
Monday, 12 August 2013

Group V A and Group VI A Elements MCQ's Test 3

MCQ's with answers from chapter 4 Group V A and Group VI A Elements chemistry book 2 for FSC pre engineering and pre medical for Board of Intermediate and Secondary education. Also For Entry Test Preparation for UET, NUST, PIEAS, GIKI, AIR, FAST, WAH University, UHS, other eningeering Universities and Medical Colleges.

  1. Alkaline earth metal produces metal oxide on reacting with water
    1. Be
    2. Mg
    3. Ca
    4. Sr
  2. The hardness of water is usually expressed in
    1. Molality
    2. Molarity
    3. PPM
    4. Mole fration
  3. Dissociation of H2S in water is suppressed by the addition of HCL because
    1. H2S is weaker acid than HCL
    2. H2S is stronger acid than HCL
    3. HCl reacts chemically with H2S
    4. Size of H2S smaller than HCL
  4. The mass of urea required to prepare 1 dm3 of 10% urea solution.
    1. 60g
    2. 80g
    3. 90g
    4. 100
  5. Units of he rete constant dependes upon the.
    1. Molecularity of reaction
    2. Order of reaction
    3. Concentration terms
    4. Numberof reaction
  6.  The influence of temperature on the rate constant is given by
    1. Ostwald
    2. Henderson
    3. Arrhenius
    4. Van der waal
  7. All are factors which affect the rate of reaction except
    1. Nature of reactants
    2. Molecularity
    3. Temperature
    4. Concentration of reactants
  8. How many electrons can be accommodated into sub shell for which n=3 ,l=1
    1. 6
    2. 8
    3. 10
    4. 18

  1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a 

  1. Catalytic oxidation of CH4 gives:
    1. Formic acid
    2. Ethanoic acid
    3. Carbon black
    4. CO
  2. Aryls are the dirivatives of:
    1. Normal series of paraffins
    2. Alkene
    3. Benzene
    4. Cyclohexane
  3. The number of moles of CH4 which contains 3.0g of Carbon
    1. 1.0
    2. 0.75
    3. 0.5
    4. 0.25
  4. Chemical reactions involve
    1. Electron
    2. Proton
    3. Neutron
    4. nucleus
  5. Which of the following is not matching pair
    1. Residue, filtrate
    2. Stationary phase, mobile phase
    3. Sublimand, sublimate
    4. Crystal, solution
  6. In dempster mass spectrometer, the deflection of positive ions of isotopes of an element on the ion collector is not based upon
    1. m/e ratio
    2. strength of electric field
    3. strength of magnetic field
    4. e/m ratio
  7. Which one of the following gasses shows more deviation from ideal behavior
    1. He
    2. N2
    3. H2
    4. CO2
  8. The correct set of quantum numbers for unpaired electron in sodium atom is
                n                      l                 m
  1.         2                      1                0
  2.         3                      0                0
  3.         2                      1                1
  4.         3                      0                1

   1. a 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. d 6. d 7. d 8. b

  1. The SI unit of ‘a ‘ and ‘b’ constant in vander Waal’s gas equation is
    1. Atm dm6 mol-2 and m3 mol-1
    2. Dm-3 mol-1 and Nm4 mol-2
    3. Nm4 mol-2 and m3 mol-1
    4. All of these
  2. The original volume of a gas at 00C is 273 cm3 at constant pressure. Its volume at 2730C becomes
    1. Zero cm3
    2. 546 cm3
    3. 446 cm3
    4. 346 cm3
  3. When slow moving neutrons hit the Cu-metal the following nuclear reaction takes place. 65  6529Cu+10nà 6629Cu+______ then  what type of radiations are emitted
    1. α-rays
    2. β-rays
    3. γ-rays
    4. radiowave
  4. when electron of H-atom falls from all the possible higher levels to n=1, then photons of radiation emitted in the region of
    1. UV
    2. Visible
    3. IR
    4. Radio wave

1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a

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