               5.      Which element among the following belongs to                Group IVA of the periodic Table.

                           (A) Barium                 (B) Iodine
                           (C) Lead                      (D) Oxygen
               6.         Boric acid cannot be used.

(A)  As antiseptic in medicine
(B)  For washing eyes
(C)  In soda bottles
(D)  For enamels and glazes
               7.      Which of the following elements is not present                 abundantly in earth's crust.

                          (A) Silicon                          (B) Aluminum
                          (C) Sodium                         (D) C
               8.         The chief Ore of aluminum is.
(A) Na3AIF6                   (B) Al2O3. 2H2O
                           (C) Al2O3                       (D) Al2O3. H2O
               9.         The Group IIA of the periodic table comprises     the elements.
(A)  Boron, aluminum, gallium, indium and       thallium.
(B)  Boron gallium, thallium.
(C)  Aluminum, calcium, strontium.
(D)  All of the above

                    10.       Boron is non-metallic because of 

(A)  Large size and higher nuclear change
(B)  Small size and higher nuclear charge
(C)  Small size and smaller nuclear charge
(D)  None of the above
               11.        The increase in the atomic size in group is

                           (A) Regular                    (B) Irregular
                          (C) Both                         (D) None of the above
               12.       Orthoboric Acid is a mineral of.
(A) Aluminum                         (B)  Silicon
                           (C) Calicium                            (D) Boron
               13.        Aluminum is the third most abundant elements  in earth crust after.
                                    (A) Oxygen                   (B) Silicon
                            (C) None of the above (D) Both of the Both
               14.       Bauxite is an ore of.

                           (A) Aluminum               (B) Boron
                           (C) Carbono                 (D) Gallium
               15.        Which of the elements of Group IIA are rare       and only obtained as by-products.

(A)  Gallium thallium
(B)  Thallium indium
(C)  Gallium indium
(D)  Gallium thallium indium
 16.  Borax is the sodium salt of tetraboric acid. It is    most important of all among.

                           (A) Borates                (B) Carbonates
                           (C) Bicarbonates       (D) None of the above
               17.       Borax occurs as natural deposit called tincal in  the dried up lakes of.

                           (A) Tibet                                   (B) California
                            (C) Tibet & California                 (D) Virginia
               18.     Group IV A of the periodic table comprises                  elements.

(A)  Carbon silicon
(B)  Tin, carbon , silicon
(C)  Carbon, silicon, tin and lead
(D)  None of the above
                    19.        The non-metals in Group IV A are.
(A) Carbon, silicon          (B) Tin and Lead
(C) All of the above        (D) None of the above
               20.        The elements of Group IV A are character          sized by a set of .

(A)  Three valence shell electrons
(B)  Four valence shell electrons
(C)  Five valence shell electrons
(D)  Two valence shell electrons

                    21.        Group IV A elements form.

                           (A) Super oxide           (B) Oxides
                          (C) Dioxide                  (D) All of the above

               22.       The property of catenation among the carbon     and silicon .
(A)  Increase on moving down the group form 
                  carbon to lead
(B)  Decrease on moving down the group from 
      lead to carbon.
(C)  Decreases on moving down the group 
      from carbon to lead 
(D)  Stable on moving down the group from 
      carbon to lead.
               23.       The oxides of carbon are 

(A)   CO and CO2
(B)   CO, CO2 and C3O2 carbon sub oxide
(C)   CO, CO2, C2C3
(D)   None of the above
               24.        China wares are made form a mixture of

(A)  Kaolin and bone ash
(B)  Kaolin and feldspar
(C)  Kaolin feldspar and bone ash
(D)  None of the above
               25.     Various oxides are used as pigments in the                  pigments of which element.
                        (A) Oxides of lead, basic lead carbonate etc.                  (B) Various oxides of lead
(C)  Various oxides of lead, basic lead 
      carbonate, lead chromate
(D)  Oxides of aluminum
               26.       Boron occurs in traces and has been found to    be important for the growth of.
(A)  Plants of many kinds
(B)  Plants and animals
(C)  Animals
(D)  None of the above
               27.       Semiconductors conduct electricity better than.
                           (A) Conductors              (B) Insulators
                           (C) Both of the above    (D) None of the above
               28.        Oxygen is the abundant element in earth             crust?
(A)  Most of all
(B)  2nd in number
(C)  Third most abundant 
(D)  4th most abundant

                    29.       Substance which is found in dried up lakes of     Tibet and California is______

                                 a) Tincal                       b) Boric Acid
                                c) Calcium carbonate     d) All

                    30.        Boron is a white crystalline solid and it  is________

a)  More soluble in cold water
b)  More soluble in hot water
c)  More soluble in water
d)  Soluble only in organic solvents

                    31.       One of the outstanding features of boron is        ability to form________

a)  Molecular addition compounds
b)  Molecular crystals
c)  Semiconductors
d)  All

                    32.       Which of the following does not give Borax        bead test?

                                 a) Cu                            b) Cr
                                c) Ni                             d) Al

33.     The metal which is used in thermite process        because of its activity is_______

                                 a) Iron                          b) Copper
                                c) Aluminium                 d) Zinc

                    34.       Which of the following shows inert pair effect?
                                a) Boron                       b) Carbon
                                c) Silicon                       d) Tin

                    35.        Tincal is a mineral of____________

                                a) Al                             b) Si
                                    c) B                              d) C
36.          Because of its ability to combine with both      oxygen and nitrogen, aluminium metal is            used_________

a)     As nitrometer
b)    To remove air bubbles from molten metal
c)     To produce alloy
d)    All

37.          Silicon differ from silica by a group of            _________

a)     CH3                                           b) –OH
                                 c) OCH3                                                 d) O2

38.          Boron in soil has been considered essential 
                                specially for________

a)     Soil porosity
b)    Proper growth of plants
c)     Alkalinity of soil
d)    All

39.          Special feature of borate glass is that it is       ______ 

a)     Heat resistant        
b)    Low melting
c)     Used to prepare chemical garden
d)    All

40.          In p – block elements, the S – electrons of outer shell of the heavier members are failed to participate in bonding, because they

a)     Remain paired      b) Remain unpaired
                                    c) Are free                    d) None of these

41.          The tendency of the pair of S – electron to remain inert increase with the increase in 

a)     Atomic number     b) Atomic weight
                                    c) E.N                           d) I.P

42.          Boron does not easily form cations, because it has the tendency to form bond like non-metal

a)     Ionic bond                       b) Metallic bond
                                    c) Hydrogen bond         d) Covalent bond

43.          Boron is metalloid and semiconductor like 

a)     Be                                   b) K
                                    c) Si                             d) Al

44.          Which element is unstable in air and is oxidized superficially in air

a)     Aluminum                         b) Thallium
                                    c) Gallium                     d) Indium

45.          Crystalline boron has structure

a)     Cubic                   b) Monoclinic
                                    c) Hexagonal                d) Trigonal

46.          The hydrides B2H6 and Si2H6 are said to 

a)     Ionic hydrides      b) Complex hydrides
                                    c) Interstitial hydrides     d) Covalent hydrides

47.          The compound, which is used in borax bead test for cations analysis, is 

a)     NaOH                  b) H3BO3
                                     c) Na2B4O7.10H2O          d) H2B4O7

48.          Orthoboric acid is weak acid because it

a)     Accepts OH-1 ion b) Donate OH-1 ion
                                    c) Accept H+1                                 d) Donate H+1

49.          The aqueous solution of which acid is used for washing eyes? 

a)     H2B4O7                                  b) HCl
                                     c) H3BO3                                               d) HBO2

50.          The process in which Bauxite is purified by dissolving it in 45% aqueous NaOH at 150oC to separate insoluble iron oxide as red mud is called 

a)     Hall’s process      b) Baeyer’s process
                                    c) Arrhenius process     d) Grignard process

51.          Bauxite is an oxide mineral of 

a)     Cu                                   b) Ag
                                    c) Al                             d) Zn

52.          AlCl3 and GaCl3 are covalent when anhydrous because

a)     They belong to group III A
b)    Their ions have small size and high charge
c)     They have high I.P
d)    None of these

53.          In the electrolysis of alumina is mixed with Cryolite (Na3AlF6) and fluorspar (CaF2) in the ratio of
20 : 60 : 20. the function of the Cryolite and fluorspar is 
a)     To decrease the fusion temperature of alumina and to make good conductor of electricity b) To dissolve alumina
c)     To dissolve sodium
d)    To increase the ionization of alumina

54.          Termite is a mixture of 

a)     Iron oxide and aluminum
b)    Iron oxide and copper
c)     Copper oxide and aluminum
d)    None of these

55.          In aluminum termite process, aluminum acts as a 

a)     Reducing agent    b) Oxidizing agent
                                    c) A flux                        d) None of these

56.          Which aluminium alloy is extremely light?

a)     Duralumin                        b) Alnico
                                    c) Magnalium                 d) Aluminium bronze

57.          Cupric oxide on heating with B2O3 yields blue colored beads in the oxidizing flame because

a)     Cupric borates are white in color
b)    Cupric borates are black in color
c)     Cupric borates are green in color
d)    Cupric borates are blue in color

58.          In mordenting aluminium ions (Al+3) are precipitated on the cloth as

a)     Al2O3                    b) AlN
                                     c) Al(OH)3                                           d) AlCl3

59.          Platinum metal can be dissolved in 

a)     Hot con HCl
b)    Hot con H2SO4
c)     Hot con HNO3
d)    A mixture of Con. HCl and con HNO3

60.          Which of the following can form nitride, which react with water to give ammonia?

a)     Boron                  b) Gallium
                                    c) Indium                      d) Thallium

61.          The weak acid, which cannot be titrated with standard alkies, is 

a)     HCl                      b) H2SO4
                                     c) H3BO3                                              d) All of these

62.          Carbon differs from other members of its group due to smaller atomic size, higher
electronegativity and the absence of 
a)     s – electrons        b) p – electrons
                                    c) d – electrons             d) All of these
63.          Aqua regia is a mixture of concentrated HNO3 and concentrated HCl in the ratio of 

a)     3 : 1                     b) 1 : 3
                                    c) 2 : 3                          d) 3 : 2

64.          In land storage batteries, the acid used is 

a)     Con HCl               b) Dil HCl
                                     c) Con H2SO4                                 d) Dil H2SO4

65.          The dry ice is a compound of 

a)     Solid ice with any water
b)    Solid SO2
c)     Solid CO2
d)    Solid C6H6

66.          In the contact process for the manufacturing of H2SO4, the catalyst used is 

a)     Cu                                   b) Ni
                                    c) Pt                              d) N2O5

67.          The depositing layer in tin plating is 

a)     Cu                                   b) Sn 
                                    c) Al                             d) Ni

68.          Ortho boric acid on heating at 100oC yields

a)     Meta boric acid
b)    Pyroboric acid
c)     Tetra boric acid
d)    Boric anhydride acid (B2O3)

69.          Which of the following is used in photographic film?

a)     MgBr2                                    b) NaCl
                                    c) AgBr                          d) Na2S2O3

70.          Aluminum does not react with HNO3 at any concentration and therefore HNO3 is transported in aluminum containers, this is due to formation of protective layer of

a)     Cupric oxide b) Ferric oxide
                                    c) Aluminum oxide         d) Aluminum nitride

71.          Action of aqua regia on noble metals is due to 

a)     HNO3                                      b) HCl
                                    c) H2SO4                                              d) Chlorine

72.          Phosgene is a poisonous gas, its chemical name is 
a)     Carbon dioxide       b) Phosphonyl chloride
c) Carbon monoxide   d) Carbonyl chloride
73.          The maximum inert pair effect is shown by 

a)     B                                     b) Al
                                    c) Ga                            d) Tl

74.          Quartz is the polymeric form of 

a)     (SiO2)n                 b) (CO2)n
                                     c) (CH2 – CH2)n             d) None of these

75.          If a metal is protected by an oxide layer from further attack, the metal is said to be

a)     Reactive             b) Active
                                    c) Passive                     d) Attractive

76.          Carbon reacts with metals to form

a)     Hydrides             b) Oxides
                                    c) Hydroxides               d) Carbide

77.          The control addition of III A and IV A members in Silicon and Germanium is known as 

a)     Inert pair effect     b) Doping
                                    c) Litharge                    d) Red lead

78.          P – type of semi conductor are formed by mixing Silicon or Germanium with members of 

a)     III A                      b) IV A
                                    c) V A                           d) VI A

79.          Litharge is chemically 

a)     PbO                    b) PbO2
                                    c) Pb3O4                                                d) Pb(CH3COO)

80.          The Octet rule is not followed by 

a)     Boron on BCl3            b) Oxygen in H2O
                                     c) Nitrogen in NH3                   d) Phosphorus in PH3

81.          Which of the following elements show             oxidation  state of + 3 only?

a)     B                                     b) Ga
                                c) In                              d) Ti

82.          ______ of the following is not metallic in          nature. 

a)     Boron                  b) Aluminum
                                c) Indium                      d) Thallium 

83.          The oxides of Boron are ______ in nature. 

a)     Acidic                  b) Basic
                                    c) Neutral                      d) None of these
84.          Orthoboric acid on heating to about 100o
                                looses a water molecule to form ______

a)     Metaboric acid      
b)    Pyroboric acid
c)     Metaboric and pyroboric acid
d)    None of these

85.          The function of Fluorspar in the electrolytic      reduction of alumina dissolved in fused cryolite 
                                 (NA3 AlF6) is 

a)     As a catalyst
b)    To lower the temperature of the melt and to               make the fused mixture conducting. 
c)     To decrease the rate of oxidation of carbon       at the anode. 
d)    None of the above

86.          Which of the following statements is correct?

a)     H3PO3 is dibasic and reducing 
b)    H3PO3 is tribasic and reducing 
c)     H3PO3 is tribasic and non – reducing 
d)    H3PO3 is dibasic and non – reducing 

87.          Boric acid is 

a)     Weak monobasic Lewis acid
b)    Only weak monobasic Arhenius acid
c)     Only weak monobasic Bronsted acid
d)    Only weak tribasic Arrhenius acid

88.          The reduction of metal oxides is sometimes 
                                accomplished by using aluminum in the 

a)     Goldschmidt’s reaction 
b)    Silberchemdit’s reaction 
c)     Baeyer’s reaction 
d)    Zilch’s reaction 

89.          Hall’s process is based on electrolysis of 

a)     Alumina               b) Gypsum 
                                c) Borax                        d) None of these

90.          _______ is a better conductor of heat. 
a)     Fe                                   b) Sn
                                    c) Al                             d) None of these
91.          Al2O3 formation involves evolution of a larger               quantity of heat which makes its uses in 
a)     Deoxidizer                       b) Confectionary 
                                 c) Indoor photography d) Thermite welding

92.          In the commercial electrochemical process fro 
                                aluminum extraction, the electrolyte used is

a)     Al(OH)3 in NaOH solution 
b)    An aqueous solution of Al2(SO4)3
c)     A molten mixture of Al2O3 and Na3AlF6
d)    A molten mixture of AlO(OH) and Al(OH)3

93.          Borax is prepared by treating colemanite with 

a)     NaNO3                 b) NaCl
                                 c) NaHCO3                     d) Na2CO3

94.          Elements, which exist in two or more physical 
                                or molecular forms, are called _______

a)     Isotopes             b) Allotropes
                                c) Isobars                     d) None of these

95.          PbO behaves as a/an _______

a)     Amphoteric oxide             b) Basic oxide
                                c) Super oxide              d) Sub oxide

96.          The number and type of bonds between two 
                                 carbon atoms in CaC2 are 

a)     One sigma and one pi bond
b)    One sigma and two pi bonds
c)     One sigma and one and a half pi bond
d)    One sigma bond

97.          Aluminum is diagonally related to 

a)     Li                                     b) Si
                                c) Be                            d) B

98.          Which of the following halides is least stable  and has doubtful existence?
                                     a) Cl4                             b) SnI4
                                     c) GeI4                          d) PbI4

99.          In which of the following phosphorus has an   oxidation state of + 4?

                                 a) P4O6                          b) P4O8
                                c) P4O9                         d) None of these


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