University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila Merit list 2012

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University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila Merit list 2012 


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Chemistry MCQ's test 5

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Chemistry full book test
Here is another test for entry test preparation for NUST, PIEAS, UHS, LUMS, GIKI, FAST, AIR, UET, Medical Colleges and Engineering Universities. These are also very helpful for annual exams.

1. The number of moles of CH4 which contains 3.0g of Carbon
    A) 1.0
    B) 0.75
    C) 0.5
    D) 0.25

2. Chemical reactions involve

    A) Electron
    B) Proton
    C) Neutron
    D) Nucleus

3. Which of the following is not matching pair

    A) Residue, filtrate
    B) Stationary phase, mobile phase
    C) Sublimand, sublimate
    D) Crystal, solution

4. In dempster mass spectrometer, the deflection of positive ions of isotopes of an element on the ion collector is not based upon

    A) m/e ratio
    B) strength of electric field
    C) strength of magnetic field
    D) e/m ratio

5. Which one of the following gasses shows more deviation from ideal behavior

    A) He
    B) N2
    C) H2
    D) CO2

6. The correct set of quantum numbers for unpaired electron in sodium atom is

    A) n=2, l=1, m=0
    B) n=3, l=0, m=0
    C) n=2, l=1, m=1
    D) n=3, l=1, m=1

7. The SI unit of a and b constant in vander Waals gas equation is

    A) Atm dm6 mol-2 and m3 mol-1
    B) Dm-3 mol-1 and Nm4 mol-2
    C) Nm4 mol-2 and m3 mol-1
    D) All of these

8. The original volume of a gas at 0 C is 273 cm3 at constant pressure. Its volume at 273 C becomes

    A) zero cm3
    B) 546 cm
    C) 446m3
    D) 346 cm3

9. When slow moving neutrons hit the Cu-metal the following nuclear reaction takes place. 65 65 1 66 Cu+ n‡ Cu+______ then what type of radiations are emitted 29 0 29

    A) alpha rays
    B) beta rays
    C) gamma rays
    D) radiowave

10. when electron of H-atom falls from all the possible higher levels to n=1, then photons of radiation emitted in the region of

    A) UV
    B) Visible
    C) IR
    D) Radio wave


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Chemistry MCQ's test 4

20:50:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Chemistry full book test
Here is another test for entry test preparation for NUST, PIEAS, UHS, LUMS, GIKI, FAST, AIR, UET, Medical Colleges and Engineering Universities. These are also very helpful for annual exams.

1. Alkaline earth metal produces metal oxide on reacting with water
    A) Be
    B) Mg
    C) Ca
    D) Sr

2. The hardness of water is usually expressed in

    A) Molality
    B) Molarity
    C) PPM
    D) Mole fraction

3. Dissociation of H2S in water is suppressed by the addition of HCL because

    A) H2S is weaker acid than HCL
    B) H2S is stronger acid than HCL
    C) HCl reacts chemically with H2S
    D) Size of H2S smaller than HCl

4. The mass of urea required to prepare 1 dm3 of 10% urea solution.

    A) 60g
    B) 80g
    C) 90g
    D) 100

5. Units of he rete constant dependes upon the.

    A) Molecularity of reaction
    B) Order of reaction
    C) Concentration terms
    D) Number of reaction

6. The influence of temperature on the rate constant is given by

    A) Ostwald
    B) Henderson
    C) Arrhenius
    D) Van der Waal

7. All are factors which affect the rate of reaction except

    A) Nature of reactiants
    B) molecularity
    C) Temperature
    D) Concentration of reactants

8. Catalytic oxidation of CH4 gives:

    A) Formic acid
    B) Ethanoic acid
    C) Carbon black
    D) Co

9. How many electrons can be accommodated into sub shell for which n=3, l=1

    A) 6
    B) 8
    C) 10
    D) 18

10. Aryls are the dirivatives of:

    A) Normal series of paraffins
    B) Alkene
    C) Benzene
    D) Cyclohexane


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Chemistry MCQ's Test 3

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Chemistry Full Book Test
Here is another test for entry test preparation for NUST, PIEAS, UHS, LUMS, GIKI, FAST, AIR, UET, Medical Colleges and Engineering Universities. These are also very helpful for annual exams.

1. All the periodic properties have same periodicity except
    A) Ionization energy
    B) Electron affinity
    C) Electronegativity
    D) Atomic radius

2. Which one of the following has incomplete octet

    A) NF3
    B) BH3
    C) O2
    D) N2

3. Which of following is correct order of decreasing energy units

    A) Erg>cal>j
    B) Erg>J>cal
    C) Cal>J>erg
    D) J>cal>erg

4. The substance which can act as oxidizing as well as reducing agent is/are:

    A) H2O2
    B) O3
    C) NH2---NH2
    D) HNO3

5. Which of the following is incorrect about fermentation

    A) Exothermic process
    B) Optimum temperatures 25-35 C
    C) Proper aeration
    D) Concentration of the above

6. Cannizzaros reaction is given by

    A) C6H5CHO
    B) C6H5COCH3
    C) C6H5COOH
    D) NONE

7. During hydrogenation of oils which of the following catalyst is use

    A) Pd
    B) Fe
    C) Ni
    D) V2O5

8. Which of following period contains element of all blocks

    A) 2
    B) 4
    C) 5
    D) 6

9. Isotopes are sister atoms of same which are similar with respect to the followings except:

    A) Atomic number
    B) m/e value
    C) chemical properties
    D) position in periodic table

10. Loss of a particle is equibalent to

    A) Increase in number of protons by one
    B) Decrease in number of neutrons by one
    C) Change in atomic mass by one unit
    D) none


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Chemistry MCQ's Test 2

20:42:00 Unknown 2 Comments

Chemistry full Book Test Here is another test from chemistry for the preparation of entry test for UET, NUST, AIR, PIEAS, Engineering Universities and Medical colleges.
1. In an accident at a factory, some nitric acid was spilt. Which substance, when added in excess, would neutralize the acid without leaving an alkaline solution.
    A) Aquous ammonia
    B) Calcium carbonate
    C) Sodium Carbonate
    D) Aqueous sodium hydroxide

2. The alkene which produces only ketones upon ozonolysis?
    A) Ethane
    B) Propene
    C) 2-butene
    D) none

3. N +3H ààÜ 2NH + heat. The activation energy for the forward as well as backward reaction is 2 2 áàà 3 decreased by 100 J, then the equilibrium amount of NH3 will
    A) Increase
    B) Decrease
    C) Remains constant
    D) Cannot prdict

4. Which among the following is correct about the energy sequence( in case of H-atom)
    A) 3s B) 3s=3p=3d
    C) 3s>3p>3d
    D) 3s>3p<3d>

5. Which of the following is the b3est method of separating the mixture of inks?
    A) Centrifuging
    B) Chromatography
    C) Distillation
    D) Filtration

6. How many moles of oxygen O2 are needed for the complete combustion of 2 moles of Butane, C H 4 10
    A) 2
    B) 10
    C) 8
    D) 13

7. When aqueous ammonium chloride was heated with aqueous Y, a gas which turned Universal Indicator paper blue was evolved. Which ion must have been present in Y?
    A) Cl-
    B) H+
    C) OH-
    D) Na+

8. Which of the following is not an industrial use of chlorine
    A) Making cooking slats
    B) Making domestic bleaches
    C) Making hydrochloric acid
    D) Making PVC plastics

9. When acetone and chloroform are mixed, hydrogen bonding takes place between then; such a liquid pair will cause
    A) Positive deviation from Raoults law
    B) Negative deviation from Raoults law
    C) Obeys Raoults law
    D) Cannot be predicts

10. Which salt when added in water decreases the pH of solution.
    A) Na2SO4
    B) CuSO4
    C) Na2BO7
    D) K2CO3


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20:32:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Here are the formulae from Physics, chemistry and Biology. These are very important for entry test preparation also for FSc exams.


v = u + at
v² = u² + 2as
s = ut + ½at²

F = ma

F = Gm1m2/r2

a = v2/r

Static friction = FN mS

Dynamic friction = FN mD

MA = load/effort = number of supporting ropes in a frictionless pulley system

VR = distance moved by effort / distance moved by load = number of supporting ropes

Efficiency = work out / work in

Moment = F x perpendicular distance to pivot point

Momentum = mv

Smv before collision = Smv after collision

Impulse = Ft

PE = mgh

KE = ½mv2

Work done = Fd

Power = Fd/t

Dl = kF

Y = stress / strain = (F/A) / (Dl/l)

S = stress / strain = (perpendicular F/A) / (Dx/l)

B = stress / strain = DP / (DV/V)

f µ Ö (k/m)

T = 2p Ö (l/g)

r = m/V

Upward force on a body = weight of fluid displaced by that body

Hydrostatic pressure = rgh

r1A1v1 = r2A2v2

P1 + rgh1 + ½rv12 = P2 + rgh2 + ½rv22

Velocity of sound in a fluid, v = Ö (B/r)

v µ Ö (T/mw)

Velocity of sound in a solid = Ö (Y/r)

Velocity of a wave in a taut string = Ö (tension/[mass/length])

dB = 10log10(I/10-12)

Beat frequency = difference between the two frequencies

f' = f(C±Vd / C±Vs)

F = kq1q2/r²

E = F/q

Between two parallel plates, E = V/d
Concerning a point charge, E = kq/r²

V = Fd/q

V = IR

For resistors in series, RT = R1 + R2 + R3 + ...

For resistors in parallel, 1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + ...

Resistivity = RA/l

C = q/V = permitivity x A/d

For capacitors in series, 1/CT = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3 + ...

For capacitors in parallel, CT = C1 + C2 + C3 + ...

P = IV

If a.c., P = (Imax/Ö2) (Vmax/Ö2) = Imax Vmax/2

n1sin i = n2sin r

1/f = 1/u + 1/v

Lens power = 1/f where f is the focal length in m. Lens power is measured in diopters.

Two lenses in contact: 1/F = 1/f1 + 1/f2

E = hf

At = Aoe-kt

t½ = ln2/k


Number of moles = mass in grams / molecular weight

PV = nRT

KE µ T

v µ Ö(T/mw)

PT = P1 + P2 + P3 + ...

P = mole fraction of solvent x Po

DP = mole fraction of solute x Po

DTBP = kb (molality of solute particles)

DTFP = -kf (molality of solute particles)

Osmotic Pressure = RT [molarity of solute particles]

pH = -log10[H+]

pOH = -log10[OH-]

Kw = [H+] [OH-] = 10-14 (at 25oC)

Ka = [H+] [A-] / [HA]

pKa = -log10Ka

Kb = [HA] [OH-] / [A-]

pKb = -log10Kb

Ka Kb = 10-14

pKa + pKb = pKw = 14

pH = pKa + log10[A-]/[HA]

DE = q - w


DG = DG° + RTlnQ

Keq = eDG°/-RT

Reaction Order
Integrated Forms
dA/dt = k
At = A0 - kt
dA/dt = kA
At = A0e-kt
dA/dt = kA2
1/At = (1/A0) + kt

E = E° - (RT/nF)lnQ = E° - (0.026/n)lnQ

Keq = enFE°/RT

DG° = -nFE°


p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 


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Chemistry MCQ's Test 1

18:51:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Chemistry MCQ's Test 1

1. Which substance in cement has greater percentage?
    A) Magnesia
    B) Alumina
    C) Lime
    D) Silica

2. What is maximum no.lof electron in an orbital with m( magnetic quantum number)=3

    A) 6
    B) 4
    C) 3
    D) 2

3. Rectified spirit is an example of ______________ mixture

    A) Azeotropic
    B) Zeotropic
    C) Ideal
    D) Equilibrium

4. Which of the following rays has greater frequency

    A) Alpha rays
    B) Beta rays
    C) Gamma rays
    D) x rays

5. Fruit juices and Fizzy drinks such as lemonade are often sold in aluminum cans. What is the most important reason aluminum is a suitable metal?

    A) Aluminum can be recycled
    B) Aluminum has very low density
    C) Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the earth crust
    D) Aluminum is resistant to corrosion by organic acids

6. Which of the following should not be used with hydrochloric acid to prepare zinc

    A) Zinc carbonate
    B) Zinc metal
    C) Zinc hydroxide
    D) Zinc nitrate

7. Which of the following will not give iodoform reaction?

    A) 2-methyl-1-Butanol
    B) Ethanal
    C) Methyl ethyl ketone
    D) 3-Methyl-2-propanol

8. Two different hydrocarbons each contain the same percentage by mass of hydrogen. It follows that they have the same

    A) Empirical formula
    B) Number of atoms in a molecule
    C) Number of isomers
    D) Relative molecular mass

9. Which of the following metals has an oxide that cannot be reduced by heating with magnesium?

    A) Calcium
    B) Copper
    C) Iron
    D) Silver

10. Which of the following statement is not correct

    A) The electronic configuration of Cr is[Ar] 3d 4s
    B) The magnetic quantum number may have negative value
    C) In silver,23 electrons have a spin of one type and 24 of the opposite type
    D) The oxidation state of hydrogen in NH3 is +3


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Elecromagnetism MCQ's 1

17:35:00 Unknown 0 Comments

    MCQ's from chapter 14 Electromagnetism book 2 physics 12. Read questios carefully.
        1.       A source of a magnetic field is
a.       An isolated magnetic pole
b.      A static electric charge
c.       A  moving electric charge
d.      None of these

        2.       The magnetic effect of current was discovered by
a.       Farady
b.      Oersted
c.       Bohr
d.      ampere

        3.       The due to long straight wire carrying a current I is proportional to
a.       I
b.      I –
c.       Square root I
d.      I3

        4.       The4 SI units of magnetic permeability is
a.       Wb /m2z
b.      Wb/mA
c.       WbA/m
d.      Wbm/A
        5.       Magnetic field inside a solenoid is
a.       Directly proportional to current
b.      Inversely proportional to current
c.       Directrly proiportioanl to its length
d.      Inverseluy proportional to total no. of turns

        6.       A long solenoid has 20 turns/cm. the current necessary to produce a magnetic field of 20 milli tesla inside the solenoid is approximately
a.       1A
b.      2A
c.       4A
d.      8A

        7.       Ion of different momenta having the same charge, enter normally a uniform magnetic field the radius of the orbit of an ion is proportional to
a.       P
b.      1/P
c.       P2
d.      1/P2

       8.       A straight current carrying conductor experiences maximum force in a uniform magnetic field when it is placed
a.       Parallel to the field
b.      Perpendicular to field
c.       At na angle of 45 to the filed
d.      None of he above

       9.       The force F experienced by a conductor of length L carrying current when placed in  uniform magnetic field B is given by the relation
a.       F = ILxB
b.      F = IL.B
c.       F = IL/B
d.      F = Lx B/I

       10.   Telsla is the unit of
a.       Magnetic induction ofr flux density
b.      Self inductance
c.       Magnetic flux
d.      None of these

        11.   Total number of lines of magnetic induction passing normally through a given area is called
a.       Magnetic induction
b.      Flux density
c.       Magnetic flux
d.      Magnetic force

        12.   The SI units of magnetic flux is
a.       Weber
b.      N/mA
c.       Tesla
d.      Gauss

        13.   Magnetic flux and flux density are related by
a.       Flux density = flux X area
b.      Flux density = flux /area
c.       Flux density = flux – area
d.      None of these

       14.   The SI unit of flux density is
a.       Weber- m2
b.      Tesla
c.       N/mA
d.      All of them

        15.   Which of the following is scalar?
a.       Magnetic flux
b.      Flux density
c.       Emf
d.      Both a and c

       16.   The magnetic field inside the solenoid along its axis due to current is
a.       Zero
b.      Non uniform
c.       Infinite line
d.      Strong and uniform

       17.   Lenz’s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of
a.       Charge
b.      Mass
c.       Momentum
d.      Energy

       18.   The force experienced by a charged particle moving with velocity V in a magnetic field B is
a.       F = q V.B
b.      F= VX B/q
c.       Q(VXB)
d.      None of these

        19.   The force experienced by a charged particle moving in a magnetic field will be maximum when it moves
a.       Parallel to the field
b.      Anti parallel to its direction of motion
c.       Perpendicular to the field
d.      At and angle of 45 to the field
       20.   The direction of force experienced by a charged particle moving in magnetic field will be
a.       Parallel ot the field
b.      Opposite to the field
c.       Parallel to its direction of motion

d.      Perpendicular to both the field and the velocity vector


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Electromagnetism MCQ's 2

17:35:00 Unknown 0 Comments

     Here are MCQ's form Electromagnetism chapter 14 physics book 2 for the preparation of entry test of all engineering universies and Medical Colleges.
     1.       The Lorentz force or a charged particle moving in an electric flux F and magnetic filed B is given
a.       F = Fe +Fb
b.      F = Fe – Fb
c.       F =  Fe/Fb
d.      F = fe X Fb

      2.       The force experienced by an electron projected in a magnetic field B with a velocity V is given by
a.       F = eVXB
b.      F = -e V X B
c.       F = e B X V
d.      Both b and c

      3.       Charge to mass ratio (e/m) of a charged particle is also called its
a.       Specific charge
b.      Specific force
c.       Gyro magnetic ratio
d.      Magneto mechanical ratio

     4.       Which one of the following cannot be measure with an avometer?
                a.       Voltage (V)
                b.      Inductance (H)
                c.       Resistance (ohm)
                d.      Current (A)

     5.       Which one of the following particles projected perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field with
the same velocity will be deflected least?
               a.       Electron
               b.      Proton
               c.       Deuteron
               d.      None of these

      6.       A positively charged particle is moving perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field the magnetic force makes the particle to move along
a.       An elliptical path
b.      A circular path
c.       A parabolic path
d.      None of these

     7.       The working of all DC electric meters (galvanometers, ammeters and voltmeters) depends upon
a.       Heating effect of current
b.      Chemical eff3ect of current
c.       Magnetic field of current
d.      Electromagnetic effect of current

    8.       According to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
a.       Electric field is produced by time varying magnetic flux
b.      Magnetic field is produced by time varying electric flux
c.       Magnetic field is associated with a moving charge
d.      None of the above

     9.       A magnetic field
a.       Always exerts a force on a charged particle
b.      Never exerts a force on a charged particle
c.       Exerts a force on a charged particle if it is moving across the magnetic lines of force
d.      Exerts a force on a charged particle if it is moving along the magnetic lines of force

     10.   Magnetic permeability is maximum for
a.       Diamagnetic substances
b.      Paramagnetic substances
c.       Ferromagnetic substances
d.      All of these

     11.   The magnetic field used in a moving coil galvanometer is
a.       Longitudinal
b.      Radial
c.       Transverse
d.      Non of these

     12.   The galvanometer constant of a moving coil galvanometer is given by
a.       K = BAN/C
b.      K = BN/Ca
c.       K = NAC/B
d.      K = C/BAN

     13.   If the value of galvanometer constant k =C/BAN is made small the galvanometer can be made
a.       Sensitive
b.      Accurate
c.       Stable
d.      None of these
     14.   When a suitable small resistance is put in parallel with the galvanometer coil, it is converted
a.       Voltmeter
b.      Avometer
c.       Ammmerter
d.      None of these

     15.   A small parallel resistance (shunt) used to convert a galvano0meter into an ammeter of suitable rang is given by
a.       Rs = lg/l + lg X Rg
b.      Rs = lg/l – lg X rg
c.       Rs = l + lg/lg X Rg
d.      Rs = lg/l-lg – Rs

     16.   To increase the range of ammeter, the shunt value should be
a.       Decreased
b.      Increased
c.       Kept constant and Rg should be increased
d.      None of these

     17.   When a high resistance is connected in series with the galvanometer coil, it is converted into
a.       Voltmeter
b.      Avometer
c.       Digital meter ammeter
d.      Ammeter

     18.   To increase the measuring range of a voltmeter, the series resistance should be
a.       Increased
b.      Decreased
c.       Kept constant and Rg should be increased
d.      None of these

    19.   Flow of a current at right angled to the filed per meter length of conductor will produce a
magnetic strength of
                a.       1 Gauss
                b.      1 Tesla
                c.       1 joule
                d.      Newton

    20.   Magnetic flux is
a.       0.25 Wb
b.      0.25 T
c.       2 Wb

d.      2T


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