
Saturday, 27 July 2013

Introduction to assembly language programming & an overview of MPLAB-IDE

Introduction to assembly language programming & an overview of MPLAB-IDE
Assembly Language:
·         Referred to as a low-level-language
·         deals directly with the internal structure of CPU
·         deals with registers, memory addresses and call stacks
·         all registers of CPU must be known by programmer
·         Each statement corresponds to a single machine code instruction
·         mnemonics or opcode (codes & abbreviations) are easier to remember than machine code
·         Translated into machine code by an Assembler

High Level Language:
·         C, C++ and Java are more structured & closer to spoken languages
·         Strong abstraction from the detail of the CPU
·         deals with variables, arrays, objects, functions, loops
·         No need to understand detailed architecture of CPU e.g. c=a+b
·         Translated into machine code by compiler

Structure of Assembly Language:
·         Consists of mnemonics (OPCODE), optionally followed by one or two operands
·         Mnemonics are commands to CPU, operands are data items being manipulated

[Label]             mnemonics      [operands]       [; comments]
Label: allows the program to refer to a line of code by name

HERE ADDLW          B’00000110’   ; W=W+6
               GOTO              HERE
            A software program, also called an IDE which provides a single integrated “Environment” to develop code for “Microchip” microcontrollers.
Steps from design to implementation can be done flawlessly within the single environment.

Code is written, tested and then modified; it is also called development cycle

Components of MPLAB-IDE:
MPLAB-IDE includes:
Ø  Full-featured programmer’s text editor that also serves as a window into the debugger.
Ø  Project manager (visible as the Project window) that provides integration and communication between the IDE and the language tools.
Ø  Assembler converts instructions into machine code. Error file & object files are created.
Ø  Linker takes object files and produce hex file, list file, map files & debug files. (List file shows binary & source code, map file shows memory layout of used & unused memory locations)
Ø  Debugger engine (uses debug file) that provides breakpoints, single stepping, Watch windows and all the features of a modern debugger. The debugger works in conjunction with debug tools, both software and hardware.
Ø  The simulator is actually composed of several device-specific simulator executables. MPLAB X IDE decides which one to use based on your project’s device.

Optional components can be acquired or purchased to work with the MPLAB X IDE:
• Compiler Language Tools
MPLAB C compilers from Microchip provide fully integrated, optimized code for PIC MCUs. Compiled code that is automatically loaded into the target debugger for instant testing and verification.
• Programmers
MPLAB PM3 programmer, PICkit™ 2, PICkit 3 and MPLAB ICD 3 in-circuit debuggers; and MPLAB REAL ICE™ in-circuit emulator can program code into target devices.
• In-Circuit Debuggers and Emulators

PICkit™ 2, PICkit 3 and MPLAB ICD 3 in-circuit debuggers, and MPLAB REAL ICE™ in-circuit emulator can be used to debug application code on target devices. By using some of the on-chip resources, they can download code into a target microcontroller inserted in the application, set breakpoints, single step and monitor registers and variables. The emulator includes additional debug features, such as trace.

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