
Thursday, 19 September 2013

Biology Chapter 15 test 2

                        PART-II                 CHAPTER NO. 15

1.         Hypertonic environment is also called as?
a.         Hyposmotic                 b.         Hyperosmotic              c.         Is-osmotic       d.         None of these
2.         Homeostasis is the central requirement in the maintenance of an organism and contributes in:
            a.         Evolution                    b.         Adaptation                  c.         Survival           d.         All of them
3.         Which of the following excretory structure is connected with blood circulatory system?
            a.         Nephredium                b.         Protonephredium        c.  Metanephredium    d.         None of these
4.         Most Toxic nitrogenous waste which quickly dissolves in body fluids is:
            a.         Ammonia                    b.         Uric Acid                    c.         Urea                d.         All of them
5.         Which Homeostatic function of the liver is controlled and monitored in the pancrease?
            a.         Deamination of amino acids                           b.         Release of glucose
            c.         Release of iron                                                d.         Removal of Toxins
6.         The water content of mammalian blood is regulated by ADH. In which one of the following parts of the Nephron does regulation occur?
            a.         The collecting duct                                         b.         The glomerulus           
c.         The ascending limb of the loop of Henle        d.         The proximal convoluted tubule
7.         A drug reduces mitochondrial activity in kidneys nephrons which chemical will be present in increased amounts in urine?
            a.         Ammonia                    b.         Glucose           c.         Hydrogen carbonate               d.         Urea
8.         Temperature regulation with in the body is helped by:
            a.         Blood circulation                                            b.         Decreasing urination  
c.         Changing rate of digestion                             d.         None of these
9.         On a humid day, a person is uncomfortable because:
            a.         He/She is perspiring more                               b.         There is less evaporation of perspiration
            c.         The surface of skin is too dry                                     d.     Large amount of salt are excreted by the skin
10.       A part through which protozoa excrete waste is:
            a.         Cell membrane            b.         Flame cell        c.         Vacuole           d.         All of these
11.       The primary mechanism of excreting nitrogenous wastes in animals is:
            a.         Ammonotely               b.         Ureotely          c.         Uricotely         d.         None of them
12.       Which of the following is not synthesized in the liver?
            a.         Cholesterol                  b.   Plasma albumin     c.         Urea                d.         Vitamin D
13.       Why it is must that concentration of ions in mammalian body fluids be kept constant?
            a.         To provide an absolute amount of available ions                   
b.         To provide the correct osmotic pressure for body cells
c.         To provide sufficient ions for basal metabolism
d.         To provide diffusion gradients
14.       What is the function of deamination?
            a.         To obtain energy from proteins                       b.         To produce urea
            c.         To remove excess amino acids                        d.         to synthesize amino acids
15.       If body begins to lose more heat than it is generating then blood supply to skin is:
            a.         Reduced                      b.         Increased         c.         Maximized                  d.         Minimized
16.       Identify the ammonotelic vertebrate
            a.         Cartilaginous fishes     b.         Bony fishes     c.         Reptiles           d.         Amphibia 
17.       Cell shrinks when placed in which medium
            a.         Hypotonic                   b.         Hypertonic      c.         Isotonic           d.         Non of them
18.       Sunken stomata is the characteristic of
            a.         Hydrophytes               b.         Halophytes      c.         Xerophytes      d.         Mesophytes
19.       Specifically concentrated urine is produced by:
            a.         Cortical Nephron        b.  Juxtamedullary nephron                 c.  Both a & b    d.      None of them
20.       Secretion of Antidiuretic hormone is inhibited when body fluids are:
            a.         Isoosmotic                   b.         Hyposmotic                 c.         Hyperosmotic      d.     Any of them

21.       Hypercalcemia is a :
            a.         Metabolic disease        b.         Genetic disease           c.  Pathogenic disease     d.  None of them

22.       Which of the following mechanism of Nephron prevents loss of useful substances?
            a.         Filteration                    b.         Reabsorption               c.         Secretion         d.         All of them
23.       Constriction of skin blood vessels:
            a.         Looses excessive heat                                                 b.         Conserves heat
            c.         Causes perspiration                                                     d.         None of them
24.       Which of the following is not endotherm?
            a.         Birds                           b.         Mammals                     c.   Amphibian             d.         Flying insect
25.       Which one of the following results in a lowering of blood sugar level when diabetics are injected with insulin?
            a.         Decreases respiration                                      b.         Decreases permeability of cells to glucose
c.         Decreases rate of glucose absorption             d.         Increases Glycogen synthesis
26.       The thermostat in human is present in which part of brain called:
            a.         Medulla                       b.         Thalamus                     c.    Hypothalamus      d.         Cerebrum
27.       Resistance to decay and insect attack to plants is provided by:
            a)         Sap wood                    b)         Heart wood                 c)         Callus               d.)       Cork
28.         Which of the followings is not mutagen?
      a)         Chemicals                    b)         Radiations                               c)         Water              d)         None of them
29.       Trigger of hormones to heat production is:
            a.         Shivering thermogenesis                                             b.         Thermogenesis
            c.         Non-Shivering thermogenesis                                     d.         All of them
30.       Of the following which one is not an evolutionary adaptation of nitrogenous wastes in the animal’s habitat?
            a.         Ammonotely               b.         Ureotely                      c.         Uricotely         d.         None
31.       Which of the following food stuff is broken down to produce nitrogenous wastes in the body?
            a.         Carbohydrates             b.         Fats                             c.         Proteins           d.         None of these
32.       Hydra has no specialized excretory system because:
            a.         It does not produce waste material                             b.         Its body is not very complex
            c.         The whole body cells are in contact with water         d.         None of these
33.       In insects salt and water reabsorption takes place in the
            a.         Malpighian tubules      b.         Mid gut                       c.         Rectum            d.         Hemolymph
34.       Chief Nitrogenous waste produced by the grasshopper is
            a.         Ammonia                    b.         Urea                            c.         Uric Acid        d.         None of these
35.       Heat loss through skin occurs due to:
            a.         Vasodilation                b.         Vasoconstriction         c.         Vasospasm      d.         None
36.       Which of the following part of nephron is absent in cortex:
            a.         Bowman’s capsule                                                      b.         Proximal convoluted tubule
            c.         Henle’s loop                                                                d.         Distal convoluted tubule
37.       Which of the following part of nephron is under control of insulin?
            a.         Proximal Convoluted.                                                 b.         Distal Convoluted
            c.         Henle’s Loop                                                              d.         All of them
38.       Movement of ground squirrel to burrows in midday heat is an:
a)           Behavioral adaptation                                     b)         Structural adaptation
c)           Physiological adaptation                                 d) Morphological and physiological adaptations
39.       One of the followings is not an effect of liver on Homeostasis
            a.         Oxygenation of tissues                                   b.         Energy reserves
            c.         Regulation of blood chemistry                       d.         Removal of sebum
40.       The chief waste product of photosynthetic plants during day time is:
            a.         Oxygen                                                           b.         Carbon dioxide

            c.         Water                                                              d.         All of these

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