
Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Chemistry MCQ's test 4

Chemistry full book test
Here is another test for entry test preparation for NUST, PIEAS, UHS, LUMS, GIKI, FAST, AIR, UET, Medical Colleges and Engineering Universities. These are also very helpful for annual exams.

1. Alkaline earth metal produces metal oxide on reacting with water
    A) Be
    B) Mg
    C) Ca
    D) Sr

2. The hardness of water is usually expressed in

    A) Molality
    B) Molarity
    C) PPM
    D) Mole fraction

3. Dissociation of H2S in water is suppressed by the addition of HCL because

    A) H2S is weaker acid than HCL
    B) H2S is stronger acid than HCL
    C) HCl reacts chemically with H2S
    D) Size of H2S smaller than HCl

4. The mass of urea required to prepare 1 dm3 of 10% urea solution.

    A) 60g
    B) 80g
    C) 90g
    D) 100

5. Units of he rete constant dependes upon the.

    A) Molecularity of reaction
    B) Order of reaction
    C) Concentration terms
    D) Number of reaction

6. The influence of temperature on the rate constant is given by

    A) Ostwald
    B) Henderson
    C) Arrhenius
    D) Van der Waal

7. All are factors which affect the rate of reaction except

    A) Nature of reactiants
    B) molecularity
    C) Temperature
    D) Concentration of reactants

8. Catalytic oxidation of CH4 gives:

    A) Formic acid
    B) Ethanoic acid
    C) Carbon black
    D) Co

9. How many electrons can be accommodated into sub shell for which n=3, l=1

    A) 6
    B) 8
    C) 10
    D) 18

10. Aryls are the dirivatives of:

    A) Normal series of paraffins
    B) Alkene
    C) Benzene
    D) Cyclohexane

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