Bio 2nd year complete book
1) Some animals regulate blood flow to skin specifically greater blood flow in warmth
to dissipate heat and lower in colds to economize heat loss. This is their
a) Structural adaptation b) Physiological adaptation
c) Bchavioural adaptation d) Environmental adaptation
2) Animals in which body temp. tends to fluctuate more or less with ambient
temperature when air or water temperature are changed, are known as
a) Homeotherms b) Poikilotherms
c) Endotherms d) Both a and b
3) Which one of the following parts of the plant body is known as Excretophore
a) Roots b) Stems c) Leaves d) Flower
4) Stones of the kidney can be removed by all of the following methods except
a) Lithotripsy b) Dialysis c) Surgery d) Special medicines
5) Terrestrial animals can tolerate dehydration and it differs in various animals. This
characteristic is known as
a) Hydrobiosis b) Anhydrosis c) Anhydrobiosis d) Dehydration
6) The Primary mechanism of excreting nitrogenous wastes in animal is
a) Ammonotely b) Ureotely c) Uricotely d) None of them
7) Precursor for the fixation of ammonia in urea cycle is:
a) Citrulline b) Arginine c) Ornithine d) Arginosuccinate
8) Amount of water required for the removal of urea as compared to ammonia is
th th th th
a) 1/10 b) 1/100 c) 1/1000 d) 1/10000
9) One of the following is not a treatment of Disc slip
a) Traction b) Pain killer c) Bed rest d) Exercise
10) Which one of the following are non striated, visceral and involuntary
a) Smooth muscles b) Skeletal muscles
c) Cardiac muscles d) Both a and b
11) The molecules of one of the following are arranged in two chains which twist around
each other like a twisted double strand of pearls
a) Troponin b) Tropomyosin c) Actin d) Myosin
12) The growing tip of young stem moves in a zig-zag fashion due to alternate changes
in growth on opposite side of the apex. This mode of growth is called
a) Epinasty b) Hyponasty c) Nutation d) Both a and b
13) The living cells of the cartilage are called:
a) Osteocytes b) Osteoblasts c) Chondrocytes d) Osteoclasts
14) Which is a paired bone of cranium
a) Occipital b) Sphenoid c) Parietal d) Ethmoid
15) Humerus forms ball and socket joint with
a) Radius b) Ulna c) Scapula d) Clavicle
16) Which of the following hormones play major role in phototropism
a) Auxin b) Gibberellins c) Abscisic acid d) Ethylene
17) Which one is correct for smell, taste and for blood CO2, oxygen
a) Thermo receptors b) Chemo receptors
c) Nociceptors d) Mechanoreceptors
18) In reflex action the direction of stimulus is from
a) Sensory neuron to receptors to motor neurons to effectors
b) Motor neuron to sensory neurons to receptors to effectors
c) Receptors to sensory neurons to association neuron to effectors
d) Association neurons to motor neuron to receptors
19) Several automatic functions like breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and
swallowing are controlled by
a) Cerebrum b) Medulla c) Pons d) Cerebellum
20) A few cranial nerves including the vagus nerve together with the nerves from the
bottom portion of spinal cord form the:
a) Sympathetic system b) Peripheral nervous system
c) Parasympathetic system d) Central nervous system
21) Which of the following are formed against parasitic response
a) Annual ring b) Callus c) Galls d) Cork
22) The main transmitter for synapse that lie inside the central nervous system is
a) Serotonin b) Adrenaline c) Acetylcholine d) Dopamine
23) Ethene promotes
a) Abscission b) Flowering in pineapple
c) Closing of stomata d) Bud and seed dormancy
24) Terrestrial vertebrates detect the vibrations of ground by receptors in the
a) Skin b) Limbs c) Joints d) Sense organs
25) Metastasis is the establishment of secondary areas of growth by:
a) Getting into tissue through injury
b) Distribution of malignant cells through digestive system
c) Distribution of malignant cells through blood circulatory system
d) Using infected instruments
26) One of these is the example of autosomal non disjunction:
a) Turner’s syndrome b) Down’s syndrome
c) Meta female syndrome d) Jacob’s syndrome
1) Some animals regulate blood flow to skin specifically greater blood flow in warmth
to dissipate heat and lower in colds to economize heat loss. This is their
a) Structural adaptation b) Physiological adaptation
c) Bchavioural adaptation d) Environmental adaptation
2) Animals in which body temp. tends to fluctuate more or less with ambient
temperature when air or water temperature are changed, are known as
a) Homeotherms b) Poikilotherms
c) Endotherms d) Both a and b
3) Which one of the following parts of the plant body is known as Excretophore
a) Roots b) Stems c) Leaves d) Flower
4) Stones of the kidney can be removed by all of the following methods except
a) Lithotripsy b) Dialysis c) Surgery d) Special medicines
5) Terrestrial animals can tolerate dehydration and it differs in various animals. This
characteristic is known as
a) Hydrobiosis b) Anhydrosis c) Anhydrobiosis d) Dehydration
6) The Primary mechanism of excreting nitrogenous wastes in animal is
a) Ammonotely b) Ureotely c) Uricotely d) None of them
7) Precursor for the fixation of ammonia in urea cycle is:
a) Citrulline b) Arginine c) Ornithine d) Arginosuccinate
8) Amount of water required for the removal of urea as compared to ammonia is
th th th th
a) 1/10 b) 1/100 c) 1/1000 d) 1/10000
9) One of the following is not a treatment of Disc slip
a) Traction b) Pain killer c) Bed rest d) Exercise
10) Which one of the following are non striated, visceral and involuntary
a) Smooth muscles b) Skeletal muscles
c) Cardiac muscles d) Both a and b
11) The molecules of one of the following are arranged in two chains which twist around
each other like a twisted double strand of pearls
a) Troponin b) Tropomyosin c) Actin d) Myosin
12) The growing tip of young stem moves in a zig-zag fashion due to alternate changes
in growth on opposite side of the apex. This mode of growth is called
a) Epinasty b) Hyponasty c) Nutation d) Both a and b
13) The living cells of the cartilage are called:
a) Osteocytes b) Osteoblasts c) Chondrocytes d) Osteoclasts
14) Which is a paired bone of cranium
a) Occipital b) Sphenoid c) Parietal d) Ethmoid
15) Humerus forms ball and socket joint with
a) Radius b) Ulna c) Scapula d) Clavicle
16) Which of the following hormones play major role in phototropism
a) Auxin b) Gibberellins c) Abscisic acid d) Ethylene
17) Which one is correct for smell, taste and for blood CO2, oxygen
a) Thermo receptors b) Chemo receptors
c) Nociceptors d) Mechanoreceptors
18) In reflex action the direction of stimulus is from
a) Sensory neuron to receptors to motor neurons to effectors
b) Motor neuron to sensory neurons to receptors to effectors
c) Receptors to sensory neurons to association neuron to effectors
d) Association neurons to motor neuron to receptors
19) Several automatic functions like breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and
swallowing are controlled by
a) Cerebrum b) Medulla c) Pons d) Cerebellum
20) A few cranial nerves including the vagus nerve together with the nerves from the
bottom portion of spinal cord form the:
a) Sympathetic system b) Peripheral nervous system
c) Parasympathetic system d) Central nervous system
21) Which of the following are formed against parasitic response
a) Annual ring b) Callus c) Galls d) Cork
22) The main transmitter for synapse that lie inside the central nervous system is
a) Serotonin b) Adrenaline c) Acetylcholine d) Dopamine
23) Ethene promotes
a) Abscission b) Flowering in pineapple
c) Closing of stomata d) Bud and seed dormancy
24) Terrestrial vertebrates detect the vibrations of ground by receptors in the
a) Skin b) Limbs c) Joints d) Sense organs
25) Metastasis is the establishment of secondary areas of growth by:
a) Getting into tissue through injury
b) Distribution of malignant cells through digestive system
c) Distribution of malignant cells through blood circulatory system
d) Using infected instruments
26) One of these is the example of autosomal non disjunction:
a) Turner’s syndrome b) Down’s syndrome
c) Meta female syndrome d) Jacob’s syndrome
27) The mitotic apparatus microtubules are composed of:
a) Proteins b) Proteins and traces of DNA
c) DNA d) Proteins and traces of RNA
28) All of these would not balance the nutrient cycle except:
a) Decayed nutrients are not returned to ground
b) Biogeochemical cycle
c) Too much food is consumed
d) Not enough food is consumed
29) Total area of world under cultivation is :
a) 30% b) 75% c) 11% d) 89%
30) One of the following is not the abuse of land:
a) Fertilizers b) Industrialization c) Soil conservation d) Erosion
31) The gravitational pull of the moon on the water in seas and oceans is called:
a) Tidal power b) Hydroelectric power
c) Tide d) Ocean thermal gradient
32) Human culture commenced how many years ago
a) 200 years b) 5000 years c) 40,000 years d) 2000 years
) One of these is not environmental stress:
a) More people b) More aforestation
c) More industrialization d) More agriculture
34) Acid water drainage through soil may wash:
a) Sulphur dioxide b) Calcium and Nitrogen Dioxide
c) Nitrogen dioxide and Potassium d) Potassium and Calcium
35) Not all, but one of these is the result of nutritional deficiency:
a) AIDS b) Alzheimer’s disease
c) Kwashiorkor d) Cretinism
36) Eutrophication is encouraged by the increase of:
a) Phosphates b) Excreta c) Nitrates d) All
37) What number of atoms of chlorine would destroy one million ozone molecules:
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1
38) The total genetic information encoded in the total genes in breeding population
existing at given time:
a) Allele b) Jumping gene
c) Gene pool d) Pseudoautosomal genes
39) The number of chromosomes in female Ascaris incurve is
a) 35 b) 46 c) 42 d) 48
40) The proportion of recombinants type between two gene pairs as compared to the
sum of all combination is:
a) Law of independent assortment b) Hardy-Weinberg theorem
c) Recombinant frequency d) Law of segregation
41) In one of the following the xo male is sterile:
a) Grasshopper b) Protenor bug c) Man d) Drosophila
42) Who for the first time observed white eye mutant in Drosophila:
a) Correns b) Devaries c) Morgon d) Bridges
43) Bobbed eye genes are the example of :
a) Pseudoautosomal genes b) X- linked c) Y- linked d) Both b + c
44) Opsins located on the X chromosomes:
a) Red and green b) Red and blue
c) Blue and green d) Red, Blue and green
45) Historical remnant of structures that had important functions in ancestors but are
no longer essential presently:
a) Vestigial organs b) Rudimentary organs
c) Functionless organs d) All of these
46) In humans middle ear is connected with throat by:
a) Nasal sinuses b) Pharynx c) Eustachian tubes d) All of these
47) Among the birds Darwin collected 13 types of:
a) Robins b) Sparrows c) Finches d) Tortoises
48) One of the following has not yet been declared extinct in Pakistan:
a) Houbara bustard b) Tiger c) Crocodile d) Indian rhino
49) The number of endangered species of plants have been recorded to more than:
a) 100 b) 200 c) 400 d) 500
50) The functional unit of an ecosystem is:
a) Species b) Community c) Individual d) Population
51) The alternative method of obtaining food by an organism in an ecosystem is:
a) Food triangle b) Food exchange
c) Food decay d) Food web
52) The food chain and food web consist of upto:
a) 10 trophic level b) 8 trophic level
c) 5 trophic level d) 3-5 trophic level
53) Which one of these is not a lichen:
a) Permellia b) Lecanor c) Polytrichum d) Ramalina
54) Tortula is:
a) Crustose lichen b) Moss c) Foliose lichen d) Herb
55) One of the following zone is not present in deep lakes:
a) Littoral b) Limnetic c) Profundal d) None of these
56) The major plants of the deciduous rain forest are:
a) Pinus wallichiana b) Berberis lyceum c) Taxus bacata d) All
57) The grassland in tropical climates having woody trees:
a) Pampas b) Velds c) Prairies d) Savanna
58) Desertification in Sahel is due to:
a) Rapid growth of human population b) Rainfall below average c) Loss
of productivity d) All of these
59) Eutrophication causes:
a) Deprivation of oxygen b) More bacterial growth
c) Acidification d) All of these
60) The closing action of the leaves of venus fly trap is an example of:
a) Nyctinasty b) Photonasty c) Haptonasty d) Thermonasty
61) Shorter in size are found in seed coats and nut shells:
a) Vessels b) Tracheids c) Sclereids d) Fibers
62) In sunflower stem the vascular bundles are strengthened by additional
sclerenchyma fibers called:
a) Root cap b) Bundle cap c) Flower bud d) Steel rod
63) The built in mechanism by which an animal recognizes sign stimuli is called:
a) Learning b) Conditioned behavior c) Innate releasing d) All
c) Sertoli cells d) Germinal epithelial cells
64) The second meiotic division in the oocyte in female ovary proceeds as far as:
a) Anaphase b) Telophase c) Prophase d) Metaphase
65) All of the following females show oestrous cycle, except:
a) Dog b) Human being c) Monkey d) Cat
66) One of the following is ligated to release the body from mother:
a) Cervix b) Placenta c) Umbilical cord d) Chorion
67) Parts of apical meristems which get separated from apex by permanent tissues:
a) Inter calary meristem b) Lateral meristem
c) Axillary bud d) Leaf primordium
68) In the zone of elongation what does not happen:
a) Increase in cell wall plasticity
b) Reduction of wall pressure
c) Addition of new cytoplasm material
d) Stoppage of synthesis of cell wall material
69) The DNA strand that is transcribed is called:
a) Coding or sense strand b) Template or sense strand
c) Coding or antisense strand d) Template or antisense strand
70) The caps and tails save the mRNA from a variety of :
a) Peptidases b) Nucleases c) Phosphatases d) Nucleases and phosphatases
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