
Monday, 22 July 2013

UHS sample paper 2010 Physics

Entrance Self Test 2010


        1.       When a helium atom loses an electron it becomes:
a.       An alpha particle.
b.      Proton
c.       A positive helium ion
d.      A negative helium ion

   2.       Beta ray emitted by a radioactive substance is
a.       An electron which was existing outside the nucleus.
b.      An electron which was existing inside the nucleus .
c.       An electron emitted by the nucleus as a result of the decay of neutron inside the nucleus.
d.      A pulse of electromagnetic wave

         3.       An electric charge in uniform motion produces
a.       An electric field.
b.      A magnetic field
c.       Both magnetic and electric fields.
d.      Neither magnetic nor electric fields
         4.       What is emitted by a hot metal filament in cathode ray tube?
a.       X-ray
b.      Proton
c.       Electron
d.      Photon

         5.       If the mass of the bob of a pendulum is doubled its time period is
a.       Halved
b.      doubled
c.       Unchanged
d.      Increases four times

         6.       The centre of Newton rings is dark due to
a.       Polarization
b.      Destructive interference
c.       Constructive interference
d.      Reflection

         7.       Which one is most stable element on the basis of binding energy
a.       Sn
b.      Ba
c.       Kr
d.      Fe

         8.       Resistance in RC circuit of time constant 2 second in 1000 ohm. What is value of C in the circuit?
a.       2 micro farad
b.      20 micro farad
c.       200 micro farad
d.      2000 micro farad

         9.       The Lenz’s law refers to induced
a.       Emf.
b.      Resistance
c.       Shear
d.      Currents

        10.   In which of the following, out put is similar to NAND gate if input A=0 and input B=1.
a.       NOR
b.      XNOR
c.       XOR.
d.      Both b and c

       11.   For atomic hydrogen spectrum, which of the following series lies in visible region of electromagnetic spectrum?
a.       Lyman series.
b.      Paschen series.
c.       Balmer series.
d.      Bohr series

       12.   _______ are the particles that experience strong nuclear force
a.       Electrons.
b.      Muons.
c.       Neutrinos.
d.      Neutrons

       13.   The vertical velocity of ball thrown upward________ with time
a.       Decreases linearly.
b.      Remains constant.
c.       Doubles
d.      Decreases parabolic ally

       14.   The force required to bend the normally straight path of a particle into a circular path is called ___force
a.       Traveling
b.      Bending
c.       Centrifugal
d.      Centripetal

       15.   A disc at rest without slipping, rolls down a hill of height (3x9.8)m. what is its speed in m/sec when it reaches at the bottom?
a.       11.4
b.      19.6
c.       22.8
d.      9.8s

       16.   Tuning of the radio is the best example of electrical__
a.       Resonance
b.      Resistance
c.       Current
d.      None of these

       17.   A standing wave pattern is formed when the length of string is an integral multiple of ___wavelength
a.       Triple
b.      Full
c.       Half
d.      Double

        18.   Which of the following lights travels the fastest in optical fibers?
a.       Visible light.
b.      Invisible infra-red
c.       Ultra-violet.
d.      Ordinary light.

        19.   The algebraic sum of potential changes in a closed circuit is zero is Kirchhoff’s ___rule
a.       First
b.      Second
c.       Third
d.      None of these

        20.   In LED when an electron combines with a __during forward bias conduction, a photon of visible light is emitted
a.       High voltage
b.      Photon
c.       Hole
d.      Positron

         21.   For photons of energy greater than 1.02 MeV the probability of pair production occurrence_ as the energy increases.
a.       Increase.
b.      Completely diminishes
c.       Reduces to half
d.      Remains unchanged

        22.   The neutron is assumed to be made of
a.       One up quark and two down quarks.
b.      Two up quarks and two down quarks.
c.       Two up quarks and one down quark
d.      One up quark and one down quark

        23.   An_______ missile is called a ballistic missile
a.       Un- powered and guided
b.      Unguided and powered
c.       Powered and guided
d.      Un powered and unguided

        24.   Two cylinders of equal mass are made from same material. The one with the larger diameter accelerates__ the other under the action of same torque
a.       Faster than.
b.      Slower than
c.       Equal to
d.      None of these
        25.   The angular frequency of simple pendulum is directly proportional to
a.       l
b.      1/l
c.       Square root l
d.      Square root 1/l

        26.   Two waves of slightly different frequencies and traveling in same direction produce
a.       Interference
b.      Polarization
c.       Stationary waves.
d.      Beats

         27.   A single mode step index fiber has core of about_________ micro m diameter
a.       50 to 1000
b.      50
c.       30
d.      5

        28.   A 5 ohm resistor is indicated by a single ___color band around its body
a.       Red
b.      Green
c.       Blue
d.      Brown

        29.   Practically __current flows in a reverse biased pn junction
a.       No.
b.      Very large
c.       Few mill amperes.
d.      Both

       30.   Cesium coated oxidized silver emits electrons for _____light.
a.       Infrared
b.      Ultraviolet
c.       Visible
d.      Green

        31.   The cobalt is absorbed by
a.       Bones
b.      Skin
c.       Liver
d.      Thyroid gland

        32.   In a step down transformer the output current ____
a.       Is reduced
b.      Is increased
c.       Remains same
d.      None of these

        33.   Force in terms of base units is expressed as
a.       Kg m/s2
b.      Kg m2/s2
c.       Kg m2/s3
d.      None of these

        34.   100 joules work has been done by an agency in 10 seconds. What is power of agency?
a.       1000 watt
b.      100
c.       10 watt
d.      0.10 watt

        35.   The acceleration is proportional to the displacement and is directed towards mean position in ____motion
a.       Gravity
b.      Simple harmonic
c.       Uniform
d.      Projectile

        36.   In gases the speed of sound is inversely proportional to _____ of the density when other factors are same
a.       Square root
b.      Square
c.       Third power
d.      Third root

        37.   A watch maker uses___ to repair the watches
a.       Telescope
b.      Convex mirror
c.       Convex lens
d.      Concave lens

       38.   A 2m long pipe is open at both ends. What is second harmonic frequency?
a.       42.5 Hz.
b.      85 hz
c.       220 Hz
d.      None of these

       39.   A wire has resistance 100 ohm at 0 degree centigrade and 200 ohm at 100 degree centigrade. What is its temperature coefficient in K-1?
a.       -0.01.
b.      -1/273
c.       0.01
d.      1/273

        40.   The net magnetic field created by the electrons within an atom is due to the field created by their_ motion.
a.       Orbital
b.      Spin
c.       Orbital and spin
d.      Orbital x spin

        41.   At high temperature, the proportion of _____ wavelength radiation increase
a.       AM radio
b.      Long radio
c.       Shorter
d.      Both A and C

        42.   In photoelectric effect removal of photons is observed at________ energies.
a.       Low
b.      High
c.       Intermediate
d.      Both a and c

        43.   Which device is the most efficient?
a.       Nuclear reactor
b.      Storage battery
c.       Silicon solar cell
d.      Dry battery cell

        44.   The units of E in E = mc2 are
a.       Kg m /s2
b.      Kg m2/s-2
c.       N m /s2
d.      Both b and c

        45.   Work done on a body equals change in its__ energy
a.       Total
b.      Potential
c.       Kinetic
d.      All of these

       46.   A pipe varies uniformly in diameter from 2 m to 4m an incompressible fluid enters the pipe with velocity 16m/sec. what is velocity of fluid when it leaves the pipe?
a.       64 m/sec
b.      32 m/sec
c.       8 m/sec
d.      4 m/sec

       47.   Transverse waves can not be setup in
a.       Metals
b.      Solids
c.       Fluids
d.      Soil

       48.   The ratio of the ____ is called magnification.
a.       Image size to object size
b.      Object size to image size
c.       Eyepiece size to object size
d.      None of these

        49.   Which of the following has the highest resistivity?
a.       Germanium
b.      Silver
c.       Copper
d.      Platinum

        50.   An n type semi conductor is made by doping silicon crystal with_____
a.       Indium
b.      Aluminum
c.       Arsenic
d.      Both b and c

         51.   Objects can not be accelerated to the speed of light in free space is consequence of
a.       Mass variation
b.      Energy mass relationship
c.       Inertia forces
d.      All of these

         52.   A certain radioactive mass decays from 64 gm to 2 gm in 20 days. What is its half life?
a.       5 days
b.      4 days
c.       10 days
d.      6 days

        53.   If inductance is denoted by L and resistance by R, which of the following is true for a choke?
a.       R is large , L is very small
b.      R is very small, L is large
c.       Both R and L are large
d.      Both R and L are very small

        54.   A force 2i+j has moved its point of application from(2,3) to (6,5). What is work done?
a.       -10
b.      10
c.       -18
d.      18

        55.   The escape velocity corresponds to __ energy gained by body, which carries it to an infinite distance from the surface of earth.
a.       Total
b.      Potential
c.       Initial kinetic
d.      None of these

         56.   The drag force decreases as the speed of an object moving through fluid______
a.       Increases
b.      Decreases
c.       Remains constant
d.      Both b and c

         57.   Light year is a measure of
a.       Distance
b.      Time
c.       Intensity of light
d.      Velocity

         58.   A yellow light of wavelength 500 mm emitted by a single source passes through two narrow    slits 1 mm apart. How far apart are two adjacent bright fringes when interference is observed on    a screen 10 m away?
a.       5 mm
b.      1.33 mm
c.       0.5 mm
d.      50 mm

         59.   The heat produced by a current I in the wire of resistance R during time interval t is
a.       I2/Rt.
b.      I2Rt
c.       I2/R/t
d.      IR2t.

         60.   Which of the following is the most ductile?
a.       Glass.
b.      Copper
c.       Cast iron
d.      High carbon steel


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