
Thursday, 16 April 2015

Biology Test 1

1)      What are the symptoms of Hepatitis?
a)      Allergic
b)      Abdominal pain
c)       Cold
d)      Nausea

2)      Why HIV virus donot cause disease in monkey?
a)      Because it is curable
b)      Because of its immunity
c)       Because of host specific
d)      None

3)      Which can convert normal cells into cancerous cells?
a)      Lymphocytes
b)      Neutrophils
c)       Retrovirus
d)      HIV

4)      Which of the following is the naturally occuring disease in human?
a)      Small pox
b)      Chicken pox
c)       Herpes simplex
d)      Polio

5)      Which phage causes lysis of the host cell?
a)      Lytic phage
b)      Virulent phage
c)       Both a and b
d)      Temperate phage

6)      Which of the following are responsible for mad cow disease?
a)      Prions
b)      Adenovirus
c)       Herpes virus
d)      All
7)      Of which of the following diseases the first vaccine made?
a)      Small pox
b)      Cow pox
c)       Polio
d)      All

8)      Of the following word which word is associated with disease and death?
a)      Bacteria
b)      Polio
c)       Virus
d)      None

9)      Difference between the no. of capsomeres of herpes virus and adenovirus?
a)      90
b)      252
c)       162
d)      All

10)   Reverse transcriptase is found in
A)     T-lymphocyte
B)      Macrophages
C)      HIV
D)     All

11)   Difference between the percentage of protein in bacterial and mammalian cells?
a)      15%
b)      18%
c)       3%
d)      None

12)   What is the sum percentage of RNA and water in bacterial cell?
a)      70%
b)      71.6%
c)       76%
d)      77%
13)   Which of the following trioses are intermediates of photosynthesis and respiration?
a)      Glyceraldeyde
b)      Dihydroxyacetone
c)       Glucose
d)      Both a and b

14)   Which of the following gives no colour with iodine?
a)      Starch
b)      Glycogen
c)       Cellulose
d)      All

15)   For 1g of glucose how much kilo calories of solar energy is required?
a)      717.6
b)      7.176
c)       71.76
d)      None

16)   At what carbon atom chain double bond is present in oleic acid?
a)      8-9
b)      9-10
c)       10-11
d)      7-8

17)   Specific gravity of fats show what
a)      They are lighter than water
b)      They are heavier than water
c)       They are crystalline
d)      None

18)   How many types of amino acids present in cells and tissues?
a)      170
b)      20
c)       25
d)      180
19)   The alpha chain of Haemoglobin comprises _____ amino acids
a)      141
b)      142
c)       146
d)      574

20)   The sum percentage of adenine and  guanine in yeast is upto
a)      50%
b)      49%
c)       61%
d)      None

21)   The pH value of arginase is
a)      9
b)      8-9
c)       9.7
d)      1.4

22)   Which of the following is/are inhibitors?
a)      Cyanide
b)      Poison
c)       Anti-biotics and anti-metabolites
d)      All

23)   Who proposed the Lock and Key Model?
a)      Emil Fischer
b)      Koshland
c)       Einstein
d)      None

24)   Which of the following helps in the recognition and binding of substrate to produce an ES complex?
a)      Binding site
b)      Catalytic site
c)       Both
d)      None

25)   The active site of enzyme is _____ in nature
a)      Charged
b)      Uncharged
c)       Both
d)      None

26)   Which of the following reactions take place in mitochondrial matrix?
a)      Fatty acid metabolism
b)      Kreb’s cycle
c)       Aerobic respiration
d)      All

27)   Which of the following is involved in the maintainence of cell shape?
a)      Microfilaments
b)      Microtubules
c)       Intermediate filaments
d)      All

28)   Which of the following pair has same no. of chromosomes?
a)      Chimpanzee and potato
b)      Human and drosphila
c)       Potato and frog
d)      All

29)   Glyoxysomes are present in
a)      Peas
b)      Soya beans
c)       Castor beans
d)      Both b and c

30)   Which of the following endoplasmic reticulum is involved in metabolism of fats?
a)      Smooth
b)      Rough
c)       Both
d)      None

31)   Which of the following plastids help in the pollination and dispersal of seeds?
a)      Tonoplasts
b)      Chromoplasts
c)       Chloroplasts
d)      Leucoplasts

32)   At what place F1 particles are embedded in mitochondrion?
a)      Mitochondrial matrix
b)      Outer membrane
c)       Cristae
d)      All

33)   Which helps in formation of cilia?
a)      Centrioles
b)      Vacuoles
c)       Ribosomes
d)      All

34)   The attachment of two sub-units of ribosomes is controlled by
a)      Mg++ ion
b)      Ca++ ion
c)       Na+ ion
d)      K+ ion

35)   In which of the following nuclear pores is greater?
a)      Eggs
b)      RBCs
c)       Both
d)      None

36)   Which of the following is trace element?
a)      Copper
b)      Magnesium
c)       Phosphorus
d)      Calcium

37)   Pasteurization is widely used for
a)      Alcoholic drinks
b)      Beverages
c)       Milk and milk products
d)      All

38)   Bioremediation can be performed by
a)      Algae
b)      Cancer
c)       Bacteria
d)      Both a and c

39)   Which of the following techniques are used for cancer treatment?
a)      Gene therapy
b)      Radiotherapy
c)       Chemotherapy
d)      All

40)   Naturally occurring cloning can be seen in some
a)      Insects
b)      Plants
c)       Human
d)      Both a and b

41)   The branch of biology which deals with the use of living organisms, systems or processes in manufacturing and service industries?
a)      Biotechnology
b)      Social biology
c)       Parasitology
d)      Freshwater biology

42)   How many base pairs are present in E.coli?
a)      4288
b)      4639221
c)       5 million
d)      All

43)   Which of the following nitrogenous bases present in phospholipids?
a)      Choline
b)      Ethanolamine
c)       Serine
d)      All

44)   Waxes provide water barrier for
a)      Insect
b)      Birds
c)       Sheep
d)      All

45)   Which of the following is keto sugar?
a)      Fructose
b)      Glucose
c)       Dihydroxyacetone

d)      Both a and c

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